The crowds were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

A long queue formed outside a video game store, and Xiaoban and others were among them.

"We have been waiting in line for two hours and have not moved at all." Xiaowen complained impatiently. In order to accompany a big fool to buy a video game, she was exposed to the sun for two hours.

"The 2.1 version of Berserk Sumo is worth waiting for so long!" Xiaoban said he didn't understand what Xiaowen was complaining about, "That's the 2.1 version of Berserk Sumo! You can change the color of the character's clothes anytime and anywhere in the game."

"Forget it, I won't wait." Xiaowen didn't want to discuss the Berserk Sumo game with Xiaoban. She was already too hot, so she took Klein's hand and left the team, "Let's go, cousin, let's go to the bookstore and sit for a while."

Klein gladly accepted it. After all, he was also too hot, but he just didn't find any reason.

"Uh~ Xiaoban, let's go to the bookstore and sit for a while, and come back when there are fewer people." Tian Mark also planned to leave, after all, video games can be bought at any time.

"Let me give up my position? Impossible!" Xiaoban crossed his hands to refuse, "You go first, and I'll go back to the old broken car when I buy it."

"Do you want me to buy you a book?" Tian Mark suddenly turned around and asked Xiaoban.

"I'm on summer vacation!" Xiaoban looked disgusted, "Why do I need to read a book!"


Klein and the other two returned to the video game store, each holding an ice cream.

"Xiaoban has been waiting for so long, he won't go crazy, right?" Xiaowen said jokingly.

"Let's go and take a look." Tian Mark quickened his pace.


The people in the video game store suddenly screamed and rushed out like a tide.


The door of the video game store was broken along with the wall, and the culprit was revealed after the smoke cleared.

"Four-Handed Tyrant!"

Tian Mark looked at the Four-Handed Tyrant in disbelief.

"I said he was crazy."

Xiaowen couldn't believe that the big idiot would do such a thing.

Klein, who usually sees through things but doesn't say anything, still kept silent and acted as a background.

The Four-Handed Tyrant had smashed all the surrounding police cars, and the police also fled in all directions, but the police stopped before they ran far and surrounded the Four-Handed Tyrant from a distance.

Seeing that the police could not do anything to the Four-Handed Tyrant, Tian Mark planned to ask Klein to find a place to transform. After all, it was not easy for Xiao Wen to use magic in front of so many people. If the people had almost escaped, it would be possible.

However, before Tian Mark spoke, an armored vehicle arrived at the scene.

The car door opened, and a tough guy with short blond hair, a strong body, and a serious expression walked out.

"I am Captain Steve, leave this to us." Captain Steve showed his license to the police who was obviously speaking.

However, when Captain Steve was about to call on his men to take action, the Four-Handed Tyrant saw that the surroundings were almost destroyed, so he ran away directly.

"Let's go back to the old broken car first. I believe Xiaoban will have a reasonable explanation."

Tian Mark still didn't believe that Xiaoban would do such a thing.


Tian Mark opened the car door and walked in first.

"Xiaoban, I believe you will have a good explanation."

Xiaoban was playing the newly bought violent sumo video game, "What are you talking about?"

"You are really crazy! Just for this violent sumo game, you made a scene in the video game arcade and smashed the police car!" Xiaowen was also angry when she saw Xiaoban refused to admit it.

"What are you talking about!" Xiaoban put down the game console and turned to look at the few people.

"Xiaoban, we already know that you turned into a four-handed tyrant and made a scene. We were at the scene at the time. Don't you have anything to say?" Tian Mark frowned when he saw that Xiaoban still refused to admit his mistake.

Maybe it was because Xiaoban was too mischievous at ordinary times, or maybe it was too coincidental, and the four-handed tyrant and Xiaoban were not similar, but could only be said to be exactly the same. In short, Tian Mark and Xiaowen almost believed that it was Xiaoban who did it.

"Yes! I want to ask if you have any evidence to prove that I did it!" Xiaoban was angry when he saw that he was inexplicably blamed, and confronted Tian Mark and Xiaowen.

"Today... live..."

The TV in the old car just happened to broadcast the news that the Four-Handed Overlord was causing trouble in the video game arcade today.

"Look." Xiao Wen pointed at the TV and looked at Xiaoban proudly.

"This is impossible! This is not me!" Xiaoban pointed at the Four-Handed Overlord on TV and looked at several people, hoping to see what he wanted to see on their faces.

Unfortunately, Tian Mark and

Xiao Wen just looked at him seriously.

When Xiao Ban looked at Klein, Klein just smiled playfully.

"Cousin, you will definitely believe me, right?" Xiao Ban looked at his most beloved cousin pleadingly.

"Xiao Ban, go and turn yourself in." Klein's words overwhelmed Xiao Ban's last straw.

Xiao Ban was petrified and fell directly on the sofa. His cousin didn't believe in him anymore. What's the point of struggling?

Just when Xiao Ban gave up on himself, he heard a faint laugh. Looking over, it turned out that the playful smile on Klein's face was almost unbearable.

Seeing this, Xiao Ban also reacted, "Great! I knew my cousin believed in me!"

Tian Mark and Xiao Wen looked at Klein in confusion.

Seeing this, Klein pointed to the four-handed king on TV.

"He doesn't have a mark."

"Mark?" Tian Mark and Xiao Wen looked at each other in confusion, and then reacted.

Klein grabbed Xiaoban's left hand, "Yes, the Omnitrix logo."


Everyone returned to the video game store in the video game street.

"I must find the guy who destroyed the reputation of the aliens!" Xiaoban was looking for clues outside the video game store, holding gravel in his hand, and muttered: "Besides my cousin, I am the only one who can destroy the reputation of the aliens!"

"Okay, great detective, have you found anything?" Xiaowen said that they had searched everywhere here, so don't waste time here anymore.

"No." Xiaoban was a little discouraged.

Suddenly, Xiaoban vaguely saw something red in the alley, turned around and saw that it was the Four-Handed Overlord!

"Don't run!" Xiaoban dropped the gravel in his hand and hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing this, Klein and his friends hurriedly followed.

"Damn it!" The speed of the Four-Handed Tyrant was too fast for Xiaoban to catch up, "Let me become a flash star, and then chase him and beat him up!"

At the critical moment, Omnitrix backstabbed Xiaoban again. Xiaoban tried several times and found that Omnitrix still did not respond.

"Forget it! I will chase him myself!"

Xiaoban chased the Four-Handed Tyrant all the way to the mint.

"He went in!" Xiaoban pointed at the mint to the people who came behind, and then went in first.

Klein and Xiaowen followed immediately.

Tian Mark held the wall, "Who said retirement is easy?"

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