The psychic celestial being floated in the air, surrounded by blue and white electric light.

As an Amperetian, it has the ability to discharge electricity, absorb electricity, read minds, fly, and become invisible.

It can also transform into an electric current and enter a cable or hide in the enemy's body.

Most aliens are afraid of electricity, so the psychic celestial being's combat power is also the best in the universe.

As long as there is enough electricity, defeating Vilgax may not be a problem.

The Four-Handed Overlord was panting and stepped aside, watching the psychic celestial being slowly raise his hand and aim his tentacles at the clown Pennywise.

The latter lay on the ground, motionless, and was almost beaten to death

""I will send you to the afterlife."

The psychic raised four tentacles, gathered them together, and burst out a violent dragon of lightning, instantly wiping out the clown!

The fear in the hearts of the children was completely ended!

The clown Pennywise would never appear again, and died under the psychic's terrifying lightning!

【Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task!】

【Destroy Pennywise the Clown and put an end to people's fear!】

【Get 5000 points!】

【Current points: 13,000! 】

On the other side, Zambro was lying next to the clown machine, his face full of fear, shaking his head constantly.

"I will never steal happiness again......"

The Four-Handed Tyrant clenched his fists,"This damn guy has harmed so many people. If we weren't here today, everyone in this town would have been eaten by them!"

"Good, so....There is no need to show mercy to such an enemy."

The psychic said calmly.

A huge lightning bomb condensed above the psychic's head, and then it was thrown with all its might, smashing towards the clown machine!

Boom! The burst of fire ignited instantly, destroying the clown machine and Zambro in the lightning and flames!


In the clown machine, the joy that was sealed off from people escaped like a wailing soul and flew back into people's bodies one after another.

The residents of the entire town began to return to normal, no longer grinning and aging, and looked around with a blank look on their faces.

【Successfully destroyed the clown machine and saved everyone present!】

【Get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 15,000! 】

Ye Chen plans to use these points to strengthen the Ten-Unlike after returning.

If the Ten-Unlike is strengthened to a perfect state, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

The clown incident came to an end.

As for the circus trio, the snake-haired woman and others, they were taken to the police car by the police who arrived later.

What awaits them will be a jail time.

As for not killing them, it is because they are not threatening at all to Ye Chen.

With only the SS-level ghoul physique, these three weirdos can be easily controlled.

Back to the old broken car.

Tian Mark and Xiao Wen have returned to normal, no longer giggling, but their bodies are a little tired.

Laughing for a long time will also make you tired.

Therefore, everyone plans to rest in the town tonight before deciding on the next destination.

After Tian Mark asked, the two quickly told him everything about tonight.

After listening, Tian Xiaowen looked at Ye Chen with admiration,"Brother Ye, you saved everyone again tonight, super cool!"

"It's okay, a mere clown is nothing to worry about."Ye Chen smiled faintly.

"Hey, nerd, I have a share tonight, why do you praise Brother Ye but not me?"Tian Xiaoban was not happy.

"Come on, if it weren't for Brother Ye, you would have been scared to death by the clown!" Tian Xiaowen snorted.

"Hehe, thanks to Xiaoye, Xiaoban has overcome his fear of clowns.

Tian Mark smiled and felt very relieved.......

One o'clock in the morning.

The old broken car turned off the lights and fell into darkness.

Tian Xiaoban and others had fallen asleep.

Yechen quietly opened the car door, turned into a flash star, rushed to the national highway at high speed, and sped away!

He couldn't sleep.

So, he planned to go to the Qingtong Tree headquarters to talk to Takatsuki Izumi and relax.

A few minutes later.

The flash star came to the Qingtong Tree headquarters.

As soon as she entered the door, she found Takatsuki Izumi sitting alone at the door, holding her chin with both hands, her green eyes sparkling, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

When she saw the figure of the flash star, she was overjoyed and shouted,"Wow, Yechen-kun, you are finally here!"

Takatsuki Izumi trotted up and hugged Yechen who had turned back to his original appearance, buried his cheek in his chest, and caressed him intimately,"I missed you so much, Yechen-kun~"

"Did you miss me? Tell me now!"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and touched Gao Tsukui's little head lovingly,"Of course I did, I missed you so much that I couldn't sleep."

"Really?" Takatsuki Izumi raised her head, her beautiful eyes as clear as autumn water.


Gao Tsukiquan was a little shy, and patted Ye Chen's chest unhappily,"Tsk, I don't believe it."

Although he said so, he was already very happy in his heart.

"Come in quickly."

Takatsuki Izumi took Yechen's hand and walked into the luxurious mansion.

This is the outskirts of the city, and few people come here.

Within a kilometer radius, there is only one family.

Yechen looked at the empty living room,"Is everyone else here?"

"Yes, Uncle Noro and the others are out on a mission."

Takatsuki Izumi smiled, as if he was very happy about Yechen's arrival.

"Yeah, that's convenient....."Ye Chen muttered

"What?" Takatsuki Izumi looked curious,"What's convenient?"

"It's okay." Ye Chen remained calm.

But Gao Tsukiquan was so smart that his eyes immediately became cunning.

"Hey, Mr. Yechen, are you going to tell me later that it’s too late and you’re not going back tonight?"

"No, I didn't."Ye Chen immediately argued

""Okay." Gao Tsukiquan was a little disappointed.

She didn't want Ye Chen to go back tonight.

"But if you ask me to stay, maybe I will stay." Ye Chen smiled.

Gao Tsukiquan's eyes lit up when he heard that,"Well, I'll ask you to stay!"

"beg me"

"Do not seek"

"Then I'll go"

"No, please......."

Takatsuki Izumi held Yechen's hand and shook it continuously, with a pleading look on her face, very touching.

She was really lonely staying in this villa alone.

Yechen couldn't help laughing and touched Takatsuki Izumi's head,"Okay, I'll stay."

"That's more like it." Takatsuki Izumi puffed up her cheeks, looking very cute.

In this way, the two sat in the living room and chatted.

Then, at Yechen's suggestion, they played games for more than an hour.

They tried all kinds of games, such as Death Wish, Chicken Dinner, Awesome, and Genmo.

Takatsuki Izumi thought it was very fun, although she was very new at the beginning and kept begging Yechen to teach her.

And Yechen was not tired of patiently explaining to Takatsuki Izumi some of the heroes' skills and game techniques.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Takatsuki Izumi yawned and put down his phone:"Yechen-kun, I'm sleepy, carry me back to bed to sleep......"

Takatsuki Izumi

PS: This book may not be too long, and the income is not much. In addition, the plagiarized book next door,"Ben10: Homecoming", is even more popular than our two original works (the other author is Yizhou Weihang). Some readers also asked me to learn from this plagiarized book. I really don't want to scold people, but I really can't bear it. It's too disheartening.......

So the pace will be accelerated later, some unimportant plots will be ignored and skipped directly, and then the final battle will be over.

The one who plagiarized us copied and pasted many of my paragraphs. Can't readers see it? I saw that only a few people in the comment area found it. Even if he has his own original content, plagiarism is plagiarism, copying and pasting paragraphs from my article and"Yizhouweihang".

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