The two of them were so excited that they ran out of the house.


As soon as Tian Mark screamed, Klein and Xiao Wen had already gone out, and Xiao Ban had just put on his shoes.

Just when Xiao Ban was about to go out.

Gilbert: "Don't go out! They will find out."

Gilbert, who woke up at some point, grabbed Xiao Ban.

"That's my grandpa!" Xiao Ban shook off Gilbert's hand.

Xiao Ban rushed out of the door.


"What is that!"

Klein and Xiao Wen came to the room where they had eaten before. Through the glass, they could see a group of mushroom people who looked like mushrooms, with short limbs, eyes, and several cracks with spikes on their bodies.

The mushroom man carried Tian Mark, who was tied up by thick mycelium, and ran deep into the forest.

No matter why they caught Tian Mark, it couldn't be a friendly thing.

"Save grandpa first."

Klein slapped Another Omnitrix.

"Swamp Fire!"

A faint blue light flashed, and Swamp Fire appeared.

Swamp Fire ran out, and Xiao Wen followed.

Xiao Wen used the sky energy to condense an energy disc and threw it out. The energy disc cut the mushroom men who were holding Tian Mark in half.

Swamp Fire threw several fireballs and blew away the mushroom men who tried to approach Tian Mark.

Then Swamp Fire stepped forward to help Tian Mark up and tore off the thick mycelium that entangled Tian Mark.

"Grandpa, you go back to the camp first, leave this to Xiao Wen and me." Swamp Fire stood up after saying that, and threw another fireball to blow away the mushroom man who was approaching.

Tian Mark nodded, stood up and ran back to the camp.

But there were too many mushroom people, and it was difficult to kill them all. Some of the remains of mushroom people could gather together and become mushroom people again.


More than a dozen large holes appeared in the ground, and huge mycelium emerged from them, attacking Swamp Fire and Xiao Wen.

Countless mushroom people also ran towards them.

Just as they were about to get close, for some reason, they all stopped suddenly.

"Who is the boss now?" Swamp Fire smiled at the fungi in front of him. He had just controlled them with his ability. Manserlo Immortal could control plants.

(In fact, fungi should not be considered plants, but in the original book, the Great Demon Brain and the Wild Demon Vine said: "They are also plants." So let's treat them as plants)

When Xiaoban arrived, he found all kinds of fungi outside surrounding Swamp Fire. If Tian Mark hadn't been next to him, he would have thought that the plan to capture Tian Mark was decided by Swamp Fire.

Tian Mark and Xiaoban saw that everything seemed to be fine, so they walked out.

"Cousin, what's going on now?"

Xiaoban looked at the quiet fungi around him in confusion, then turned to look at Swampfire.

Tian Mark and Xiao Wen, who had recovered from the surprise, also looked at Swampfire in confusion.

But Swampfire did not answer, but became serious, "Something... is competing with me for control of them."

Tian Mark and the other two also reacted after hearing this. The mastermind was still there, and the matter was not over yet.

At this time, Andy and Mandy also ran out. They had had enough. It was good that children of this age had been hiding in the dark for so long without making a noise, not to mention that Klein and others were the only hope of escape they had seen so far.

Seeing the twins run away, Gilbert did not dare to stay alone, so he had to follow.

Gilbert and the twins came out only after seeing that the mushroom man was motionless and Tian Mark and others were standing there well.

"Um, what's wrong with them."

Gilbert pulled Xiaoban's clothes and pointed at the mushroom man.

"Hey, Andy, and Mandy, you said that everyone here has athlete's foot, right?"

At this time, Swamp Fire looked at the twins and spoke suddenly.

"Ah! ... Yes, we did say that (whispering)." Andy and Mandy were frightened by the Swamp Fire who was obviously not a human, but seeing that he didn't seem to be a bad guy, they calmed down for a long time before speaking fearfully.

"Then, there should be that thing here."

Swamp Fire cast his eyes on Xiaoban's pocket, and Xiaoban, who reacted, took out the athlete's foot special medicine from his pocket.

After hearing this, Tian Mark also reacted and hurried into the house to search, and Xiaoban and Xiaowen also went over to help.

After a while, the three of them came out with a bunch of bottles.

"Let's try to see if this thing works."

Swamp Fire took a bottle of athlete's foot special medicine that he had just brought from Xiaowen, opened the bottle cap, and sprinkled it on the head of the nearest mushroom man.

The mushroom man immediately began to wither and die.

(Mushroom man: I treat you as the boss, but you want me dead.)

"It works." Swamp Fire shook the athlete's foot special medicine in his hand, and then threw it to Gilbert, "You use this thing to protect yourself, I'll go to deal with the guy who has been making trouble."

Then Swamp Fire walked into the depths of the forest.

"Cousin, I'm going too."

Ben and Wen shouted at the same time and followed Swamp Fire together.

"They really look like twins." Andy and Mandy spoke at the same time.


In the forest, Swamp Fire walked in front, with Ben and Wen on both sides, and a large group of mushroom people behind him, looking like a gangster boss leading his younger brothers to get back the place.

After a while, the three and the mushrooms arrived at their destination.

In a mine not far away, all kinds of tall and strange fungi grew, some of which could glow.

In the middle of the mine was a bottomless cave.

Swamp Fire controlled some thick hyphae to gather in front of them. Swamp Fire stepped on it first, followed by Xiaoban and Xiaowen.

The hyphae lifted the three people, moved them to the top of the cave, and slowly descended.

After a while, when they reached the bottom, they saw that there was only a tunnel leading to nowhere, and the tunnel was covered with fungi.

The hyphae that sent the three people down began to tremble slightly.

"It's getting closer to that guy, and it's harder for me to control them."

Swamp Fire said lightly, and Xiaoban and Xiaowen reacted.

Xiaowen turned into the form of Anno Star. Xiaoban wanted to transform, but found that the omnitrix seemed to have problems again. He pressed the button of the omnitrix many times before he pressed it down.

A green light flashed, and an alien who looked like some kind of green plant, with a blue single eye, blue beads on the outside of both shoulders, protrusions like flytraps on his shoulders, and several large black seeds on his back appeared.

"I've never seen this guy before, but he seems pretty good." The plant alien clasped his hands.

"Daitou, what did you turn into?"

Xiao Wen saw Xiaoban turning into an alien hero she had never seen before, and asked curiously.

The plant alien thought about the name for a while after the transformation, and then said without hesitation, "His name is..."

(To be honest, Xiaoban really knows how to name himself during the battle)

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