The two sides were in a state of confrontation, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Vance touched his lap awkwardly, "Ahaha, sorry, I forgot."

Then Tian Mark pulled him away again.

After Tian Mark and Vance were far away.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, the electric lizard put down his hands.

Although Sam would still die, the electric lizard wanted to see how far Sam could struggle.

The electric lizard said lightly, "Let you go first, otherwise the game will be over once I make a move."

Sam's purple light kept flashing, and the dark clouds in the sky kept gathering, "This is the weather that Vance wants to broadcast the most, it's raining!"

The strong wind around the natural disaster monster became more and more violent, "This is the storm that Vance will approach even if he is afraid!"

Then Sam's purple light suddenly bloomed, "This is the sound that Vance and I have heard countless times. Listen to the thunder! Bastard!"

The lightning kept flashing in the dark clouds, and a thick lightning fell. It hit the electric lizard fiercely.

The electric lizard bathed in the lightning and looked at Sam with his hands on his chest.

The lightning did not cause any damage to the electric lizard, but was constantly absorbed by the electric lizard.

What is this guy crazy about? It seems that I am the villain.

This is also where the electric lizard feels speechless. Why did Sam become so crazy after playing with him for a while? He even forgot that he is the villain?

"Is that all? Well, let's stop here."

Then the electric lizard raised his right hand flashing with lightning again.

"Is that all?... I really want to report the weather to you again! Vance!"

Sam's voice spread throughout the rock carnival venue.


At this time, on the other side.


Listening to Sam's words, Vance burst into tears.

Then he went crazy again and wanted to run over again.

This made Tian Mark speechless. Why are you so unsteady in your position? !

Tian Mark grabbed Vance again, "Do you really want to be infamous for eternity?"

"If you want to be infamous for eternity, then be infamous for eternity! Sam, that guy, is still waiting for me!"

Vance shook off Tian Mark's hand and ran out.


"Is this your last words?"

The electric lizard was about to kill Sam.

At this moment, Vance suddenly ran over and blocked Sam in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the electric lizard wanted to laugh. How could you stop such a big natural disaster monster?

Vance also reacted, put down his open arms, and then raised his fists.

"Don't underestimate our bond!"

Vance punched the electric lizard.


Vance's fist was easily caught by the electric lizard, and then knocked down by the electric lizard with one punch.

What is this guy crazy about? He suddenly got so excited.

Looking at Vance who fainted directly, the electric lizard was a little helpless.

"Damn! Vance, why are you so useless!"

Sam was also confused. He didn't expect the electric lizard to actually attack ordinary people.

That's right, Sam didn't really suddenly remember the bond between him and Vance.

It just wanted to use Vance to save its life.

The electric lizard looked at Sam again, "Do you have any other tricks? Use them again to make me happy."

Sam was silent for a moment, "Well, I suddenly remembered that there is a manufacturer that sells my parts. Can I go find them?"

The electric lizard also smiled, "What do you think?"

Sam was silent for a moment, and tentatively said, "...I want to ask if you can spare my life?"

Hearing this, the lightning in the hand of the electric lizard burst out directly.


The thick lightning pierced the natural disaster monster and dispersed the dark clouds in the sky.

The natural disaster monster began to disintegrate, and the sky began to clear up.

All this means that Sam was dead.

A faint blue light flashed, and the electric lizard turned back into Klein.

Not long after, Vance woke up.


Vance sat up suddenly.

"Where is Sam?!"

Vance kept looking around, but he couldn't find the huge figure.

"Uh~ It should be there."

Xiaoban, who had already turned back, pointed to the burnt big light bulb head not far away.


Vance ran over, hugged Sam, and burst into tears.

Xiaowen pulled Klein and whispered, "Should we tell him the truth?"

"... Forget it."

Klein shook his head after a moment of silence, not because he was kind, but because he wanted Vance to cry for a while.

After all, Vance just went crazy and wanted to hit him, and the vengeful Klein decided to let him cry enough before telling him the fact that "Sam doesn't love him at all."


But others don't know.

Tian Mark patted Klein's shoulder with relief, thinking that his grandson had really grown up, at least a little bit kind.

"But it's a pity that we may not be able to see the performance of the Wild Band."

Tian Mark smiled a little reluctantly, turned around and prepared to leave with his grandchildren.

Klein glanced at Tian Mark, wondering whether to tie up those old men.

But the question is how to make grandpa believe that they came voluntarily?

Fortunately, before Klein thought it through and before the few people left the venue, things changed.

At this time, the voice of the host of the venue came from behind everyone, "After our unanimous decision, the rock carnival will continue!"

Well, then there is no need to tie them up.

Klein thought it was good, at least he didn't have to worry about it.

Tian Mark took Xiaoban and Xiaowen back to watch the performance.

Klein found Vance and told Vance the truth so that he could have fun again.

Vance learned his lesson and decided to just report the weather honestly in the future, and forget about robots.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaoban and Tian Mark are grandfather and grandson. After listening to the performance of Yuanye Band, Xiaoban also liked the songs of Yuanye Band.

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