The old car followed Phil's car to a luxury hotel.

Then Klein and his companions got out of the car and followed Phil in.

After entering, Tian Mark said in an unhappy tone: "Presidential suite? So rich." He had already vaguely guessed what was going on with Phil and those alien monsters.

"It's just a little money. The boss of the meat factory arranged it to thank me. As long as you cooperate with me, you will have all this soon!" Phil stretched out his arms towards Tian Mark.

Tian Mark did not answer, but was thinking about something.

"What's wrong, Mark?" Phil looked at Tian Mark puzzledly.

"I was just wondering what the chances are of the Destroyer Star and the Wapin Manser Star Beast appearing on the same day." Tian Mark hinted to Phil, then walked out.

"Kids, order whatever you want to eat." Phil said and followed him out.

"Thank you!" Only Xiaoban, who had been eating crazily, replied.

Klein looked at the two people who were leaving, his face slightly gloomy.

Klein looked at Xiaowen, "Xiaowen, let's follow!" Then he patted Xiaoban, "Stop eating! Grandpa is in danger!"

After hearing this, Xiaoban quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and quickly followed Klein and Xiaowen.

"The old broken car is not here." Klein saw that the parking space of the old broken car was empty.

"Phil's car is also empty." Xiaowen hurriedly checked Phil's parking space.

"Where will they go?" Xiaoban felt a little bad.

Klein did not answer, but directly patted Another Omnitrix.

A faint blue light flashed, and the flash star appeared.

Flash Star picked up Xiao Wen and shouted to Xiao Ben, "Xiao Ben! Follow me!"


The old car stopped on the mountain road, and Phil also parked his car next to it.

Tian Mark got out of the car and said to Phil, "Phil, you took the Void Zero World Projector, right?" He planned to persuade Phil to turn back, as Phil had already gone astray.

"Mark, what do you mean?" Phil's face turned ugly.

"You released the Destruction Star and the Wapinman Star Beast." Tian Mark didn't beat around the bush with Phil and pointed it out directly.

"Mark, you..." Phil's face became more and more ugly, "I wanted to cooperate with you, but now it seems that I have no choice but to get rid of you! I will tell Xiao Ben your last wish and tell him how much you want him to inherit your job and become my partner."

Phil took out the Void Zero World Projector and fired it next to Tian Mark. A golden portal appeared and a prison dog beast flew out of it.

"Phil, you..." Tian Mark looked at his old friend who had fought side by side with him in disbelief, and then hurriedly dodged the attack of the prison dog beast.

But Tian Mark was old after all, and soon he ran out of strength. Just when he was about to be swallowed by the prison dog beast, two blue-black afterimages appeared, one of which took Tian Mark away.

Flash Star (Xiaoban) put Tian Mark down and shouted to Phil who had not left yet: "I will never be your partner!"

Phil was stunned after hearing this, and then raised the Void Zero World Projector again, "Really? Then you two can die together!"

The golden portal appeared again, and more than a dozen prison dogs flew out of it.

Seeing this, Flash Star (Klein) shouted to Xiaoban: "Xiaoban! Protect grandpa!", and then patted the Another Omnitrix logo on his chest, "Xiao Wen and I will deal with these guys!"

A faint blue light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord appeared.

The Four-Handed Overlord punched the prison dog beast that pounced on him away.

Xiao Wen transformed into the form of an Anno star. The powerful natural energy mixed with the magic that Xiao Wen had learned, and several prison dogs were taught a lesson, screaming non-stop.

Xiao Wen raised his hand and used lightning magic to blast a prison dog away. Although the place where it was electrocuted was charred, the prison dog beast with thick skin and flesh quickly climbed up again.

Seeing this, Xiao Wen didn't say anything, and even felt a little happy in her heart. After all, she had always wanted to fight side by side with her cousin like now. Unfortunately, it was usually Xiaoban who was the hero, and her cousin rarely took action. Even if he did, it was either because the opponent was too weak and didn't need his help at all, or it just happened that he couldn't help.

The Four Beast Overlord punched the prison dog away again, and he also found that these guys were really tough! However, they were also very suitable sandbags!

Flash Star wanted to help, but with his

The attack power is not even enough to break the defense, so it is more important to protect grandpa.

After a while, Xiao Wen used Tianneng to control the last prison dog beast, and the four-handed king rushed forward and knocked the prison dog beast unconscious with a punch.


The old broken car came to the side of the two people, Tian Mark opened the window and shouted: "Get in the car! Let's go after Phil and get back the Void Zero World Projector!"

The four-handed king turned back into Klein and got in the car with Xiao Wen.


On a road around the mountain, Phil drove on the road.

Phil smiled sinisterly, "They have been eaten by the prison dog beast, right? Haha! Who told them..."


Phil saw the old broken car behind through the rearview mirror, "How could it be!"

"Really stubborn!" Phil picked up the Void Zero World Projector on the passenger seat, opened the window, leaned slightly, and fired a shot at the old broken car.

The golden portal appeared again, and another Prison Hound appeared, but the window of the old broken car opened, and the Glider flew out to deal with the Prison Hound.

Phil saw the Glider and Prison Hound entangled in the air through the car window, "Omnitrix? It is indeed a good thing, so, what if it is like this!" Phil fired another shot at the top of the old broken car.

The golden portal appeared again, but this time it was not the Prison Hound that came out, but several unknown alien monsters, one was a green monster without eyes, and there was also an alien monster with blue skin, four spider-like legs, and four eyes like the Glider.

"Hahaha!" Seeing several alien monsters jump onto the old broken car, Phil laughed triumphantly, Mark and the others were dead!

But soon Phil couldn't laugh anymore. Through the rearview mirror, he saw the Ice Ghost flying through the roof of the old broken car to the car, and the alien monsters that were also penetrated turned into lifelike ice sculptures, and then fell off the old broken car and hit the road behind.

"How is it possible!" Felton was surprised, and then he remembered the delicate-looking child, "It's him, and his watch is also an omnitrix?! How is this possible!"

But the Ice Ghost would not give Phil a chance to recover. The Ice Ghost flying in the air exhaled a breath of cold air, and Phil's car was frozen and stopped. Phil immediately hit the steering wheel, but the frozen car did not have an airbag.

But Phil was a plumber after all, and even if he was old, his physical fitness was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Phil held his head and shook his head, trying to open the car door, but the car door was frozen. After trying a few times, Phil kicked the frozen door open.

The old broken car also braked and stopped. Tian Mark and Xiao Wen got out of the car. After Phil kicked the door open, he got out of the car and raised the Void Zero World Projector directly to Tian Mark.

"Phil, give up! You have no chance to sing!" Tian Mark was not panicked at all, but still frowned and looked at Phil.

After hearing this, Phil got angry immediately, "If it weren't for you, I would still be fine! I will continue to make my money! And you! It's fine if you don't cooperate, Mark! Why do you still come to trouble me!"

Just as Phil was about to shoot, the Void Zero World Projector flashed purple light and broke free from Phil's palm, and was then held in Xiao Wen's hand.

"No!" Phil couldn't accept it for a moment, and rushed towards Tian Mark and Xiao Wen. Tian Mark punched Phil with two punches, and then threw Phil out with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Phil just stood up with the guardrail on the side of the road, and a prison dog beast with its wings stuck by mucus flew over and swayed on the ground. The prison dog beast hit Phil, broke the guardrail, and fell down with Phil.

"No!" Phil's screams as he fell down the mountain reached the ears of several people.

"Uh~" Gliding King Kong flew over at this time, "Did I get into trouble?"

Tian Mark shook his head and sighed, "He asked for it."

(Are there any alien heroes you want to appear? Original, self-created, or abandoned, or you can also mention some self-created bosses. By the way, whether it is a self-created alien hero or a self-created boss, it is best to write more detailed abilities. This way the author can arrange it better)

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