The two of them were very excited.

"Uh~ Let's go play the Kangaroo General roller coaster!"

After hearing what Klein said, Xiaoban quickly changed the subject.

After saying that, afraid that Klein would say something else, Xiaoban ran directly in the direction of the Kangaroo General roller coaster.

Klein and Xiaowen looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and then followed.

"Hurry up! The Kangaroo General roller coaster must have a line to the horizon now!"

Xiaoban was still very excited.


After Klein and the other two got on the Kangaroo General roller coaster.

"Well~, it seems that no one wants to play with your hero."

Xiaowen looked around and saw that there were only three of them on the roller coaster.

Xiaoban sat in the first row, while Klein and Xiaowen sat in the second row.

"Uh, they deserved it! This is their loss!"

Xiaoban was a little embarrassed.

"It shouldn't be like this, even if no one likes Kangaroo General, but it's still a roller coaster after all..."

Klein suddenly had a bad feeling.

But the roller coaster didn't give him time to think carefully, and it started directly.

Soon, Klein knew what this feeling was.


Klein and the other two were surprised to find that the track in front of the roller coaster was suddenly blown off.

When the three were about to do something directly, the roller coaster stopped.

"Don't worry! Kangaroo General is here!"

Klein and the other two looked back and saw Kangaroo General pulling the grappling hook, and the grappling hook was grabbing the roller coaster.

"Can a normal person hold a high-speed roller coaster?"

Klein thought this was very abnormal.

This is too obvious! You can figure it out with just a little thought.

Klein turned to look at Xiaowen, and sure enough, Xiaowen's expression showed that she was confused.

Klein looked at Xiaoban, and saw that Xiaoban was excited, "Great! Kangaroo General is here to save us!"

Except for this stupid guy, he doesn't use his brain.

Klein felt helpless about his stupid cousin.

"I'll come to save you!"

Kangaroo General tied the rope to the stone pillar beside him, but Klein thought he should have tied another one in the back where he couldn't see it, and it was tied in advance.

I saw something like a double-board ski suddenly pop out of Kangaroo General's shoes, and using that thing, Kangaroo General jumped directly onto the roller coaster.

"I'll help you open the safety bar now."

But Kangaroo General was about to do something when a scream suddenly came from not far away.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and saw a woman hanging on the broken roller coaster track.

"Don't be afraid! Kangaroo General will save you all!"

Kangaroo General jumped over.

What is that woman doing here? She was asked to act here, right?

Now Klein knew why no one was riding Kangaroo General's roller coaster. "Does he always do this?"

Seeing that Kangaroo General hadn't come back to save them, Klein activated Another Omnitrix directly. "It's better to rely on yourself than on others."

A faint blue light flashed, and a ghost appeared.

The ghost grabbed the gap in his white skin and tore it apart. Several tentacles stretched out and tore off the safety bar.

Then the ghost grabbed Xiaoban and Xiaowen and flew down.

"Hey! That's my job!"

Kangaroo General came over at this time.

Your job? Take my punch!

The ghost punched Kangaroo General and Kangaroo General flew away, and Kangaroo General fainted on the ground.

Then the ghost flew away, but Klein came back soon.

"Uh~ cousin, there's no need to fight Kangaroo General, right?"

Xiaoban came over and spoke carefully.

Hearing this, Klein shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, Xiaoban, you should face the reality. That guy is not the superhero you see on TV. He is just an actor who wants to save his show."

Klein grabbed Xiaoban's shoulders with both hands and looked at Xiaoban seriously.

Xiaoban was a little guilty and didn't dare to look at his cousin.

Klein patiently explained, "Think about it carefully, what happened just now is too coincidental, right?! Unless this is not a coincidence at all! I bet that Kangaroo General will find some evidence later, and the evidence should point to the guy who ruined his show."

Xiaoban looked at Klein in disbelief, "Dean?

! Cousin, are you saying that Kangaroo General will identify Dean as the murderer? ! "

Ben also knew that Dean's "Super Alien Hero Brothers" caused the ratings of "Kanaroo General" to plummet.

But Ben still couldn't believe it, "It's impossible. Dean has been taught a lesson by us. It's impossible for him to continue drawing his bad animation. He doesn't need to compete with Kangaroo General, so there is no reason to blow up the roller coaster! Kangaroo General has no reason to frame a good person! Although Dean is not a good person..."

"Just wait and see."

Klein didn't say much.

Hearing this, Ben could only cast a pleading look at Xiao Wen.

Xiao Wen shook his head, "Sorry, Ben, I stand on my cousin's side this time."

Ben wanted to say something, but at this time, the unconscious Kangaroo General finally woke up.

Kanaroo General touched his head, "Hiss~ I feel dizzy... Where is that guy? ! "

General Kangaroo looked around and didn't find the ghost. He had no choice but to give up. "Forget it. There are important things to do. I have to solve this incident."

General Kangaroo walked straight to the track where the roller coaster fell. After searching for a while, he found a white glove.

General Kangaroo then found the staff who came to check the damaged roller coaster. "This is not an accident. Someone deliberately placed explosives on the roller coaster. It was the person wearing the anti-fouling gloves I found."

Under the gaze of Klein and the other two, General Kangaroo continued, "People who wear this kind of anti-fouling gloves are usually cartoonists, and there is only one cartoonist who can blow up General Kangaroo's roller coaster, Dean!"

Hearing this, Ben walked over silently and said in a low voice, "Dean is not the murderer."

General Kangaroo was stunned after hearing this, "Little ghost, what did you say?"

Ben looked up at General Kangaroo, "I am very disappointed in you. "

Then Xiaoban turned and left.

Klein walked over, patted Xiaoban on the shoulder, and then looked at the staff, "Dean is not the murderer. Dean signed with his left hand. He is left-handed, but this glove is obviously worn by the right hand. "

(Don't argue, I also thought that he was wearing two gloves and happened to lose one, but this is a lame excuse in the animation.)

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