The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and on the bustling city streets.

An unprecedented showdown quietly unfolded!

The ghoul giant and the colossal giant stood facing each other, like two towering mountains, casting a large shadow on the residential area, which was terrifying!

Many residents heard the noise outside and quietly opened the curtains, intending to investigate.

As a result, what came into view were two terrifying giants that blocked out the sky and the sun!

People screamed in fear, hurriedly closed the windows, and hid in the house trembling.

They didn't dare to run out rashly, for fear of being discovered by the monster giant.

On the rooftop in the distance, the ghouls of Qingtong Tree and Antique Cafe watched the battle here intently.

Their hearts were almost in their throats, and they silently cheered for the colossal giant in their hearts.

"You must win, Yechen-kun~"

Takatsuki Izumi secretly clenched her pink fists, her beautiful green eyes full of worry.

Those SSS-level artificial ghouls are all dead, because with the help of the Godly Tyrannosaurus and the Ten-Unlike, the ghouls successfully completed the counterattack and annihilated the ghoul army. The ghouls present were more or less injured, but it was not serious, and they would recover after a period of rest. The

S-level ghoul Gecko was the most seriously injured, with broken hands and feet, several broken ribs, and his kagune was eaten by those SSS-level ghouls. He needs to rest for at least a month.

The least injured were Takatsuki Izumi and Yoshimura Kousen, these two powerful SSS-level ghouls, with extremely abnormal recovery abilities.

Even if their kagune was cut off, they could recover in the blink of an eye.

"Now, it's up to Yechen........"

Fangcun Gongshan opened his bloodshot eyes and stared at the direction of the battlefield.

These two giants are the key to determining victory or defeat.......

Under the cold moonlight, two towering figures stood.

The ghoul giant was huge and round, with rough gray-blue skin, like a giant whale leaping out of the deep sea. Its copper-bell-like eyes emitted a faint blue light that was soul-stirring.

"Boy, let me show you what real giant power is!"

The ghoul giant took a huge step, crushed the street surface, and rushed straight towards the super giant like a moving magic mountain.

""Come on!"

The Colossal Giant was not afraid at all. His muscles were well-defined and he was full of strength. Every step he took could make the earth tremble!

Boom - the Colossal Giant punched out and instantly knocked the Ghoul Giant away. He smashed into a tall building like a kite with a broken string! The

Colossal Giant focused his eyes and rushed to the bottom of the Ghoul Giant with all his strength. Just before the opponent was about to hit the tall building, he kicked it high into the air!


The ghoul giant couldn't help but scream, his eyeballs almost popped out, he felt so painful, and his bones were about to break.

They are both giants, why is there such a big difference!?

Boom - the body of the ghoul giant fell straight down, slamming into the ground of the street, leaving a huge human-shaped outline!

"Oh my god, this is too strong!"

"Ahhh! Ye Chen’s transformation into a giant is so powerful!"

"Humph, don't you see whose husband that is?......."

The ghouls cheered enthusiastically, and were excited and overwhelmed by the feat of the super giant.

The super giant that Ye Chen transformed into could crush this weird doctor!

However, the ghoul giant had a fusion of the DNA of whales and ghouls, and had a strong recovery ability, so it was not so easy to lose.

He slowly got up, and a blue light emerged from his body, and his injuries recovered quickly.

In just a few breaths, he recovered as if he had never been injured.

"I'm going to get serious!"

The ghoul giant's eyes burst with an unprecedented high fighting spirit.

The blue light on his body, as if carrying the power of the ocean, continued to radiate in all directions, giving him magical super powers.

""You are still a loser even if you are serious." The giant said calmly.

The ghoul giant's body trembled with anger, and his eyes were bloodshot.


"How dare you look down on me, Dr. Dong Wu? I will kill you!"

When the ghoul giant shouted, blue sound waves burst out from his mouth, bombarding the colossal giant like a violent storm.

This is the ability given to him by the whale gene!

Along the way, a large number of trees and street lights were shattered by the fierce blue ultrasonic waves, which were unstoppable like a dead tree or rotten wood!

The colossal giant looked calm, and did not even make a defensive gesture, just standing straight in place.


The blue ultrasonic waves that tore everything apart hit the colossal giant, making a harsh sound of metal clashing!

The colossal giant was unharmed, with a smile on his face, staring at the ghoul giant opposite with disdain.

"Are you tickling me?"

The ghoul giant was stunned.......How is this possible!"

The whale sound waves that he was so proud of actually had no effect on the super giant!

How strong must the opponent's body be!?

""Okay, I won't play with you anymore."

The Colossal Giant grinned and started to get serious.

The Ghoul Giant was shocked and angry when he said this, and his face turned red with anger.

It was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting!

It turned out that the Colossal Giant had been playing with him all along and was not serious at all!

""Little devil, I won't be a human if I don't kill you today!"

The ghoul giant roared deafeningly, opened his gray-blue claws, and rushed over fiercely.

The mountain-like fist was surrounded by the power of the ocean, and its power should not be underestimated!

"You want a melee? Then I'll fight you from a distance."

The giant raised his lips slightly and mobilized all his energy.

His left arm was horizontal and his right arm was vertical.

"Cosmic rays!"

A beam of azure cosmic rays burst out from the right arm of the super giant, carrying with it a mysterious and chaotic cosmic storm aura, like a rolling tsunami, instantly submerging the ghoul giant.......

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