
Takatsuki Izumi's face turned pale and he staggered back!

Noro released a powerful tail, dancing wildly, as if he was about to launch an attack!

"I still can't control myself......"

Tadara's tone was cold, and his eyes quickly turned scarlet!

At the same time, a blue heat wave lingered around him, ready to attack Noro at any time.

"Stand behind me."

Ye Chen protected Takatsuki Izumi behind him, pressed the omnitrix, and prepared to transform.

"Uncle Yelu, how could he hurt me?......"Takatsuki Izumi's beautiful eyes are full of disbelief

"Not sure."

Ye Chen was ready to turn into the Four-Handed Overlord and defeat the out-of-control Ye Lu.

No matter how strong Ye Lu was, he could not defeat the fierce power of the Four-Handed Overlord!

However, Ye Lu tilted his head, as if he remembered something, and stared straight at Takatsuki Izumi behind Ye Chen.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Ye Lu actually controlled Wei He and slowly took off the mask!

It was the face of a middle-aged man, looking ordinary

"Uncle Yelu, you...."Can you hear me?"

Takatsuki Izumi walked forward and asked softly.

After a while, Noro nodded slightly but did not speak.

It was extremely difficult for Noro, whose consciousness was incomplete, to make this move.

Seeing this, Takatsuki Izumi was overjoyed:"Great!" Tadara retracted the blue flame,"Okay, a fierce battle is avoided."

Although he is a powerful Hezhe, it is not easy to take down Noro

""Let's get started, Yechen-kun."

Gao Tsuki's eyes were firm and full of anticipation.

Her short-lived uncle was finally going to be resurrected!


Ye Chen took back the Life-giving Liquid and walked to Noro.

Noro did not make a fighting gesture.

He cooperated very well and opened his mouth under Takatsuki Izumi's instruction.

Ye Chen directly stuffed the potion into Noro's mouth, instead of gently prying open Takatsuki Izumi's mouth and slowly guiding it in as before.

After drinking the potion, Noro still did not move.

"What should I do? Uncle Noro doesn't seem to be responding. Takatsuki Izumi is a little anxious.

"Oh, I've already said, how can this little potion revive a dead person?"Duo Duoliang's eyes were cold, as if he looked down upon the world.

Ye Chen was also a little uncertain, after all, this was his first time using the resurrection liquid.


Suddenly, Ye Lu's body began to twitch!

"There is a reaction!" Takatsuki Izumi was overjoyed.

He saw that Noro's limbs were twisted irregularly, his neck was tilted, and his flesh and blood seemed to be reorganizing and arranging.

At the same time, a strong golden light emanated from his body!

It was the resurrection liquid calling Noro's soul!

Noro's body was actually not a big problem, because he had a strong recovery ability and sufficient flesh and blood. The only shortcoming was that he had no internal organs, which needed the resurrection liquid to help him fill and recover.

In addition, the most important thing was Noro's soul.

Because he was already dead, his soul had naturally left his body long ago and no one knew where it went.

If Noro was reincarnated, he would also be reborn. Can't live, because the resurrection liquid cannot call back the soul of the"reincarnated person".

Otherwise, it is equivalent to erasing the life of another person.

The holy golden light filled the entire living room!

An illusory soul passed through the glass window and drilled into Ye Lu's body like lightning!


A powerful force erupted, and golden energy particles flew all over the sky, like the source of life.

After a moment, the light gradually faded.

Everyone could see the scene inside clearly.

They saw the tall Ye Lu, with an expressionless face, wearing a dark red robe, like a solidified sculpture, motionless.

"Uncle Noro?"Takatsuki Izumi tried to call him.

"Did the resurrection fail?"Ye Chen's eyes narrowed.

"See, I told you there's no way he can be resurrected. Now Noro is no different from before."Tado Ryo sneered.

He turned around and was about to leave, heading to the American style street to play.


Suddenly, a trace of confusion appeared on the expressionless face of Noro.

He looked at his hands,"Also, why am I here?"

The resurrection was successful!

"Great, Uncle Noro, you are finally alive!"

Takatsuki Izumi was overjoyed and ran forward to hug Noro, tears could not stop falling.

Since Noro passed away, she has never been truly happy until she met Yechen.......

"Good child, don't cry."

Noro didn't know what happened, but he still comforted Takatsuki Izumi lovingly, and had already regarded her as his own daughter.

After all, she was the son of an old friend. In order to avoid the pursuit of the V organization, Yoshimura Kozen entrusted Takatsuki Izumi to Noro.

Tadara, who was about to leave, saw this scene and was almost petrified on the spot!

"Damn, am I dreaming?"

Duoduoliang couldn't help but blurt out a Chinese quintessence.

Yelu was really resurrected by that kid!?

Yechen smiled and looked at Duoduoliang with a look of horror,"How about it, Mr. Duoduoliang, I resurrected Yelu, do you have anything to say?"

Duoduoliang's face turned blue and red, feeling ashamed

"You are awesome, I admit defeat."

After a while, Duoduoliang said this and left in a huff.

Then, Takatsuki Izumi told him everything about how Yechen resurrected Noro.

Noro felt so amazed after hearing this and quickly thanked Yechen

"Thank you very much, little brother, for helping me and saving my life. If you need any help in the future, just call me!"

"I, Ye Lujing, will not be afraid even if I die again!"

Ye Lujing is his full name.

Ye Chen waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

Ye Lu, who has regained all his consciousness, will surely be even stronger, and Takatsuki Izumi will be much safer.

Facing a strong enemy, even if Ye Lu cannot defeat them, he can still use his abnormal recovery ability to hold them back.

【Ding~ Noro was resurrected successfully!】

【Get 12,000 points!】

【Current points: 19,000! 】

Well, I didn't expect to earn another 2,000 points by sending Takatsuki Izumi back.

Ye Chen really didn't expect this.

After a round of greetings, Ye Chen prepared to leave.

He couldn't stay in the Qingtong Tree headquarters forever. After all, Tian Mark and his team were bound to encounter many enemies along the way.

"Then I will come to play with you next time, Yechen Jun."Takatsuki Izumi was reluctant to leave.

"OK, let's contact each other by phone." Ye Chen smiled.

The two added each other's contact information for easy communication.

Then, Ye Chen turned into a flashing star, turned into a shadow, and disappeared in front of Takatsuki Izumi and Noro.

Noro was dumbfounded,"That is......What is this?"

Takatsuki Izumi smiled foolishly and began to explain to Noro the magical adventure along the way.......

At two o'clock in the morning,

Flash Star successfully found the old broken car by contacting Grandpa.

Grandpa was very anxious because Ye Chen had not come back yet. He thought Ye Chen was kidnapped by Gao Tsukiquan.

Or he was drugged.......

I didn't expect that I would actually send him back to the Qingtong Tree headquarters.

"Hehe, you are even better at flirting than grandpa was back then!"Tian Mark couldn't help but sigh.

It was the first time he went out with his girlfriend, and it seemed that he hadn't even sent her home yet.

"Haha, Grandpa, please stop making fun of me." Ye Chen was a little embarrassed and changed the subject:"Xiaoban and Xiaowen fell asleep?"

"Yes, children are not used to staying up late."Tian Mark nodded.

"So where are we going next?" Ye Chen asked

"Well, I heard that there will be a circus performance in the neighboring Cuban town tomorrow night. I plan to take you to see it......."

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