Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 106 Final preparations

When a high-energy proton beam hits the target, if it hits the target atomic nucleus, a series of nuclear reactions will occur, releasing a large amount of energy. Even if it does not hit the atomic nucleus, it will melt the target and produce a huge explosion. After the hit, a secondary magnetic field will occur, destroying the target.

Of course, this kind of power cannot be compared with a real large nuclear bomb. The explosion of a nuclear bomb is calculated in terms of at least one hundred thousand tons or one million tons of TNT. But compared with other conventional weapons, this Gauss rifle is infinitely larger.

For example, the charge of a Type 67 wooden handle grenade is only 38 grams of TNT, which may be exaggerated to 50 grams.

Such a shot is equivalent to the power of 400 grenades exploding at the same time! Therefore, the safe distance for shooting must be at least two hundred meters, otherwise you may blow yourself up!

"It's great for long-range sniping."

Yu Yifeng stroked the barrel of the gun. You must be careful with such a weapon. You cannot shoot at close range. This must be remembered.

The best thing is that its bullets are extremely fast, almost close to the speed of light. There is no need to calculate the advance or trajectory when aiming. As soon as you fire, it will explode at the designated target immediately, and it is impossible to be intercepted!

Yu Yifeng was very happy to get this gun. After all, he used to be a soldier and liked this high-performance weapon very much. Most of the guys in their special forces team shared this sentiment as well as he did.

The other one should belong to sniper Shen Jie, who has the best shooting accuracy.

It's a pity that there is no third one... He has already imagined the resentful and sour expressions of Zhao Yao and Xu Yunjin...

When Yu Yifeng came out of Lily Zi's place, he was holding two modified Gauss rifles in his hands.

Although it weighs thirty kilograms in one hand, which is a bit awkward, as soon as you get off the spacecraft, the gravity is immediately reduced by two-thirds, so this weight is no problem.

This Gauss rifle, which sprays high-speed protons, actually has certain limitations. Like lasers, it is not suitable for fighting in atmospheric environments. Because atmospheric molecules absorb a large amount of bullet energy, they have a certain blocking effect.

Fortunately, the atmosphere of Mars is relatively thin, so it can barely be used.

Yu Yifeng took a deep breath. Their ten-person exploration team would face a huge challenge this time. Because the levels of the two civilizations are quite different...

Scientists have conducted weapons experiments on extraterrestrial materials. Conventional rifle bullets hit them, leaving only a shallow dent. This also means that human conventional weapons are likely to be unable to cause damage to the facilities inside.

However, nuclear bombs can still destroy them... This is something that makes Yu Yifeng feel a little relieved. At least nuclear bombs are still effective.

It is impossible for them to use nuclear bombs to explore flying saucers, they can only use conventional weapons of the 21st century... If a battle really breaks out, it will be like the Polish cavalry during World War II using a machete to chop tanks, and it will definitely be an unsuspicious failure.

Yu Yifeng and the others originally planned to carry heavy weapons such as howitzers and rocket launchers. No matter what, they wanted to increase their power first. But now that we have these two alien weapons, we can carry less heavy weapons, which makes it a lot easier.

He caressed the Gauss rifle and really wanted to shoot it to test its power, but he resisted. This kind of ammunition is not replenishable. Every shot is missing, and it cannot be wasted!

"We have done two shooting experiments. The initial velocity of the proton is 0.9 times the speed of light, and the acceleration time is about 0.0086 seconds. That is, after the shot is fired, the delay time of the bullet launch is 0.0086 seconds."

"The mass of the proton is very small, so the recoil of the firearm is almost non-existent. If we are given a year or two, we should be able to thoroughly explore the entire firearm structure... By then, we can make our own Gauss rifle."

"Please be careful with it……"

The above are what Yuriko said when she handed the weapon to Yu Yifeng. Yu Yifeng also heard a slight concern, and his heart suddenly warmed.

Naturally, they couldn't wait a year or two like Yuriko said. Even if they did, the scientists would go crazy with anxiety.

Anyway, they are not going to fight, they are just exploring the risks to see what is in the inner ring area. If it doesn't work, they can withdraw.

"...Liuriko, thank you!" Yu Yifeng carried a box in each hand, unable to free his hands, so he could only shrug his shoulders and walked out of the laboratory.

Yuriko sat there in a daze again, and it took a long time to realize that the person was actually gone. She lowered her head again and indulged in her work.

In fact, she is not as dull as she appears. On the contrary, her thoughts are very flexible, and sometimes she is curious about what kind of person Yu Yifeng, the leader of the new humanity, is.

Lilyzi once secretly used "mind reading" on Yi Feng, but... she failed. She only saw a blazing sun, which gave people a very warm feeling.

"Perhaps, metahumans are really different..." she thought secretly.

At this time, Yu Yifeng was in the training room, his brows furrowed tightly. At this time, he got some bad news: when digging the flying saucer, scientists discovered a small amount of energy fluctuations in the large hole.

This kind of fluctuation is specious, and scientists are not sure whether it is a mismeasurement. It may be because they are scaring themselves, or there may be functioning machinery inside.

No matter what, they must be prepared for the worst, as the inner ring area may be dangerous.

At this point, it is impossible for them to give up...

"The departure day will be in two days. If you have anything to do, please finish it as soon as possible in these days. If you have any last words to write, please write them as soon as possible. Do you understand?" Yu Yifeng said to the members of the expedition team shouted.


Everyone answered loudly, each one excited and a little scared.

Of course they were afraid of death, but considering that the leader of the Noah was in the team, how scared they were!

Things like last words are a tradition in the military and must be written before performing high-risk missions. However, none of these nine team members have families, so this step is a bit optional. Just say a few words to friends and say goodbye.

"The distribution of adventure equipment will begin now, so everyone can familiarize themselves with the new equipment in advance!"

This step is also the most exciting for everyone. Which soldier doesn’t like new equipment and weapons?

Following Yu Yifeng's order, an equipment vehicle slowly drove over and delivered space suits, medicines, oxygen bottles, ropes, walkie-talkies, and a large number of weapons to the members.

Everyone's equipment is different because everyone has different responsibilities. Some people are in charge of medical care, some are in charge of cutting and disassembling, and some are in charge of fire protection.

For example, what Zhao Yao holds in his hand is a rocket launcher, which is thick and thick and has strong anti-armor capabilities. But such a big guy is still not as powerful as the Gauss rifle of an alien civilization.

Zhao Yao looked at Shen Jie depressedly, with a look of resentment on his face. Well, he didn't expect the Gauss rifle in Yu Yifeng's hand. Why should this lean Shen Jie, just because he aimed accurately?

Although both of them were members of the special forces and had been comrades for several years, Zhao Yao was still unhappy.

This is an alien weapon, he has been looking forward to it for many years!

How could he feel happy now that he couldn't even touch it? He could only say depressedly: "My last words are as follows: If I die, I hope to be buried with a Gauss rifle..."

"Okay, you're the only one with a lot to do!"

Yu Yifeng smiled and scolded: "When we come back, I will let you touch this gun for a few days...and then return it to the laboratory!"

"Really!" Zhao Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remained silent now, for fear that others would have such last words and share his privileges.

Everyone put on their space suits and started various trainings.

Their training room is located on Noah, which is equivalent to the low gravity area of ​​Mars, and they have been accustomed to it for many days in advance. Now they have to put on their gear and get used to it for the last two days.

In two days, they will officially set off!

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