Flash Star paused and looked at the shadow warily.

The hazy shadow gradually solidified into a skinny clown!

"This is.....The villain in IT!?"

Flash Star was stunned.

The clown in front of him was skinny, with yellow pupils, a pale face with heavy makeup, bright red lips, messy brown short hair, and a worn-out gray costume. He exuded an evil and dangerous aura!

It was the villain of IT - Pennywise!

Abilities: teleportation, shapeshifting, illusion, unknown space-time ability......

And feeds on human fear!

The more fear others have, the stronger the clown Pennywise becomes!

It is an alien creature that came to Earth in ancient times and has stayed until modern times, hiding in human cities and feeding on children's fear.

Similar to ghosts and mummies, Pennywise is also an undead creature!

"I didn't expect that in this world, you are Zambrano's brother."Flashstar said coldly.

One feeds on joy, and the other feeds on fear.

They are a perfect match.

In Yechen's impression, Pennywise appears in a small town every 27 years. It is the nightmare of countless children. As long as a child is afraid, he will appear, turn into a terrifying appearance, and eat them!

Maybe in the real world, Pennywise can be king, because nothing can limit his power.

But this is the world of Ben 10!

Not afraid of physical attacks does not mean that it cannot be killed!

Zambrano was very excited when he saw the clown appear,"Brother, you are finally here!"

More than a decade ago, Zambrano went to a small town to perform and met Pennywise by chance.

The two of them had similar tastes and appreciated each other, so they became sworn brothers.

Anyway, they are all monsters that feed on humans!

"My good brother, two alien freaks beat you up like this, you need to strengthen your training."

The clown Pennywise said faintly. His whole body exuded a dark evil aura.

"Hey, where did you come from, weirdo? Get out of my way."

The Four-Handed Tyrant yelled not far away, scolding Pennywise.

Under Ye Chen's teaching, he was no longer afraid of clowns.

"Hehehe, kids, don't be so rude."

The next second, the clown Pennywise disappeared on the spot.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

The Four-Handed Overlord was stunned, and looked around, but he didn't see Pennywise.

"Behind you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Flash Star rushed out like an arrow from a bow!

He stretched out his dark claws and repelled the clown who was about to attack the Four-Handed Overlord!

The clown flashed back to the front of Zambro, staring at Flash Star fiercely,"You guy, how can you be so fast?"

It's not like he hasn't dealt with the Zena Flash Mob before.

But in his impression, the Zena Flash Mob does not have such a terrifying speed. In the case of a short distance, it is almost comparable to teleportation!

Flash Star smiled faintly,"I'm not an ordinary Zena Flash Mob."

Omnitrix will automatically optimize the alien genes and optimize them into the best one of the race.

Moreover, Flash Star had been strengthened by the system before, and his speed was increased by 50% on the original basis!

It is far beyond the reach of ordinary Zena Flash Mobs!

"Hey weirdo, let me meet you!"

The Four-Handed Overlord leaped up and leaped over Pennywise.

He raised his four fists and smashed them down!

Pennywise grinned, his face was hideous, and he transformed into a blood-red giant bird, floating in the air!


The Four-Handed Overlord missed his attack.

The blood-red giant bird flapped its wings and spit out a blood spike at the Four-Handed Overlord below!

The Four-Handed Overlord had no time to turn around and was about to be hit!

At the critical moment, Flash Star flashed and kicked the sharp blood-red spike away. He immediately jumped onto the wall, took advantage of the force and jumped, rushing towards the blood-red giant bird in the air at a high speed!

The blood-red giant bird's pupils flashed, and it quickly landed and transformed into an evil mummy!

The Four-Handed Overlord was scared silly. He was afraid of clowns, and now seeing the mummy aroused the fear deep in his heart. The mummy wrapped in white bandages, oozing with disgusting pus, bared its fangs and claws, and slowly approached the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Hey, I'm going to eat you......"

The four-handed king held his head, squatted down and trembled,"Don't eat me, don't eat me......"

Compared to Zambrooke, Pennywise looks even more terrifying!

Although Tian Xiaoban has overcome his fear of Zambrooke, he is still not good enough to face Pennywise, who is famous for scaring people.

This is the clown's iron rice bowl. If he can't scare people, he would have starved to death long ago.

The eerie breath of fear emanated from the Four-Handed Overlord.

The mummy transformed by the clown greedily absorbed the breath of fear,"Hehe, it's so delicious!"......"

"Not good!"

Flashstar's golden eyes flashed.

The more fear he absorbed, the stronger the power of Pennywise the clown would be!

Since you want to scare people, then try the power of ghost!

Just when Flashstar was about to hit the Omnitrix on his chest,

Pennywise the clown glared at Flashstar, his yellow evil pupils bursting with illusion power!

In an instant, Flashstar's mind fell into darkness.

"I am....Where is it?" The endless darkness, without a single light.

It was as if the hand of God had turned off the lights in the universe.......

"Hmm? The sound of the watch changing shape?"

"But why so hasty?"

Ye Chen looked around and found that a glowing omnitrix suddenly appeared in the depths of the"universe".

However, this omnitrix looked a little strange, with several spiked tentacles all over its body, exuding a murderous and violent aura.

"What is this thing?"

In Ye Chen's impression, there is no such thing as a hand.���.

Just as he was about to reach out to explore.

The strange watch seemed to come alive and automatically jumped onto an endless big hand!

The sharp tentacles pierced into the arm like crazy and embedded in it!

The huge arm waved in panic, as if trying to break free from the strange watch, but it was useless.

Beep, beep!

The strange watch automatically popped up, ignited a terrifying green light, and turned into an alien arm full of flames!

"This looks a bit like the hand of a flaming man......."Ye Chen muttered to himself.

It was just a little twisted and weird, as if someone had broken its bones.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen could only see the giant arm and the strange watch attached to it.

He couldn't see the true face of the wearer.

Beep, beep!

The strange watch made a harsh sound again.

The next moment, the giant arm disappeared!

The surroundings fell into darkness again, as if it had never appeared.

Ye Chen looked confused,"What the hell is this thing?"......"

"By the way, I seem to have been possessed by the clown’s hallucination, how can I get out?"


Suddenly, a terrifying roar erupted in the darkness, rolling like thunder!

Even Ye Chen couldn't help but be startled.

It was too sudden!

Then, in the endless darkness, a huge face of Superman X appeared!

His face was hideous, his mouth was sharp and his fangs were sharp, and his eyes were filled with terrifying murderous intent!

"Is this Superman X? Why does he look so scary?"

Ye Chen widened his eyes and stared at the big face.

It was so weird and crazy!......

(To be continued) ps: The abilities of the clown Pennywise are slightly modified here.

It is said that in the original novel of the clown, its true form is the cosmic evil god Death Ray, which was born before the concept of time and the multiverse, and is almost omnipotent. Here it is relatively weakened, not according to the setting of the original novel, and the strength is about the same as in the movie, in order to develop the plot.

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