The bright morning, fresh air, and the car chase that is indispensable in the free and beautiful country.

Xiaoban's shapeshifting monster attached to a motorcycle and chased after the robbers in a convertible.

The old broken car and several police cars followed closely behind. In fact, Klein and his friends believed that Xiaoban could catch the robbers. After all, it was Xiaoban who liked to be a hero the most to deal with these ordinary criminals.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Xiaoban, Xiaowen would occasionally act as a hero to save people, and bought a cat face mask when passing by the gift shop before.

So the old broken car followed behind just to pick up Xiaoban after solving the robbers, that's all.

After a while, the robber's car was punctured by the spikes on the motorcycle attached to the monster, and then the robber was taken to the police car by the police.

"Where is Xiaoban?" After Tian Mark and others arrived, Tian Mark was puzzled when he saw that there was no monster or Xiaoban around.

"I feel tired after chasing the robbers, and the weather is hot." Xiao Wen knows Xiaoban very well, "I think he is there." Then Xiao Wen looked at an ice cream transport truck.

Opening the back door of the transport truck, Xiaoban was squatting inside with a half-eaten popsicle in one hand, hugging his body and running his nose.

Back to the old broken car.

"Thirty-nine and a half degrees!" Tian Mark looked at the thermometer that Xiaoban had just measured, and then looked at Xiaoban, "I am sure you have a very severe cold now."

Xiao Wen took out cold medicine, antipyretic medicine and two medical masks from the medical box.

"I don't need those fun colors." Xiaoban shivered on the bed hugging his body and saw Xiao Wen taking out those things from the medical box.

"It's not for you, it's for me and my cousin." Xiao Wen said that Xiao Ban thought too much, "Because you caught a cold, the easily contagious germs are flying everywhere!"

"Xiao Ban needs my best mulberry and chrysanthemum tea cold medicine." Fortunately, grandpa still loves Xiao Ban, "Let's go, Chinatown is not far ahead."



Tian Mark took a can of Platycodon and walked out of the Chinese medicine store with Klein and the other two.

"They don't have fresh Platycodon here, only frozen and dried ones." Tian Mark looked at the can of Platycodon in his hand.

"Oh! My throat hurts so much!" Xiao Ban stood listlessly beside Tian Mark, "Grandpa, can I have a milkshake?"

"Don't worry, mulberry and chrysanthemum tea can help you clear phlegm and relieve cough." Tian Mark cruelly rejected Xiao Ban's request.

Not far away, a female politician was giving a speech, but at this moment, locusts flew towards the female politician, and there was a man dressed like a beggar in the locust pile.

"Don't think about demolishing our home!" The insect man looked at the female politician.


Hearing the usual screams, Klein and his companions also turned their attention over.

"Haha! The hero is here!" Although Tian Xiaoban was dizzy and sick, he was still ready to go forward and beat up the weirdo.

A green light flashed, and Supermon appeared.

But Supermon was running around like a blind man.

Seeing Supermon knock down another breakfast cart, Tian Mark said, "It seems that Xiaoban's cold has affected Supermon's sense of smell. Xiaowen, Xiaoze!" Then he looked at Klein and Xiaowen.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. Xiaowen, you go save those people, I'll deal with that weird bug." Klein slapped Another Omnitrix.

"Ice Ghost!"

The Ice Ghost turned transparent and flew towards the bug man, and the locusts that passed through it on the way turned into small but lifelike ice sculptures.

Xiaowen used his heavenly energy to pull the people out of the bug swarm one by one.

The bug man saw the female politician in front of him flashing purple light and flying behind him, and he turned his head quickly, "Who!"

The bug man just turned his head and saw a beautiful human-shaped moth flying in front of him and punching him.

The bug man, who was just a normal person, fainted directly.


"Okay, Xiaoban, drink it." Tian Mark handed the mulberry and chrysanthemum tea he had just prepared to Xiaoban who was wrapped in a quilt.

"Uh~ Grandpa, who did you learn this from?" Xiaoban smelled the smell of mulberry and chrysanthemum tea and moved it away from his mouth and nose with disgust.

"A monk," Tian Mark answered truthfully, looking at the strange expressions of several people, "What's the matter? Monks will also encounter water and electricity problems."

Xiaoban endured the smell of medicine (Tian Mark made it himself with Chinese medicine, and the taste should be similar to Chinese medicine) and drank half of the mulberry and chrysanthemum tea. At this time, the radio of the old broken car sounded, and the bug man ran out. Seeing the attention of the others,

The attention was attracted by the radio, and Xiaoban took the opportunity to put the remaining mulberry and chrysanthemum tea into the cabinet next to him.

Klein was not surprised that the insect man ran out. He never thought that the police prison could hold these weirdos, but he didn't care. As his grandfather said, he would throw the weirdos to the police and the rest would have nothing to do with him.

Xiaowen quickly opened his laptop after hearing this.

"I found it! That weird insect man mentioned "our home". The only old apartment in the city center that has not been demolished is No. 86 Tanchast Street."

Hearing this, Tian Mark hurriedly drove the old broken car to No. 86 Tanchast Street.


The old broken car arrived at the scene.

There were several armed helicopters and more than a dozen police cars surrounding a dilapidated apartment at the scene. The insect man outside the apartment was flying in the air on locusts, and insects were flying all over the sky. The screaming police scratched their bodies covered with insects.

"Don't think about destroying our home!" The insect man commanded the insects.

"Hero, hero, here comes the stage! Aqiu!" Xiaoban sneezed, and was stopped by Klein just as he was about to transform.

"Xiaoban, let me do it." Klein was also annoyed by this insect man. You said, can't you learn from your weird predecessors? You have to run out to cause trouble for me! Klein plans to let this insect man die in an accident today.

A faint blue light flashed, and the flame man appeared.

"Mr. Weird Insect, are you ready to enjoy a delicious roasted insect feast?!" The flame man raised his hand and a pillar of fire shot up to the insect swarm. The flame burned a big hole in the insect swarm. The fallen insect corpses still exuded a burnt smell, and some were even burned to ashes.

"Where did you come from? Weird!" The insect man controlled the insect swarm and pounced on the flame man.

The flame man had expected it and wanted to turn into a swamp fire, but the locusts among these insects did not look like they could not eat plants.

The flame man burst out with fierce flames all over his body, and the insects that had no time to brake rushed into the flames and were burned to ashes.

The temperature of the surrounding air continued to rise, and the insects surrounded the flame man and dared not approach him, and even kept moving away. Even the insects on the policemen around were scared away by the high temperature. (In fact, if there were no people, it would not only be the temperature that rose, but the building would have been burned directly)

The insect man was forced to retreat continuously by the temperature until he retreated to the dilapidated apartment.

Seeing this, the flame man began to attack the surrounding insect swarms, and then a fireball accidentally smashed the supporting column of the apartment, and the apartment collapsed.

The insect man, who was paying full attention to the flame man, was killed by the rock that collapsed on his head because he was not prepared.

The insect man was gone, and the insects lost control and were also scared by the high temperature and flew everywhere.

I don’t know if it was because it was really too hot, but Xiaoban’s severe cold was cured in a few days.

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