In the shabby tent.

Kuangban was half lying on the bed with a toothpick in his mouth, looking rebellious.

He crossed his legs, wondering what he was thinking.

Kuangban looked very similar to Xiaoban in the main time and space, but his eyes were orange instead of green. He had dark skin, a mohawk-style haircut, and wore punk-style clothes, looking like a thorn.

""My lord, please drink some water."

A short alien ran over and handed over a glass of clear spring water.

In this post-apocalyptic wasteland, drinking water is very precious.

Kuangban stood up and drank it in one gulp, glancing at the alien.

He was short, had green skin, and had many spikes on his head, looking a little mean.

""Pa Ma." Kuangban laughed jokingly.

""My king, do you have any instructions?" Pa Ma responded hurriedly, trembling with fear.

"Is this all the water?" Kuangban was very dissatisfied:"It's not even enough to fill my teeth!"

Pa Ma was so scared that his legs were shaking and he knelt on the ground,"Ah, sorry, my king, I will send all the water I drew today!"

After saying that, Pa Ma ran away, fearing that he would be killed by Kuangban.

"You're a fast runner." Kuangban snorted coldly.

Then he continued to lie on the bed.

"Lord Vilgax and Lord Modron have gone to the deepest part of the universe, leaving me alone, so bored."Kuangban rested his hands on his head, looking a little lonely.

To him, these two people were like masters, teaching him a lot of things.

In the doomsday wasteland, there were no entertainment activities, and he could only deal with the loess and slaves every day.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound outside the door.

"Who?"Kuangban immediately became alert, like a tiger awakened.

There was no movement.

Kuangban hesitated for a while, but decided to go out and take a look.

When he walked out of the tent, he didn't find anything unusual.

"This damn night wind has made me lose my nerves."

Kuangban patted his head and turned to go back to bed.

A black shadow suddenly fell from the tent and appeared behind Kuangban!

Yechen's left eye was bloodshot, and he suddenly made a hand knife, trying to knock Kuangban unconscious!

But Kuangban's reaction was amazing, he dodged the attack by turning sideways, and suddenly turned around and glared at Yechen.

"Who are you? How dare you attack this king!"Kuangban clenched his fists, anger flashing in his eyes.

He is very easy to get angry and very aggressive.

"Hand over the power watch, or you will bear the consequences."

Ye Chen looked calm and spoke slowly.

For a moment, he felt like a villain.

""Who do you think you are, to dare to order me around!"

Kuangban was furious. Not only did he disturb his sleep in the middle of the night, he also wanted to take his watch.


Seeing Kuangban's ferocious appearance, Yechen said no more, burst out with amazing speed, and rushed towards Kuangban. At the same time, four scarlet scales stretched out from his waist, grabbing at Kuangban like tentacles!


A khaki light instantly ignited on Kuangban's body!

With a bang, the scarlet scales were instantly defeated! Yechen felt an extremely powerful force, and his body couldn't help but retreat.

His scales were broken and were recovering quickly.

Scales are the fastest recovering among all the scales.

Yechen looked up at the tall figure in the smoke.

The man was made of green crystal all over, with sharp spikes on his head and back, and wearing black and yellow armor.

On the armor on his shoulders and arms, there were khaki spikes, flashing cold light.

""Diamond Overlord!" Kuangban shouted.

Diamond Overlord, this is the name Kuangban gave to the Pedro Shaping star.

Compared with the Diamond God of War, the Diamond Overlord looks more fierce and more dangerous.

"No matter who you are, you will die here today!"

The Diamond Overlord punched the ground, and a large number of crystal thorns burst out, intricately and in a straight line attacking Ye Chen!

The crystal thorns were also covered with dense"small spikes", and the attack power was full!

Ye Chen's scales recovered, and the four spikes supported the ground, and suddenly bounced up to avoid the terrifying crystal spikes.

【Ding! Hostility from the mad class detected!】

【Defeat Crazy Class and seize the Power Watch, so that he can no longer do evil and free the residents here from the brutal rule.】

【After successful completion, you can get 8000 points! 】

A series of prompt sounds echoed in Ye Chen's mind.

"Come on then."

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix.


The green movement in the middle popped up instantly.

Ye Chen quickly switched heroes and then pressed

""Mighty Tyrannosaurus!"

A strong, earth-yellow dinosaur slammed down to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

"Oh? You also have a transformation watch. Diamond Overlord was a little surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense."

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was soaring into the sky, his muscles bulging, gathering the strongest power, and punched the Diamond Overlord!

""Looking for death!"

Diamond Overlord punched out, and the wind blew up.

In an instant, it turned into a huge crystal fist and collided with the dragon fist!


The crystal fist exploded and flew in the air.

The Divine Tyrannosaurus also took a few steps back before removing the force.

Diamond Overlord is an attack and defense, not easy to deal with, and Kuangban's control is stronger.

"Ha, you loser."

The orange eyes of the Diamond Overlord revealed disdain and contempt.

He raised his palm and shot out a large number of crystal spikes at the opponent.

The Divine Tyrannosaurus swung his fist and smashed the attacking spikes.

Then he roared, and his body grew rapidly, rising to 20 meters in an instant!

This is the ability of the Divine Tyrannosaurus, gigantic!

Greatly increase strength, strengthen muscles, protrude hard bone plates on the back, and enhance defense!

A huge black shadow enveloped the Diamond Overlord.

The huge battle movement attracted the attention of a large number of guards and slaves.

"Look, what that is!"

"That is the Diamond Overlord transformed by Tian Xiaoban Da Wang!"

"But what about the other one, is he also the king of Tian Xiaoban?"

"Wrong!" Luke realized something was wrong at first glance, because he knew that the watch logo of Kuangban was orange, while the watch logo of the giant humanoid Tyrannosaurus was green.

"The other one is not the King of Tian Xiaoban, he is an invader!"Luke said firmly

"What! There is actually someone who can compete with the king!"

"It's too unbelievable!"

Luke picked up a musket and rushed out first:"Stop talking nonsense, follow me to support the king!"

Many guards followed, not daring to neglect.

Countless slaves looked at each other, at a loss for a moment.

At this moment, the Divine Tyrannosaurus and the Diamond Overlord fought fiercely again!

"You are quite interesting."The Diamond Overlord smiled, his eyes gradually became cold:"But, in front of my Kuangban, you are still no match." As soon as the words fell, the Diamond God of War punched into the ground.

Many crystal mountains rose from the ground, each of which was more than 50 meters high, huge and terrifying, and a sense of oppression enveloped the four directions!

""Go to hell!"

The Diamond Overlord shouted, controlling all the crystal mountains and pressing them towards the Divine Tyrannosaurus.......

Crazy Universe, Diamond Overlord

PS: Set up an original hero building, friends can create some aliens, name + race + appearance characteristics + abilities, and can also set weaknesses and natural enemies. The more comprehensive the better. The author will select some aliens from it, arrange the plot appropriately, and include them in the protagonist's omnitrix. Comment in this paragraph.

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