Hearing this, the guards' faces suddenly turned ugly.

Although Kuangban was pulled down from the throne, there were still more powerful Vilgax and Modron!

Their cruelty was even worse than Kuangban!

"Don't be afraid, everyone!"

Luke hurriedly comforted the others, and then walked carefully to the front of the Snow Mastiff Armor.

"My lord, you defeated Tian Xiaoban, and now you are our king!"

"We hope you can stay here and become our new leader, protecting our people so that we will no longer be ruled by brutality!"

The implication is that they hope Snow Mastiff Armor can stay and fight against Vilgax and Modron.

Snow Mastiff Armor shook his head,"I advise you to leave here and look for opportunities somewhere else. You don't have to stay in Bell City."

What a joke, let him wait here for Vilgax and Modron to return?

That's like looking for shit with a lantern in the toilet

"All right then."

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to be the new king, Luke felt very sorry.

"However, thank you for liberating us and getting rid of the brutal rule."Luk expressed his sincere gratitude.

The other guards also expressed their gratitude. If it weren't for Yechen, they would still be the lackeys of Kuangban.

Afterwards, Luk decided to take all the guards of Bell City and those slaves to an overseas isolated island to build a new home.

He also took Kuangban with him. He would be imprisoned on the isolated island to witness the birth of a new home.

And the kind-hearted Luk, recommended by a group of guards, officially became the new leader!

When everything was settled.

Yechen removed the armor mode and turned back into a human.

At this moment, he was the only one left in the empty desert.

Half of the time was left before the 24-hour deadline.

"Time capsule."

Ye Chen's mind moved, and a small white capsule appeared in his hand.

After throwing it on the ground, it suddenly turned into a small white airship.

Ye Chen looked back at the Doomsday Wasteland and sighed softly:"I guess it won't come again in the future."

Kuangban lost his watch and no longer had the ability to bully others.

After entering the time capsule, Ye Chen pressed a green button.

This is the return button. Just press it and you can return to the original time and space.

【Ding~ Mission completed successfully!】

【Congratulations to the host for defeating Crazy Class and taking the Power Watch, which will prevent him from doing evil again and free the residents here from brutal rule.】

【Reward 8000 points!】

【Current points: 11500! 】

Buzz buzz——

The space-time capsule slowly rose into the air, broke through the space-time wormhole, and went straight in.

Blank, still blank.

Boundless, white to the point of panic.

Ye Chen sat in the space-time capsule and looked at the scene outside through the front window.

"Just like when we came here, there is nothing to see."

Ye Chen said, and began to close his eyes to rest.

This journey to seize the watch was smoother than expected.

However, this was due to the fact that he had reserved enough points before setting off and made the worst-case plan.

That is, the transformation time would end before the Mad Class.

It happened that Ye Chen predicted this.

The situation at the time was very dangerous. Even if he had an S-level ghoul physique, he would never be able to beat the Mad Dogmon.

Therefore, the reserved points played a huge role.

In addition, Ye Chen had already"pre-ordered" the Snow Mastiff Armor and was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The moment the Mad Dogmon pounced, Ye Chen immediately exchanged for the Snow Mastiff Armor and successfully completed the counterattack!

If the Snow Mastiff Armor had not been summoned, I'm afraid he would have been defeated.

Mad Dogmon Ban's fighting power is indeed very strong. He had to use all his trump cards to barely defeat him.

Of course, all this is thanks to the initial thirteen aliens of the Mad Class.

Whether it is the Diamond Overlord, the Mad Giant, the Hurricane War Turtle, or the Atomic Reactor, they are all extremely powerful and have terrifying destructive power.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh.

If I had a super giant today, maybe the situation would not be so passive, right?

But then again.

What is the origin of that golden desert unicorn?

The strength is extraordinary. It can call the wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

Not only can it create sand tornadoes, but it can also emit terrifying sound waves, severely damaging the Diamond God of War.

And before attacking the Diamond God of War, the Desert Unicorn's eyes lit up red.

It seems....Can you analyze the enemy's weaknesses?

""Forget it, never mind." Ye Chen shook his head,"This kind of creature should be unique to the crazy universe."

Anyway, he won't come again.


The time capsule is still traveling in the white ocean.

Ye Chen took out the power watch and examined it carefully.

The power watch is black and yellow all over, and the outer ring is inlaid with many spikes, which looks very aggressive.

Ye Chen thought about it, pressed the omnitrix, and turned into a little warrior.

A little blue frog stood in front of the power watch.

As a Gavin star, a fellow tribesman of Azmis, the little warrior has super high intelligence.

When transformed into a little warrior, he will automatically master a lot of mechanical knowledge, and his thinking ability will also be improved.

The little warrior decided to debug the power watch.

See if he can unlock more aliens, as well as unlimited time and telekinetic transformation.......

After working for a while, the little warrior gave up.

Although he had a lot of mechanical knowledge, a level 20 high-tech product like the Power Watch was far beyond his ability to crack.

Unless he had enough professional knowledge, the Transformation Watch would be......

The little warrior originally thought that if he could crack the Power Watch, he should be able to crack the Omnitrix as well.

Then he could unlock more permissions for himself.

Now it seems that this plan has failed.

However, he has a system, and it is only a matter of time before he can unlock more aliens in the Omnitrix.

"Although I can't crack the power watch, I at least know how many aliens are inside."The little warrior held his chin.

There are thirteen initial aliens in total.

Barrier Ape, Alien Monster, Diamond Overlord, Mad Tiger, Four-Handed Overlord, Noise Machine, Atomic Reactor, Hurricane War Turtle, Gluttonous Frog, Mr. Bad, Micro Soldier, Mad Giant, Mad Dog Beast

"There should be more than just these aliens in the power watch, and maybe Kuangban hasn't had time to unlock it yet."Little Qibing guessed.

So, how can we find an excuse to explain the origin of the power watch?

Encountering a meteorite again, and picking up another super energy instrument?

"It's a bit far-fetched."

The little warrior thought about it and decided to tell his grandfather that he created the power watch.

That's it.

Now, he has 11,500 points left.

It's time to reward himself with a new hero.

"Exchange for a random alien hero treasure chest."Ye Chen thought to himself.

【Ding! Successfully exchanged for a random alien hero treasure chest!】

【Consume 1000 points!】

【Current points: 10500!】

"Open the treasure chest"

【Successfully opened the random alien hero treasure chest!】

【Congratulations to the host for winning a rare reward!】

【Abandoned Hero: Density Hippo】


After a long time, a huge black hole appeared in front of them.

The time capsule accelerated and entered the wormhole.......

Storm Wolf and Ishtar

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