The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

On the sea, the sea water reflected the sunlight, and a luxury jet (which looked like an airplane) was flying slowly.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen seemed very excited, and Klein, who had never been interested in many things, also seemed more energetic than usual.

After all, he didn't expect that the seabed? Resort center? These two words could be connected together.

Xiaoban (lying on the window): "It's so cool! The billionaire invited us to visit his new restaurant and sent a private luxury jet to pick us up!"

Xiaowen (curious): "Grandpa, why didn't you tell us that you knew Mr. Donovan Gran Smith?"

Tian Mark (smiled): "Maybe I didn't expect..."

With a slight sense of weightlessness, the luxury jet began to descend and landed on a man-made platform on the sea. There was nothing on the platform except an elevator. It was very empty and surrounded by fences.

The door of the luxury jet opened, and Tian Mark took his grandchildren off the jet. They were greeted by an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies and a child about ten years old.

The old man and the child were wearing exactly the same style of clothes, both were brown turtleneck long-sleeved tops and white trousers, and even their hairstyles were the same.

The old man extended his hand to Tian Mark, "Brother Tian Mark, long time no see."

Tian Mark (shakes hands): "How are you, Donovan."

Donovan (smiles): "I own 16 big hotels around the world, and I'm doing pretty well. I'm glad you finally decided to enjoy life."

Tian Mark didn't say anything, but looked at his grandchildren and introduced them to Donovan, "My grandson and granddaughter, Xiaoban, Xiaoze and Xiaowen."

Donovan introduced the children around him to Tian Mark, "My grandson, Edwin."

Xiaoban, Xiaowen (friendly): "Hi!"

Edwin (impatient): "Uh~ whatever."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen were slightly stunned.

Klein raised his eyebrows. This kid is really arrogant. Fortunately, I didn't say hello, um... not a loss.

Seeing that his grandson didn't seem to get along well with Tian Mark's grandchildren, Donovan quickly changed the subject, "Are you ready to go to the sea?"

Donovan pressed the elevator button, the elevator door opened, and everyone entered the elevator. Edwin still had his arms crossed and looked impatient, and Xiaoban and Xiaowen also looked unhappy.

The elevator descended.

The elevator door opened, and everyone came to an operating platform. In the middle was a device that looked a bit like an amusement facility coffee cup, but larger. Everyone sat on the device, and the staff operated it, and the device began to descend.

The device slowly descended in a glass channel. Because it was surrounded by glass, everyone could see the underwater world outside the glass, and even whales swam by from time to time.


Xiaoban and Xiaowen seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness just now.

Klein also looked around curiously. After all, it was the first time he had seen such a scene. (Although he has seen more shocking ones)

Mark Tian (worried): "Donovan, do you think it's safe to build a resort here?"

Donovan: "You mean built on a fault?"

Mark Tian (frown): "I mean you dare to build a large-scale construction in the center of the Bermuda Triangle."

After all, in the hacker universe, there really were aliens in the Bermuda Triangle.

Mark Tian was not worried at all, "You have been worried about this and that since you were a child, Mark, you never dare to take risks."

Legendary plumber dare not take risks? Do you want to hear what you are talking about?

Klein was still complaining in his heart.

Seeing that Mark Tian did not speak, Mark Tian continued, "You will be amazed when you come to this unique underwater resort."

Soon, everyone saw the luxurious building in the huge semicircular glass not far away through the glass.


"This place will open in a week, and only you VIPs can be the first to see it."

Donowen explained.

Xiaoban ran out first as soon as he arrived, and Xiaowen also took Klein to visit everywhere.

Xiaoban ran outside the guardrail and looked at the underwater world outside the glass. There was a staff member wearing a diving suit cleaning the glass surface.

Xiaowen (curious): "I have seen relevant reports in the Pacific Ocean Preview. This place is super advanced. Mr. Glen Smith, is the glass here..."

Donowen spoke first, "Titanium alloy Viscose glass

, can withstand ten times the atmospheric pressure, unless you jump into one of the nine swimming pools, you won't get wet. "

Tian Mark: "I admire you, Donovan."

Donovan: "My two billion dollars is not wasted, but money is not everything."

Edwin didn't give his grandfather any face at all, "Grandpa, have you changed your motto?"

Xiaoban suddenly saw the violent sumo pin on Edwin's chest, "Hey! I'm also a fan of violent sumo, where did you buy this pin?"

"It's a special exhibition product of violent sumo in Helsinki. I took grandpa's private plane to go there."

Although Edwin is still arrogant, his attitude is better, probably because he found that Xiaoban has the same hobby as him.

Donovan (proud): "Edwin said that the price of this thing has tripled. This kid is very business-minded. I plan to let him inherit my business empire. There must be an heir, right? "

Xiaoban: "Hey! I've been inheriting my grandfather's business this summer."

Xiaoban and Tian Mark smiled at each other.

The red alarm sounded suddenly.

The staff member outside the glass was surrounded by sharks, and his diving suit seemed to be leaking.

Donovan hurriedly ran to call for help, "We can't let him get into trouble here, the media will ruin me!"

Xiaoban walked to the side and fiddled with the omnitrix, "The hero is coming."

The green light flashed, and the little hero appeared.

"Oh! It's annoying!"

Klein grabbed the little hero and put it aside, "Let me do it."

He didn't want to ruin his rare enjoyment of the past few days because of an accident.

Klein slapped Another Omnitrix.

The blue light flashed, and the big steel teeth appeared.

The big steel teeth jumped over the fence and jumped into the water.

Edwin (confused): "Where did they go?"

Xiaowen: "God knows, they went to the bathroom. "

Outside the glass, sharks have begun to circle around the staff member.

Suddenly, a huge fish that looks like a mermaid bit a shark and the shark was directly bitten in two.

The shark's blood aroused the bloodiness of other sharks, but it was useless because the two sides were not on the same level.

Big Steel Teeth began to tear the sharks apart with his hands, and killed all the sharks in a few seconds.

At this time, the surrounding sea water turned blood red, and coupled with the terrifying appearance of Big Steel Teeth, the staff screamed in panic.

"If you scream again, I will bite you to death! "

Big Steel Teeth began to threaten the staff, and the staff was also confused. This strange fish can talk? But he didn't dare to disobey.

The staff's diving suit was getting more and more water, and Big Steel Teeth quickly grabbed him and swam back to the resort.

"Cough cough cough..."

The staff knelt on the floor and coughed the sea water in his throat.

Others saw this and ran over.

A faint blue light flashed in the distance, and Klein also came over.

Donovan was in a good mood immediately, "That's good, the problem is solved, even if he said it was a strange fish that could talk that saved him, no one would believe it."

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