
A thick blood-red lightning shot out from the horn of the mechanical rhino!

The gluttonous frog that Xiaoban turned into opened its huge mouth and swallowed the blood-red lightning directly!

"Burp~It tastes good, strawberry flavor......"The gluttonous frog said jokingly.

At the same time, it quickly melted this energy in its body and transformed it into a corrosive energy bomb!

"Return it to you!"

The Taotie frog spit out a huge green energy bomb, which slammed into the back of the mechanical rhino!

The terrifying energy forcibly dug out a big hole, revealing the scattered mechanical parts inside.

On the other side, Ye Chen was also fighting with the mechanical rhino.

Two mechanical rhinos, one for each person.

At this moment, facing the whistling blood-red thunder, the Diamond War God gathered his hands together and condensed them into a crystal calyx.


The blazing laser impacted the crystal calyx, rebounded to the surroundings, and blood splattered!

The Diamond War God snorted coldly, controlling the crystal calyx to gradually gather.

As the crystal flower closed, the blood-red thunder that was scattered and splashed rebounded towards the mechanical rhino!


The mechanical rhino was unable to dodge and was blasted into pieces, tottering.


"The crystals on the Diamond God of War can bounce back lasers to counter the enemy's attacks!"

Tian Mark was overjoyed. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so proficient in the Pedro Shapin.

"Brother Ye is still so powerful." Tian Xiaowen paused,"I really want to fight with them."

Tian Mark was stunned and smiled:"Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future."

The blood flowing in Xiaowen's body is not ordinary......


The furious mechanical rhino stretched out its sturdy limbs and fiercely rammed into the gluttonous frog!

It wanted to smash this rude guy to pieces!

""Hahaha! It's so fun!"

The Taotie frog enjoyed it so much that it jumped onto the mechanical rhino and started to eat it crazily!

The hard alien alloy was like tofu in front of the Taotie frog's big mouth and was vulnerable.

The Taotie frog ate and vomited at the same time!

At a very fast speed, it severely damaged the mechanical rhino!

On the other side, the battle of the Diamond God of War was coming to an end.

He punched the ground.

A huge crystal hand that covered the sky and the sun suddenly emerged from the ground and grabbed the mechanical rhino.

""Collect!" The Diamond God of War clenched his huge crystal palm in mid- air. The terrifying force instantly crushed the mechanical rhino, exploding into flying parts!

【Successfully destroy the mechanical rhino and get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 12,000!

Diamond War God turned around and saw that the Taotie frog had almost eaten up the mechanical rhino. His golden eyes flashed and he shouted,"Let me finish the job."

This is 2,000 points!

The Taotie frog bit off the head of the mechanical rhino, revealing the red movement inside, which looked like a human brain.

He stretched out his little claws, took out the red movement, and threw it to the Diamond War God.

This is the core of the mechanical rhino. As long as it is destroyed, the mechanical rhino can be completely killed.

"Thank you."

Diamond God of War said, raised a crystal sword and pierced the brain of the mechanical rhino!

【Successfully destroy the mechanical rhino and get 2000 points!】

【Current points: 14,000! 】

The battle is over.

The wreckage of the robots is everywhere around, and the crowds who were watching have already fled.

Luo Jiao and other robbers are also gone. They must have taken advantage of the chaos to escape.

The police are comforting the injured people from a distance, busy and exhausted, calling for ambulances and support.

Diamond Ares and Taotie Frog gradually changed back to their original forms and walked towards the old broken car.

In front of the old broken car, Tian Mark and Xiao Wen were preparing to welcome the two back, smiling.

Suddenly, an octopus robot hiding under the car suddenly jumped out, opened its claws and stabbed Tian Xiao Wen's head!

This scene was unexpected for everyone present!

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix, and his whole body was burning with green light, and he rushed out instantly!

But, a petite figure was faster than him!

A sharp blood-red arrow feather burst out from nowhere and instantly pierced the octopus robot!

The latter fell to the ground, struggling desperately, and seemed to want to fight back.


A small foot wearing white stockings and high loafers stepped on the octopus robot and crushed it!

It also trampled it twice!

This weird scene stunned everyone.

"What the hell?"

The psychic stopped and stopped in front of Tian Xiaowen.

"What's wrong, Xiaoye?"Tian Mark turned around and immediately widened his eyes.

At some point, a petite girl stood behind them.

She had a pretty face, fair skin, dark green hair draped over her shoulders, a white short shirt on her top, and a blue and white plaid short skirt on her bottom, exuding a sweet youthful atmosphere.

However, the broken octopus robot under her feet was somewhat of a spoiler.......

The poor octopus robot was crushed to pieces by Fangcun Aite's little feet. It couldn't say anything.

"It was she who saved you."The psychic said slowly

"Huh? What happened?"Tian Xiaowen was a little confused.

Then, the psychic explained what had just happened.

"It turned out that it was Izumi Takatsuki who helped us block the sneak attack robot......."Tian Xiaowen suddenly realized.

Takatsuki Izumi is the pen name of Fangcun Aite.

She immediately looked at Fangcun Aite, rushed forward and hugged her:"Thank you, Teacher Takatsuki Izumi, if it weren't for you, my grandfather and I would be in danger!"

"Haha, you're welcome." Fangcun At laughed heartily,"We are all friends, so it's only natural for us to help each other."

Last time, Gudong, Bronze Tree and other ghouls, together with Laopoche and his group, fought against Xiaoguanghai. In a sense, they were friends of life and death.

The psychic Tianren said faintly,"If you don't take action, I will still have time to save them."

"I know, but I want to save him anyway!" Fangcun At stuck out his tongue.

"Xiaoye, we were just beaten by someone, you can't be so rude." Tian Mark shook his head slightly, then looked at Fangcun Ate.

"Xiao Ai, I still want to thank you for saving us. Don't listen to Xiao Ye's nonsense. He has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. Don't take it to heart......."

——I, an old man, am worried sick about Yechen's major life event!

"Grandpa, why are you leaning so far away? The psychic was not happy.

"Okay, kids, get in the car first. Tian Mark sat in the driver's seat and said,"Let's talk in the car."

"Can I get on the bus too? Fangcun Aite was a little uncertain.


"Of course!"

The psychic Tianren and Tian Mark said in unison.

The two looked at each other, and the psychic Tianren sighed helplessly,"Okay, then come up."

"But don't move, got it?"

Fangcun Ate smiled and said,"Of course......."

Yoshimura Eto, pen name: Takatsuki Izumi

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