"here it is......Interstellar Arena!"

Ye Chen came back to his senses from his daze, his eyes filled with shock.

The arena was surrounded by spectators, huge crowds of people, and the noise was endless.

All kinds of strange aliens crowded in the audience, shouting loudly, cheering for the upcoming duel!

"Come on, female Taizoman, beat up these two earthlings!"

"Hehe, I hope the crocodile man eats them all!"

"Tsk tsk, this battle is a foregone conclusion, the Earthlings are too weak!"

Obviously, many aliens were not optimistic about Yechen and Dongxiang, thinking they were vulnerable.

The weak bodies of Earthlings are notoriously weak in the universe, and can be crushed to death like ants.

Kirishima Dongxiang was awakened by the noise, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and she gradually woke up.

She looked at the strange surroundings in surprise.

The brutal aliens, the pale lights as white as day, the blood-covered arena.........

"What on earth is going on?"

Dong Xiang widened her eyes, feeling incredible.

She only remembered that she was originally on the balcony of the coffee shop, but was enveloped by a strange red light and lost consciousness. When she woke up again, she was in this place.

At this time, Ye Chen came over and said in a low voice:"We have been teleported to the interstellar arena......"

Afterwards, he informed Dong Xiang of the general situation.

Dong Xiang's face turned pale, and it was obvious that she could not accept it for a while.

This damn place is a place that takes lives!

If you want to survive, you have to keep defeating your opponents until you die in battle!

She is just an S-class ghoul. Although her strength crushes ordinary people, she has almost no ability to fight back against powerful aliens.

For example, the Four-Armed Overlord can easily kill S-class ghouls.

As if sensing Dong Xiang's concerns, Ye Chen smiled faintly:"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Dong Xiang's eyes moved, revealing joy and gratitude.

Yes, with this powerful man by her side, who can summon all kinds of aliens, maybe he can really take her away from here.......

For some reason, the strong sense of fear just now was relieved by a large margin, and the....It was a warm feeling of security.

She felt very secure!

As if as long as Ye Chen was there, she would not be afraid even if the end of the world came.

"Warmly welcome the two contestants from Earth!"

As the cold broadcast sounded, the spotlight above instantly shone on Ye Chen and Dong Xiang.

The audience from all over the universe were immediately excited and screamed loudly, like boiling sea water.

"Their opponent is the victorious general here!"

"Female Taizoman and Crocodile Man!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar. Cheers even more enthusiastic than before suddenly broke out in the audience. The voices were deafening.

When the audience's emotions calmed down a little, the broadcast sounded again.

"Previously, the OK combination of female Tadjoman and Crocodile Man had achieved 49 consecutive victories!"

"As long as they defeat the Earthlings in front of them, they can achieve 50 consecutive victories!"

"He will be promoted to become the second of the top ten masters of the Soul Reaper Arena!"

"So can they win today and advance successfully?"

"let us wait and see!"

"I declare that the competition has officially begun!"

Ding, ding, ding!

A crisp bell sounded from above, as if announcing the death of the two earthlings.

Many aliens had already placed bets, betting on the female Taizoman and the crocodile man to win.

In their opinion, this battle was a foregone conclusion.

Some even went bankrupt and bet all their gold and silver treasures!

Because no matter how you look at it, these two earthlings will die miserably!

"Come on, Taimanman, I’ve invested a hundred pieces of Sky Crystal Jade, and I’m waiting for you to win!" A Vaxsaari shouted.

"What? Are you crazy? That's a hundred pieces of Sky Crystal Jade!"

"What do you know? Taimanman is so strong that he can crush these two earthlings with one foot!" The Waksari looked at him with disdain and said with a silly smile:"Hehe, the odds are one to one, I will be able to get 100 pieces of Tianjingyu soon!!"

""You stupid dragon, you look down on Earthlings, don't you?" A one-eyed cricket looked at me with a sarcastic look and said with a smile,"What a coincidence, me too!"

He bet more than the Waksari, a full 250 pieces of Sky Crystal Jade, which was all the property he had earned in the arena over the years!

As for why he was so bold?

It was obvious that he looked down on Earthlings!

"Hehe, there are not many opportunities to make a fortune like this, and the Earth Ants will definitely lose."

The one-eyed cricket was thin and stood on the armrest of the table and chair, rubbing his hands, and his one eye was full of greed.

This one-eyed cricket and the Waxsarri who placed the bet were also well-known rich people in the interstellar arena.

Otherwise, they would not be able to take out so many expensive sky crystal jades at one time.

At this moment, the arena was covered with dried blood.

Ye Chen protected Dong Xiang behind him, staring at the enemy opposite with cold eyes.......

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