
There is a constant stream of traffic on the road.

The old broken car driving among them looks like a product of the last century, and it seems a bit out of place compared to other new cars.

However, Mark Tian is enjoying it, and he controls the steering wheel with enjoyment, as if he is fighting side by side with his old friend.

Tian Xiaoban sat on the sofa, fiddling with the power watch curiously.

After pressing it, an orange-yellow holographic projection suddenly popped up.

The projection is engraved with alien heads, and you can slide left and right to choose the alien hero you want.

Ye Chen sat aside with a calm expression.

He thought about keeping the power watch for himself, and then taking off the omnitrix and giving it to Xiaoban.

But that would be somewhat troublesome.

First of all, taking off the omnitrix would be extremely painful, because the omnitrix has been bound to its own DNA and is very firmly attached.

Secondly, he doesn't think he needs to use the power watch.

With the system, it is only a matter of time before the other permissions of the omnitrix are unlocked.

Moreover, Ye Chen prefers the appearance of the first generation omnitrix.

According to the setting, Kuangban's power watch does not have the alien"Electric Lizard".

Ye Chen also took this disadvantage into consideration.

Electric Lizard is the official favorite son, and is very powerful. He can absorb almost any form of energy and transform it into electricity and bounce it back.

Ye Chen hopes to have an Electric Lizard, so he gave up the Power Watch.

In addition, his watch has unlocked many aliens, such as the God Power Tyrannosaurus, the Frozen Lizard, and the Water Tyrant.

There are also two abandoned heroes, the Laughing Gas Mushroom and the Density Hippo.

He asked the system if the aliens in the watch could be transferred to each other.

But the system said no, because each watch is an independent existence.

The appearance of two transformation watches in the same cosmic quadrant is already unreasonable.

Touching each other and scanning DNA cannot be done.

Because it is not a pure alien, it is mixed with the genes of the wearer.

For example, Tian Xiaoban used the Power Watch to scan the God Power Tyrannosaurus that Ye Chen turned into, but could not collect its DNA.

Because the genes are impure, and Ye Chen's own genes are mixed in.

The same is true in reverse, Ye Chen cannot scan the aliens in the Power Watch

"Diamond Overlord, Mr. Bad, Atomic Reactor......"

Tian Xiaoban switched while reciting the name of the alien.

He decided that he would beat the next weirdo who appeared!

He firmly believed that no matter who the other party was, he could not beat the strengthened"Superman Ban"."!......

At 2 pm, everyone finally arrived at the Magic Light Park.

To their surprise, the Magic Light Park was packed with tourists.

"Hmm? When did the Fantasy Light Park become so famous? It's so weird."Tian Mark couldn't help but say.

In his impression, the Fantasy Light Park should be deserted and seldom visited.

After all, the entertainment facilities here are very simple and backward. Most of the people who come here to play are elderly people, which brings back childhood memories.

Ye Chen also found it strange. Logically, there shouldn't be many people in the Fantasy Light Park.

With doubts, everyone decided to go down and take a look. After searching for a long time, they found a crowded parking space. If it weren't for Tian Mark's superb driving skills, he really couldn't park in it.

A middle-aged man in a blue shirt with gray hair stood at the entrance of the park and greeted customers enthusiastically.

"He is the director of Huanguang Paradise."Tian Mark explained.

It can be seen that the director is very happy. With so many tourists coming, he has made a lot of money.

"Hey Mark, you are here too." The head teacher noticed Tian Mark and said with a smile:"Long time no see, are you bringing the children here to play?"

"Yes, Director, I brought the children here for a tour." Tian Mark responded with a smile, and then changed the subject:"Oh, by the way, why are there so many tourists today? It's a bit different from usual."

Hearing this, the director laughed and pointed to the inside of the Fantasy Light Park,"I've been so lucky recently!"

"A famous writer from the Land of Sakura came to hold a book signing event here. She is very popular and many fans came to see her......."

Tian Mark understood:"So that's how it is"

""Come in, we are old friends, you can get a free meal!" The director said generously with a smile on his face.

Tian Mark couldn't help but smile bitterly. This director was not like this before.

He used to rip him off every time he bought a ticket, but now he has become generous.

Sure enough, having money is different.

This time the director must have made at least tens of thousands of dollars.

Tian Mark was not pretentious and walked in with Ye Chen and the others.

The director continued to receive tourists.

Huanguang Park is not very big, covering an area of only about ten football fields.

The entertainment facilities are very simple and retro.

Tall elk statues, large beer models , colorful hot air balloons, etc., the overall look is like an amusement park from decades ago.

There are no haunted houses, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, flying chairs and other entertainment facilities.

There are only simple equipment such as bumper cars, swings, slides, etc.

It is usually deserted, but now it is crowded with people.

There are men, women, young and old, but more of them come to participate in the book signing event of the author of the Sakura Country.

In order to catch this wave of traffic, the director specially recruited many part-time staff to help look after the Fantasy Light Park.

They wear red work clothes and are responsible for selling tickets, turning on entertainment equipment, or giving directions to tourists.

"There are so many people today."Mark Tian wiped the sweat off his face and felt very crowded in the crowd.

Ye Chen held Xiaoban and Xiaowen's hands to prevent the two children from getting lost.

Xiaowen didn't refuse, but just lowered her head with a slightly red cheek.

And Xiaoban kept mumbling, saying that he was not a child and would not run around.

Mark Tian took everyone to visit many things that they liked when they were young.

For example, a cake model as big as a house, a giant tiger, a beer bottle more than ten meters high, and a magic witch statue.......

These are full of memories for Tian Mark.

"I really miss my childhood." Tian Mark laughed, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Yes."Ye Chen sighed.

But people will eventually grow up, take on their own responsibilities, and grow up slowly as time goes by.

It's not like a teenager's tour.

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen think these facilities are boring, they prefer to play video games

"Oh, my god, the things here are so old, even more antique than Aunt Vera. Tian Xiaoban felt uncomfortable.

Tian Xiaowen frowned slightly, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind.

"Hey grandpa, why don't we go to that book signing event?"

"I want to see who the writer is."

Tian Xiaowen suggested. She likes reading very much.

Maybe she knows this author from Sakura Country.......

PS: Guess who is the author?

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