[Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!]】

【Eliminate the bug monster Clancy and eradicate the stubborn residents!】

【After successful completion, you will receive 2000 points! 】

A system prompt sounded in the Four-Handed Overlord's mind.

""Power of water!"

Minlin shouted, and a sharp water spear burst out from her fingertips, hitting Clancy like lightning!

Clancy did not dodge.

The water spear hit his chest accurately, but it could only kill a small number of locusts.

Countless locusts made into a thick"armor", surging wildly, protecting Clancy firmly!

"Hehe, you look delicious."

The locust man smirked and released a large number of locusts, trying to catch Minlin from above.

Minlin's face changed, and she quickly activated the flying magic pendant and returned to the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Brother Ye, what should we do? His defense seems very strong."Wen Lin was a little frustrated.

"Small......Minlin, try to use the power of the Fire Magic Pendant"

"Insects are afraid of fire."

Four-Handed Overlord suggested.

Minlin suddenly realized,"Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

"This is your first battle, it's normal, you need to practice more."The Four-Handed Overlord smiled calmly.

"Thank you, Brother Ye, I understand."

Wen Lin lowered her head, her face slightly red.

"Go to hell!"

Clancy chased after him, his body full of locusts.

After turning into a locust man, his size became even bigger!

He was even comparable to the Four-Handed Tyrant!

"Come on, loser."

The Four-Handed Overlord was not afraid of danger. He clenched his hard iron fist and fought fiercely with the Locust Man!

With powerful force, he crushed the Locust Man and made Clancy scream!

But this kind of house is too fragile and can't bear the power of the Four-Handed Overlord.

With a tremor, the whole high-risk building collapsed quickly, turning into countless rotten wood debris, piling up on the ground. Under the ruins. The Four-Handed Overlord punched through the wooden door on his body, protecting Minlin in his arms, and suddenly bounced up and landed on the flat ground.

"Are you all right?"

Tian Mark looked serious and trotted over.

"It's okay, that monster can't hurt us."

The Four-Handed Overlord said, putting Minlin down from his arms.

"Thank you, Brother Ye......"Minlin blushed.

It was the first time that Brother Ye held her like this.

Just now, when the house collapsed, Minlin wanted to activate the Flying Magic Pendant, but was hit by a piece of wood. The

Four-Handed Overlord was quick and immediately protected Minlin in his arms, protecting her from the damage of the collapse and resisting the impact of the fall!

"Xiaowen....Oh no, it's Minlin's first battle after all, so she's a little inexperienced."

"Xiaoye, please take care of her for a while."

Tian Mark smiled kindly, his eyes complicated.

"No trouble, Grandpa."

The Four-Handed Overlord shook his head.

Grandpa was so good to him, it was his duty to take care of Minlin.

What's more, Minlin's fighting talent was not weak, and I believe it won't take long for her to fully adapt.

At this time, a blonde beauty ran over.

Iris looked anxiously at the pile of ruins in front of her,"Mike, where are you! Are you still alive! ?"

Mike, it was the contractor.

He was hiding in the corner of the second floor just now, and it seemed that he did not escape.


A ferocious beast, holding a man in its mouth, rushed over here quickly.

"That is......Rabid beast?"

Minlin's eyes lit up.

And the one the rabid beast was biting was the contractor!

"It was Xiaoban who saved him, this kid is really good." Tian Mark looked very happy.

Iris turned pale with fear,"Ah! Don't eat him!"

She subconsciously thought that the rabid beast was going to eat the contractor.

""Xiaoban, come this way!"

Minlin shouted


The rabid beast vaguely heard Xiao Wen's voice, responded with a low roar, and ran over immediately.

But after running two steps, it crashed into a big tree!

The rabid beast cried out in pain, put the contractor down, and lay on the ground holding his head, feeling a great headache.

Its senses were greatly affected and it could hardly sense anything.

Iris hurried forward to support the frightened contractor.

The two looked panicked and ran quickly towards the Four-Handed Overlord.

Iris still remembered this big guy who had just saved her.

So, she concluded that the Four-Handed Overlord was not a bad guy.

"Hey, why aren't you leaving yet?" the Four-Handed Overlord asked in a rough voice.

"I want to thank you for helping us demolish this old house." Iris looked sincere.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar came from under the ruins.

The locust man tore off his restraints, his eyes red, and frantically pushed aside the broken wood debris, as if looking for something.

"Sister, sister!"

"Where are you!"

"You can't die!"

The Four-Handed Overlord narrowed his eyes slightly,"Sister?"

He didn't remember that Clancy had a sister

"Minlin, a quick victory!" The Four-Handed Overlord's eyes flashed,"Use the Fire Demon Pendant to burn this ruin to ashes!"

""Okay! I'll listen to Brother Ye!"

Wenlin smiled knowingly, and urged the Fire Demon Pendant to release a fierce dragon flame!

The ruins made of rotten wood were immediately ignited by the dragon flame!

The raging fire was reflected in Clancy's eyes.


""Sister, come out quickly!"

Clancy screamed madly, wanting only to find his sister.

In the sea of fire, a sharp insect chirp suddenly sounded!

A huge black spider crawled out from under the ruins, grabbed Clancy, fled from the sea of fire, and rushed towards the Four-Handed Overlord and others!

"That is......"

The Four-Handed Overlord's eyes fixed.

It was actually a half-human, half-spider!

The upper body was a little girl in red clothes, with a cute appearance, red lips and white teeth.

The lower body was a terrifying spider body with eight sharp spider spears covered with thorns!

"Oh my god, this is so weird......."Minlin was stunned

"This girl must be the sister mentioned by the insects."Tian Mark thought thoughtfully.

"If we keep these monsters, they will become a disaster sooner or later."

"Directly destroy���"

The four-handed king clenched his fists and prepared to charge

【Ding~ Insect mother detected!】

【Eliminate the insect mother - Ke Hongdong, and prevent the outbreak of insect pests!】

【After successful completion, you can get 3000 points! 】

The two siblings add up to a total of 5000 points!

Not a small amount.

The insect mother, Khongdong, saw the four-handed king rushing over, and hurriedly cried to Clancy:"Brother, he's coming!"

"Don't be afraid, brother will protect you!" Clancy's eyes were fierce.

"That...."Sister rewards brother."

As he spoke, a white energy ray burst out from the abdomen of the spider body below Khongdong.

It went straight into Clancy's mouth!

This is a unique skill of the mother insect.

It can assist Clancy and change into various giant insects at will in a short period of time!

A real change, instead of being attached by countless small insects!

Clancy greedily swallowed the white energy,"Well~ You are worthy of being my good sister, this energy is so fragrant!"

"My fist smells better!"

The Four-Handed Overlord was already approaching.

However, Clancy had undergone an amazing change!

He was seen transforming into a fly man at a speed visible to the naked eye.......

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