Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 124 The Beginning of the Great Era

There is no information on controllable nuclear fusion, which means that humans can only study it themselves. This is where Yu Yifeng feels regretful.

Of course, some scientists place their hopes on the metal balls brought back by Yi Feng. Human beings are still unclear about what that little ball is, and the decryption work has not been smooth.

The cryptographers on the Noah are like the craftsmen of the Qing Dynasty. Faced with a modern solid-state drive, they feel like they have no way to start... because they have too little theoretical knowledge, do not know the model, and do not know the specific parameters. They can only Explore slowly.

However, Yu Yifeng is not worried about energy issues for the time being. Based on the current energy consumption of 20 to 30 million watts, humanity's reserves of uranium-235 are enough to last two hundred years. And now that several small uranium mines have been discovered, the uranium reserves will increase.

The two sat face to face, ordered two more drinks as dessert after the meal, and then started talking about other technological developments.

Yu Yifeng discovered that aside from those unsatisfactory things, the technology of the new human civilization is progressing in almost all directions...

In terms of weapons, in addition to the nuclear bombs made by humans, some items removed from the flying saucers were also installed outside the Noah, such as laser weapons, particle beam weapons, etc. Although the power is inferior to ten, it can still be regarded as a means of ultra-long-range attack.

They once tried to fire an ion cannon, which required a lot of power. Because there was no super battery, all human nuclear power plants needed to be turned on to barely light up.

However, the super power also brings great power. The power of this ion cannon is at least as powerful as a medium-sized atomic bomb. The most important thing is that its speed is close to the speed of light, making it a real space weapon.

Facing the real interstellar civilization, human beings are finally stronger grasshoppers. They can at least hurt the opponent and escape the category of being unable to fight back.

After all, although ordinary nuclear bombs are powerful, they fly too slowly. In interstellar wars, it takes weeks or even months to fly... This kind of weapon is of little use except for close combat.

Yu Yifeng himself still likes the research of these new weapons very much. He is still a passionate soldier at heart, and he always has a feeling of giant ships and cannons.

Yuriko ignored his expression and continued: "Okay, that's about it for weapons. We won't be able to develop much in half a year... But in biology, there has been a new breakthrough in the study of longevity viruses."

Yu Yifeng raised his head. He had read relevant reports a few days ago, but at this moment he was still willing to listen to Yuriko's explanation.

"As for the long-lived virus, it is almost certainly something brought out of the flying saucer. After all, its DNA characteristics are very different from ordinary Martian viruses. Many biologists believe that its predecessor may be something stripped off the meat ball. cell."

"After these cells fell off from their mother's body, they gradually degenerated in order to adapt to the Martian environment, until they became what they are now..."

If we follow this view, the longevity virus has become a creation of alien civilization! This explanation actually makes sense. After all, that meat ball has lived for so long, and some cells in the body must have longevity functions...

Yu Yifeng is still very wary of alien creations, "How about the research on longevity viruses?"

"If these cells had not degenerated, the longevity factor secreted would be more effective, but humans would not dare to use it. Now that the degraded virus has very low activity, it is much safer... It can be said to be humankind's luck."

"Scientists have also pruned a large number of redundant genes and created medicines that can increase lifespan by about 30%-40%."

"Is it safe?" This was Yu Yifeng's first concern. When he thought that the longevity virus might be part of the meat ball, he felt strange in his heart. Maybe it was his psychological factors.

"Theoretically, it is safe enough. Scientists have pruned out all the genes that we cannot understand, leaving only the parts that we understand. The main components of the genetic reagents used are enzymes composed of catalytic proteins and RNA templates. They do not contain Other genetic material.”

Yu Yifeng nodded, which means that after using this medicine, the average life span of humans will reach about 110 years.

The most important thing is that it can bring a lot of enlightenment in biology, allowing humans to further understand themselves. Maybe better potions will appear in the future...

Everything has two sides, and it is impossible for him to stop a piece of science that is beneficial to mankind because of his personal preferences. With the scientists' assurances, the first phase of human trials of longevity reagents has begun.

He is a little worried that after using these medicines, humans will turn into other creatures. After all, human life science is still too weak, and theoretical safety is not real safety. Especially that meat ball has the ability to control the mind, who knew?

"Don't worry... there is no problem with safety. I know your concerns. Some experimenters still have their original thinking fluctuations after being injected with relevant stem cells... human thinking fluctuations!"

"Moreover, their genetic chain has not changed."

Yuriko said coyly, "I didn't pry into their minds, I just vaguely sensed them. Don't get me wrong..."

"That's it!" Yu Yifeng smiled and suddenly felt relieved, "That's good, thank you!"

It turns out that Yuriko also has this function, which is good. At least, alien spies will never get in...

In addition to weapons and life sciences, the greatest progress of mankind is in materials science!

Inspired by a large number of alien creations, new materials began to appear in batches, filling the gaps in the history of materials: graphene, aerogel, carbon nanotubes, fullerene, amorphous alloys, foam metals, etc., all went from the laboratory to the production line for mass production!

Yu Yifeng was deeply delighted. When he thought of the progress of the new human civilization, all their adventures were worth it!

"One generation of materials, one generation of devices, one generation of devices, one generation of technology. In the past, the development of materials science was too slow, and most of the scientific research results could only be used to publish papers. Now it has finally made a leap forward!"

Yuriko drank the last sip of the drink and said lightly: "Because of the invention of these new materials, the performance is dozens of times better than the old materials in the past. We finally have the possibility of building large spacecraft!"

"Yes." Yu Yifeng also nodded in agreement, "But there is no need for large spacecraft. Our Noah is enough for the time being, and the research on small space shuttles has been started in advance!"

Yu Yifeng has a feeling that everything is just the beginning, the beginning of a great era!

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