"Oh no, even the Mad Titan can transform."

Looking at the Mad Titan that covered the sky, the Tyrannosaurus felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

The Tukusda people were all very powerful, born in the cosmic storm, and were among the best in the universe in terms of strength and defense!

"It's not easy to deal with."

The Godly Tyrannosaurus said coldly, and his body also grew rapidly.

In just a few seconds, he rose to 20 meters!

About half of the Mad Titan!

The Godly Tyrannosaurus's strength should not be underestimated, and he can even lift a Super Titan.

"Wow, I feel so cool!"

The mad giant was a little stunned, looking at his pale hands.

Tian Mark's face was very ugly,"Tukus Master......Now we are in danger!"

""Grandpa, it's so scary." Tian Xiaowen's voice was trembling.

When had she ever seen such a terrifying and tall monster?

"I want to become a mad giant and beat Kevin up!"

Tian Xiaoban was eager to try it out. He pressed the charged power watch and switched to"mad giant".

Then he slammed it down!

Boom - the khaki light was fleeting!

"Oh, the four-handed tyrant��?"

Tian Xiaoban looked at his bloody palms and wanted to curse.

""Little Broken Watch, which country are you from?"

At the same time.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus Rex was already fighting with the Mad Giant!

The Godly Tyrannosaurus Rex was very powerful, and it overturned the Mad Giant, then jumped on him, swinging its fists and bombarding him wildly!

Bang, bang, bang!

The thunderous sound echoed in the night sky, and the birds flew away and the beasts scattered.

The Mad Giant was stunned. He thought he could easily suppress this dinosaur.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's power was so strong!

At this moment, the Mad Giant did not dare to be careless anymore. He grabbed the hands of the Godly Tyrannosaurus Rex and threw it out fiercely!


The huge body of the Godly Tyrannosaurus Rex, like a kite with a broken string, flew backwards rapidly and smashed into the treasure chest full of gold coins.

"Humph, stupid dragon."

The mad giant's eyes were cold, and his blade fins were shining, ready to pursue the victory!

Suddenly, an angry roar came from the sky!

"Hey, be quiet for me!"

The Four-Handed Overlord raised all his arms, clenched his bloody fist, and smashed it into the Crazy Giant's shoulder with the force of thunder!


The Crazy Giant's tower-like body trembled, shaken by the power of the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Where did this little bug come from? It's so annoying!"

The mad giant stretched out two fingers and pinched the four-handed tyrant like a fly.

"Hey, you idiot, let me go!" The four-handed king struggled frantically.

"Tian Xiaoban, thank you for lending me strength"

"For this, I will give you a great gift."

The mad giant said, throwing the Four-Handed Overlord to the ground, raising his huge foot and stomping down fiercely!


The ground was directly shattered by this terrifying force, and cracks spread everywhere, as if there was a major earthquake.


Tian Mark's eyes were red, and he raised the laser cannon in his hand, emitting blue light.

But these attacks were just like tickling to the mad giant.

"You are his grandfather, right?"The mad giant laughed,"Well, I'll take you both on your way!" The mad giant took a step forward, and was about to rush towards Tian Mark and Xiao Wen.

Tian Xiao Wen was horrified,"Grandpa, he's coming!"

Tian Mark protected Tian Xiao Wen behind him,"Don't be afraid, grandpa will protect you."

But the mad giant was getting closer and closer.

He raised his mountain-like feet and was about to crush Tian Xiao Wen into a meat paste!

Suddenly, a brutal force hit the mad giant's back!


The mad giant turned around suddenly and found the Tyrannosaurus Rex lying on his back!

"Don't even think about hurting them!"

The Divine Tyrannosaurus grabbed the Crazy Giant's neck, using all his strength, tensing his muscles.

【Ding, the host's unyielding will is detected!】

【Defeat Kevin and you will get a mysterious reward! 】

A cold system voice appeared in the mind of the Godly Tyrannosaurus.

The Godly Tyrannosaurus could not care about the system, because just entangled with the mad giant, it had exhausted all its strength!

Dare not relax at all!

"No matter how big an ant is, it can't shake an elephant!"

The Crazy Giant sneered, grabbed the arm of the God Power Tyrannosaurus, and broke free!

Then he swung it violently and threw it over his shoulder!


The God Power Tyrannosaurus lost its center of gravity and fell forward.

The Crazy Giant raised the blade fin on his elbow and was about to chop it down!

"There is no other way."

The Divine Tyrannosaurus made a prompt decision and pressed the Omnitrix on his chest.


The sharp blade fins slashed at the Divine Tyrannosaurus, and thick smoke and dust burst out, and the ground shook violently!

"Hahaha! You’re dead now!"

The crazy laughter of the mad giant echoed in the night sky.

"Brother Ye!"Tian Xiaowen's eyes were red and filled with tears.

Did Brother Ye die just like that?

No, he wouldn't.....

Suddenly, a flash of green lightning shot out from the blade fin!

"What the hell?"The mad giant was stunned.

He saw the flash of lightning condense into a human shape in the sky.......The little blue light is terrifying!

That is"that light"!

In the Fantasy Light Paradise, Ye Chen obtained the DNA sample of that light.

As a Dowatt person, that light has a strong fighting power.

Abilities: splitting and replicating, absorbing electricity, discharging electricity, flying, super fast speed!

Theoretically speaking, if it can absorb enough electricity, the fighting power of that light is almost unlimited.

Most creatures are afraid of electricity.

And the mad giant is no exception!

"That's Xiao Guang's death!" Tian Xiaowen exclaimed.

Great, it turns out that Brother Ye is not dead!

She was secretly delighted in her heart. Fortunately, Brother Ye was safe and sound.

Otherwise, she would not be able to say those four words to Brother Ye.......

""Duowat people, it's still a bit of a stretch." Tian Mark whispered.

Looking around, there were few wires around, and there was almost no electrical energy to absorb.

The light grinned, pointed at the mad giant, and shot out a blue electric light!

It hit the mad giant's head!


The mad giant felt a slight sting, but did not react much.

Not even the skin was broken.

"Ah���Are you trying to light my cigarette with this little spark?" The Crazy Giant sneered.

"Then give it a try."

The light screamed and flew to the only wire above the gold vault, madly absorbing electricity!

One, two, four, eight, sixteen!

In an instant, the light became sixteen.

They all stood in front of the Mad Giant, with green electric snakes lingering all over their bodies!

All the lights screamed, gathered their strength, and released a green electric beam together!

The blazing light rushed straight to the Mad Giant's face!

The Mad Giant sensed the threat and immediately raised his arms to resist.


The violent electric light suddenly exploded on the Mad Giant, and severe pain spread throughout the Mad Giant's body!

"Ah!" The mad giant couldn't help but scream.

"Cool, this little light is so powerful."

Not far away, the Four-Handed Overlord saw this scene and was a little horrified.

The Mad Giant's kick did not kill him, but missed him. The Four-Handed Overlord took advantage of the chaos to escape from the center of the battle.

At this moment, the Mad Giant's huge body was bathed in the green current, his face was hideous and distorted, and he let out a thunderous cry.

But soon, the light ran out of power.

There was no place to replenish it around.

He could only stop attacking.

After stopping the attack, everyone saw the Mad Giant's situation clearly.

"Really....How outrageous!"

"A tiny ant can actually hurt me!"

The mad giant was panting, with burn marks all over his body.

Most of them were superficial injuries, and the root was not injured.

The light's heart sank. Seeing that he could not defeat the mad giant, he could only transform again! A dark green light flashed, and the light turned into a psychic celestial being.......

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