Amid the cheers, Zambro grinned and began his clown show.......

The series of actions made the audience burst into laughter.

Except for Ye Chen and Tian Xiaoban.

Ye Chen did not think it was good, much worse than the stage plays in China in his previous life.

As for Tian Xiaoban, he was terrified, and his green eyes reflected a scary clown face.

The sharp yellow teeth, the sinister smile, and the skin as pale as a ghost made Tian Xiaoban tremble.

"Xiaoban, you are not scared, are you?"Ye Chen noticed Xiaoban's strangeness and said with a smile

"Well, a little bit."Tian Xiaoban couldn't sit still any longer and wanted to escape from here.

"It doesn't look like a little bit, it looks like a lot." Ye Chen smiled and looked at Zambro,"I'll let you deal with this clown later."

""Ah?" Tian Xiaoban was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Ye Chen pointed to the huge machine looming behind the stage curtain and said,"Look, it is absorbing everyone's joy."

"If the joy is sucked away���Everyone here will die."

Tian Xiaoban was shocked when he heard this, and stared at the clown machine with wide eyes.

At this moment, he saw many blue"breaths" flying out of people's bodies like ghosts and being sucked directly into the clown machine!

""Brother Ye, what's going on?" Tian Xiaoban couldn't help asking, forgetting his panic for a moment.

"This machine is called the Clown Machine. It is Zambro's weapon to absorb everyone's joy. He is a monster that feeds on joy."Ye Chen's eyes were cold.

"He came here to hold a circus performance just to suck away the joy of the entire town's residents for his own benefit!"

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Tian Xiaoban was immediately furious and gritted his teeth and said,"We can't let Zambro's conspiracy succeed!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiaoban to change so quickly."Are you not afraid of clowns anymore?"

"I am afraid." Tian Xiaoban clenched his fists, his eyes full of determination:"But for everyone, I will risk it all!"

"Good, your courage is commendable."Ye Chen praised

【Ding~ It's detected that the clown machine is absorbing the audience's joy!】

【Destroy the clown machine and save everyone present!】

【Upon successful completion, you will receive 2000 points!】

"Let me destroy the clown machine, and you just need to defeat Zambro."Ye Chen reminded

""Yes!" Tian Xiaoban nodded heavily.

At the same time, all the audience present, except Ye Chen and Tian Xiaoban, were all grinning, immersed in the joy arranged by the clown.

Even the snack vendors were affected!

The happier you laugh, the more joy you release.

The faster your life passes!

"We have to hurry up."

Ye Chen pulled Tian Xiaoban to the back of a stinky tofu stall.

The stall owner had been affected by the clown machine and was in a silly smile, drooling from the corners of his mouth, and didn't pay any attention to the two of them.

Ye Chen and Tian Xiaoban were not interested in clowns, or even disgusted with them, so the influence was greatly reduced.

If the two of them also liked clowns and were in a state of joy, they would also be controlled by the clown machine.

"I'll move Grandpa and Xiaowen to a safe place first."

"You will transform directly and go up to the stage to mess things up."

After saying that, Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and turned into Flash Star.

Immediately, he turned into a blue afterimage and took Tian Mark and Tian Xiaowen away among the countless giggling audiences.

The two of them were also giggling.

Flash Star took the two back to the old broken car and locked them with seat belts.

As long as the clown machine was destroyed, they could return to their original state.

Then, Flash Star rushed to the clown stage at a high speed!......

One minute ago.

Tian Xiaoban looked at the noisy clown stage in the distance, took a deep breath, and secretly cheered himself up.

"I will definitely be able to defeat the clown and save everyone!"

"I want to be a hero!"

Tian Xiaoban gathered up his courage, pressed the power watch, and slammed it down!

An orange-yellow light flashed.

He became a four-handed overlord!

"Four-handed Overlord? Great!"

The Four-handed Overlord grinned. He finally had the chance to show off his skills.

"Wait, clown weirdo, this hero will beat you up until you cry to death!"


The four-handed king stomped on the ground, blasting out a circle of white air waves, rushing towards the clown stage like a cannonball.

At this moment, the clown Zambro was standing on the stage, holding his hands high, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Joy, so much joy!"

"I'm going to eat up all your joy!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zambro no longer hesitated and ran excitedly to the back of the stage.

Here, there was a huge machine, with pipelines all over the body, inlaid with blue spherical containers, and a clown face hanging on the top.

This is Zambro's clown machine, which is specially used to harvest human joy!

Under Zambro's control, several delivery tubes fell from the clown machine and inserted into Zambro's back to quickly deliver joy energy.

These joy energies can not only be absorbed by Zambro, but also enhance his combat effectiveness.


Suddenly, a blood-red burly figure landed near the clown machine.

Zambro looked at the other party strangely. It was a sturdy man with four hands and four eyes."Who are you, do you want to get a piece of the pie?"

He had already regarded the four-handed overlord as a monster.

"Hey weirdo, do you think I like to eat human souls like you do?"

The Four-Handed Overlord clenched his fists and looked unfriendly.

"Don't think you can be disrespectful to this clown just because you are big."

Zambro's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he clapped his hands.

Three clowns came out of the wooden door on the side.

The bald tyrant, the snake-haired woman, and the sour weirdo!

"Go ahead and kill this four-handed freak!" Zambro ordered.


The three of them nodded in unison and rushed towards the Four-Handed Overlord.

Before the Four-Handed Overlord could make a move, a blue afterimage flashed by and blocked the trio.

"Flash star?"

"Brother Ye, you are finally here!"

The Four-Handed Overlord looked delighted. He was not fighting alone.

"Xiaoban, you deal with Zambro."Flash Star's golden eyes flickered, and he looked coldly at Bald Tyrant and others.

"I will take care of these three losers!"

【Ding~ The clown trio has been detected!】

【Defeat the Bald Tyrant, the Snake-Haired Lady and the Sour Monster!】

【Upon successful completion, you will receive 1,000 points!】

"Only 1,000, a bit inferior."

After all, they are mutant humans, and their threat is far less than that of powerful aliens.

"What kind of weirdo are you? How dare you ruin our good thing?"

The sour weirdo said viciously.

He had planned to finish his work today and go to the club to find some young models to play with.

In the face of money and power, these young models could not refuse, even if they resisted his mouth.......

"Disgusting, your mouth stinks."Flash Star covered his nose.

It's not very hurtful, but it's very insulting!

"You're looking for death!"

The sour man spit out a foul, corrosive breath, sweeping towards the Flash Star.......

Ten unlike (fanart)

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