Soon after,

Ye Chen followed the location sent by Takatsuki Izumi and arrived at the Antique Cafe.

It was already three in the morning.

Most of the residents around were asleep.

The streets were empty, lonely and gloomy, with a gust of cold wind blowing from time to time.

Only the windows on the second floor of the Antique Cafe were still lit, like the only beacon in the dark ocean.

The Antique Cafe helped many wandering ghouls. They did not eat living people, but only corpses, and were friendly to humans. They could be said to be a breath of fresh air in the ghoul world.

"This is it."

Gliding King Kong grinned, flew to the second floor, opened the window, and entered the living room of the antique coffee shop.

"Wow, it stinks!"

"It stinks, who is cooking shit?"

"I can't stand it, ugh~"

As soon as they came in, many ghouls covered their mouths and noses, feeling the stench in the house, their eyes rolled back, and they rolled on the ground.

Gliding Kong has a bad smell, and ghouls have a keen sense of smell.

For them, it was like they were suffering severe torture!

Gliding Kong scratched his head,"Okay, I'll change back now."

A faint green light flashed, and Gliding Kong changed back to its original form.

"Yechen Jun!"

As soon as she turned back, a petite green-haired figure, carrying a charming fragrance, got into Yechen's arms.

"I miss you so much!"

Takatsuki Izumi opened her beautiful green eyes, raised her hand and looked up at Yechen, her eyes full of love and admiration.

Yechen was stunned, then smiled and touched Takatsuki Izumi's little head lovingly:"Me too"

"Girls can't be kept at home when they grow up."Ye Lu shook his head and sighed

"Haha, I think they are a good match."Fangcun Gongshan has a kind face and a smile on his face.

"Tsk, I don't think they are a good match."

Kirishima Touka folded her hands and pouted.

She was the one who met Yechen first, so why did Takatsuki Izumi get there first?......

After chatting with Gao Tsukiquan for a while, Ye Chen rubbed her forehead and said with a smile:"Okay, it's time to talk about business."

"Yeah."Takatsuki Izumi nodded, knowing that this was a special period.

This battle might determine the survival of the antique and the Aoki tree.

After all, Dr. Dong Wu and Dr. Kano were very dangerous people.....

Through a conversation, Ye Chen learned a shocking fact.

Dr. Kano created an SSS-level ghoul army by digging out the kura of Kamishiro Rize and transplanting it into humans, and then supplemented it with Dr. Dong Wu's biotechnology!

Originally, according to Dr. Kano's knowledge and materials, at most he could only create a small number of S-level and SS-level ghouls, because the probability of experimental failure was very high.

It is possible that only one one-eyed ghoul can be born out of ten experimental subjects, and the other experimental subjects will die.

And among ten one-eyed ghouls, perhaps only one can become S-level.

And SS-level is even rarer, one in a thousand!

After all, Kamishiro Rize is only SS-level, and it is impossible to create an SSS-level ghoul.

It was Dr. Dong Wu's biotechnology that broke this shackle!

There are as many as a thousand SSS-level one-eyed ghouls!

Although they are all artificial one-eyed ghouls, their combat effectiveness is not as good as natural one-eyed ghouls, but they are better in number.

Faced with such a huge force, even Ye Chen dare not take it lightly.

This is a huge hidden danger and must be eradicated!

"It turns out that Dong Wu and Jiana's next step is to capture the store manager and Koizumi as their new ghoul supplier."

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Do you want to create a stronger artificial ghoul?....

No matter who it is, as long as they dare to hurt Gao Tsukuiquan, he will not forgive them easily.

This has touched Ye Chen's reverse scale.

You can't touch him, and you can't touch his family.

"Yechen Jun, if I was captured, would you come to save me?"

Takatsuki Izumi held Yechen's arm and whispered

"No." Ye Chen shook his head.

"Ah, why?"Takatsuki Izumi was stunned.

"Because they don't have this opportunity anymore."

While speaking, Ye Chen slowly turned his head and looked out the window.

"They are coming."Ye Chen said calmly.

Fangcun Gongshan opened his scarlet eyes and said in a low voice:"Everyone, are you ready?"

Shifang Renshi was shocked and ran to the window to look down at the scene below.

The moonlit streets had been occupied by ghouls. They flashed scarlet eyes, filled with cold murderous intent, and walked slowly towards this side.

In front of them was Dr. Dong Wu riding a pterosaur and Dr. Kano in a white coat.

""They are coming!"

Sifang growled, clenching his fists.

The demon ape was stunned:"They come so quickly? I wanted to run away tonight!"...."

"I'm not afraid." Dong Xiang looked stubborn, she was ready for battle.

As for Kaneki Ken, he couldn't use his kagune perfectly, his fighting ability was very weak, and he hadn't reached S-level.

However, he wouldn't flee from the battlefield.

This was the life and death moment for the antique coffee shop, and no one could stay out of it!

Ye Chen slowly stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and walked straight to the window

"Let's go out and meet them......."

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