After Klein and his friends left the mall, they saw the big hole.

"What on earth is going on?"

Tian Mark looked at the big pit at the entrance of the mall in surprise, because they entered the mall from another door, so they didn't see the big pit when they came.

"Hey! There's something here!"

A security guard in the pit gestured to his colleagues at the edge of the pit with the diamond fragments in his hand.

Seeing the familiar diamond fragments, Tian Mark and Xiao Wen turned to look at Xiao Ban.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not the only alien weirdo in the universe. It must be other weirdos. Could it be that I did it because of sleepwalking? I haven't sleepwalked before! Cousin, you must believe me, right!"

Xiao Ban cast an expectant look at Klein.

Klein said, Xiaoban, although I am very touched that you don't doubt me even if you suspect that you are sleepwalking, "it is indeed you."

Xiaoban felt that he was heartbroken by his cousin. The last time he felt this way was because his cousin left him to Tenny.

Klein saw that Xiaoban seemed to think things were getting more and more outrageous, so he immediately told him what happened last night. Anyway, he couldn't hide it. As long as he embellished the story a little, Xiaoban would not blame him for beating him up.

So Klein changed "I got up and wanted to rob" to "I was woken up by hearing the noise of my cousin", and then changed "I beat Xiaoban" to "Xiaoban fell down by himself, and I just bumped into him twice."

Klein said that whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway, and it seems that Xiaoban and the others also believe it.

"Daitou, people who sleepwalk don't know what they are doing, not to mention that you have omnitrix, so we have to pay attention to your sleepwalking."

Xiaowen glanced at the omnitrix on Xiaoban's left hand.

"We must find a way to solve your sleepwalking problem. Before we find a solution, you have to make sure you don't fall asleep. Don't worry, we will help you."

Tian Mark told Xiaoban.

Xiaoban felt like crying but had no tears. What did you help me with? Help me not to sleep?


Back to the old broken car.

Klein told Tian Mark and the other two his conjecture that "Xiaoban's sleepwalking may be influenced by Shablino."

"Well... it's possible. What is Shablino's purpose in doing this? In any case, we have to find him to find out."

Tian Mark immediately decided to find Shablino to solve Xiaoban's sleepwalking problem.

"But, Grandpa, Shablino's performance ended yesterday, and now he may have left."

Xiao Wen raised the question she had in mind with Tian Mark. Indeed, after the performance, people who perform in various places like this will not stay in the same place for too long, but go to the next destination for the next performance.

"... Let me go find the owner of the mall to see if I can get any useful information or help. During this time, you two have to make sure that Xiaoban doesn't fall asleep."

After Tian Mark gave his instructions to Klein and Xiaowen, he got up and walked out of the old broken car.

Klein and Xiaowen accepted their grandfather's decision.

In fact, Klein has a way to solve Xiaoban's sleepwalking problem, but he thinks it's more interesting to prevent Xiaoban from sleeping.

Tian Mark had just left for a while.

Because he didn't sleep well last night and his whole body was aching, Xiaoban fell asleep soon.


Klein slapped Xiaoban in the face, "Are you awake!"

"Ah!... Cousin, can you try another way? Can you not hit me?"

Xiaoban said I don't understand why I have to hit him.

"This is the fastest and most effective way... Okay, I'll try another way."

Klein turned and walked to the back of the old broken car. Not long after, he came over with a bundle of ropes as thick as fingers in his hand.

Klein tied one end of the rope into a loop and put it over Xiaoban's head, and tied the other end to something that was difficult to move.

Klein looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. The length of the rope was just right. As long as Xiaoban fell asleep, the rope would strangle Xiaoban's neck and wake him up.

"... Cousin, this is not good."

Even Xiaowen, who usually likes to tease Xiaoban, was a little worried.

"Don't worry! It will just feel a little suffocating. The important thing is that this thing can solve the problem perfectly. As long as you have it, Xiaoban will definitely not be able to sleep."

Klein smiled triumphantly.

Not long after, Xiaoban fell asleep again and was strangled by the rope loop.

Behind his neck, he screamed and sat up.

"What is this...?"

Xiaoban touched the rope around his neck in horror. No way, this can't be the case! Just because I sleepwalk, you want to kill me!

Seeing this, Klein also stepped forward to help Xiaoban untie the rope. Playing is playing, but it's not good to go too far.

"Then there is no other way. We can only take simpler and more effective measures."

Klein said as he walked to the back of the old broken car, rummaged through the boxes, and found some things that should be useful.

A whistle and a toy trumpet.

Klein handed the toy trumpet to Xiaowen, and he held the whistle to his mouth and looked at Xiaoban.

Seeing Klein's eager expression, Xiaoban felt that the sky had fallen. Could his cousin want to kill him?


On the other side, Tian Mark found the owner of the mall and wanted to get Shablinno's whereabouts from the owner.

But no matter what Tian Mark said, the mall owner just kept repeating the same sentence, "This is just an independent single incident. The mall will still operate normally. We will definitely maintain the safety of customers."

Helplessly, Tian Mark could only get up and leave the mall owner's office.

After Tian Mark left, another door in the office opened, and Shablinno walked in, looking at the door that Tian Mark closed when he left with an ambiguous look.

"It seems that the plan needs to be accelerated. Let's leave quickly after robbing here."


"What's wrong with Xiaoban?"

After Tian Mark returned to the old broken car, he was frightened by Xiaoban's broken look.

"Grandpa, don't worry about what's wrong with him. Just say whether he is asleep or not."

Klein was a little embarrassed by Tian Mark's look and quickly changed the subject.

Tian Mark shook his head helplessly, and then said, "We don't have any information about Shablinno now, and it's hard to find him."

"No way! Doesn't that mean I still can't sleep! Just let me die!"

Xiaoban was a little collapsed.

"Xiaoban, don't worry, let's go to the mall first. Maybe Shablinno is still there, right?" Tian Mark hurriedly comforted Xiaoban. "Then let's go, let's go to the mall again." Klein said as he opened the door of the old car and walked out.

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