Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 14 Alien Spaceship

The meeting lasted for 24 hours in total, and hundreds of plans, large and small, were agreed upon. Facing an existential crisis, crazy scientists used all their ingenuity to come up with things like synthetic glucose and synthetic proteins, but they were all shelved for various reasons.

The existing technologies of mankind appear so weak in the face of the test of life and death. In fact, humans can’t even synthesize glucose artificially without the help of plants!

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that Yu Yifeng walked out of the venue with a tired look on his face, but he couldn't hide the look in his eyes. The plan had been made. As long as it was implemented, there would still be hope for mankind.

Perfect Su, the biggest hope is still Perfect Su!

During the meeting, some scientists proposed that perfect hormones could be used to cultivate a batch of super plants, and then these super plants could be used to produce food!

After all, three months is too short. Just setting up the site and producing new equipment takes a lot of time. Ordinary plants are not very adaptable to the environment. An air leak or a cultivation machine failure may cause them to be destroyed easily. Take their lives. And human beings just can't bear this kind of failure!

But super plants don't have this problem. Take super rice, for example. After being transformed by perfection, it has changed from an original herbaceous plant to a woody plant. It is taller, has increased output, and has greatly enhanced environmental adaptability.

This kind of super rice is not only resistant to cold and heat, it can even survive in extreme space environments for a short period of time. Even if it is only a short period of time, that is enough!

The time required from germination to maturity of super rice is only two months, which means that humans have at least one month to prepare! In this way, there will be much more time.

“In the past, the federal government had extremely strict control over perfection, and any experiment required written approval, but now it is different.” Yu Yifeng recalled, “The lunar base has enough perfection to be used by six million people, but now we The population is only 50, it’s okay to use some on plants.”

Dr. Roman nodded after hearing this, but said with some worry, "However, the control of perfection must continue. We don't understand its principle. If we use it indiscriminately, super insects, super bacteria and the like will appear. Something, that would be a big problem.”

At present, human beings' exploration of perfect hormones still remains on the surface. We only know that it has an evolutionary effect on life, but we don't know how it actually works. The direction of this kind of evolution is uncontrollable, and there is no way to predict it. If something like a biohazard or an alien really happens, then all mankind will be doomed.

"Yes, technology has always been a double-edged sword, and certain control is still necessary." Yu Yifeng nodded.

At this time, the group of people were going to the alien spacecraft, which was also the core of the entire base. It was buried deep under Bailey Crater. According to the plan, all human beings will gradually move to this spacecraft in the future, and the surface part will be freed up to cultivate plants.

Although it was not the first time that Yu Yifeng saw this spaceship, he was still deeply surprised by the scene before him. It is so big that you can't see it at a glance. According to measurements, it has a diameter of fifteen kilometers. Such a huge volume cannot be produced by human technology.

It is not streamlined, nor does it look like a flying saucer, but a perfectly round sphere, like a hollow lead ball. The surface of the hull is a silver-gray metal-like substance, hard and thick. In fact, people have studied this unknown material, but the technical level is too different, and there has been little progress after 30 years.

It is not the "neutron star material" in science fiction. It is different from any known substance. Under a scanning tunneling microscope, no atomic structure can be seen, no electrons, no nuclei... it is still dense. This is obviously beyond human cognition.

It is completely smooth, even on an atomic scale. The friction generated on the surface of the sphere is almost zero, so the surface of the spacecraft looks spotless and sparkling.

Nowadays, people are self-aware, and few people study this unknown material. They only know that it is a product of the same technological level as Perfect Su. It is hard enough and reliable. Maybe when technology becomes more advanced in the future, someone will consider this issue again.

Yu Yifeng walked around the spacecraft and discovered "mirror"-like objects on the surface of the ship's hull. These mirrors were a bit like the water surface hanging on the wall, with ripples appearing from time to time, which was very magical. He touched this "water surface" with his hand, and his entire palm actually passed through it, as if he had disappeared. When he pulled his hand out, he found that his palm was still intact.

"Captain Yu, these water-like things are the entrances to the spacecraft." Physicist Felix introduced, "There are more than two thousand such entrances, large and small. Since the surface of the spacecraft is completely smooth, almost There is no way to borrow power, we can only mount the facilities through these entrances and exits. You see, this is also the entrance to our lunar laboratory, please come in."

This entrance was six or seven meters wide. Yu Yifeng did not hesitate, got up and dived into this "water surface". At this moment, he felt as if he had traveled through a world. His center of gravity suddenly became unstable, and his body Shake.

gravity! He actually felt the same gravity as on the earth!

The acceleration of gravity on the earth is about 9.8 meters per square second, which is also the gravity that humans are more accustomed to. The gravity on the moon is only one-sixth that of the earth, so walking is light and airy. But at this moment, Yu Yifeng bets that the current gravity is exactly the same as on the earth!

Felix walked in shortly after. As one of the most outstanding physicists of our time, he had studied this spacecraft for many years and knew its basic information well.

"As you can see, this spacecraft has its own gravity system." Felix said with emotion, "The alien civilization created gravity in the spacecraft with technology that we can hardly imagine."

"The intensity of gravity changes with height." He drew a spherical image and explained with gestures with his hands. "At the highest point of the ball, the gravity is almost zero. The lower you go, the greater the gravity. On the spacecraft, The lowest level is even 20 times the gravity of the earth! We can feel different strengths of gravity on a spacecraft. It is really a great technology.

And where we are standing now, the gravity is exactly the same as that of the earth... The position is roughly in the middle of the sphere. "

"This is why we chose the location of the laboratory here! What we humans are most adapted to is this kind of gravity."

Yu Yifeng paced back and forth for a while. This feeling was unmistakable...the same gravity environment as the earth, so amazing!

"Mr. Felix, how big is this spaceship? How many people can live in it?" Yu Yifeng asked.

Felix showed a strange expression and said with a smile, "Captain Yu, the space inside this spacecraft is twisted and much larger than you think! Measured from the outside, it is a sphere with a diameter of 15 kilometers, but inside Not really."

"Measured from the inside, the horizontal diameter is about 200 kilometers, 13 times larger than the outside, and the vertical length is 60 kilometers, also 4 times larger. It looks like a sphere on the outside, but it turns out to be an enlarged ball inside. ellipsoid!"

"This is - space folding technology..."

"I personally believe that there may be an object with a mass of billions of tons under the spacecraft, which generates a strong gravitational force, and combined with such a distorted space, creates this unique gravity environment. If we had such technology... Sigh ..." Felix suddenly sighed, feeling a little confused. Perhaps the more he knew, the more he would understand the ignorance and insignificance of human beings.

The vast universe contains so much truth. And human beings, like a child playing on the beach, rejoice from time to time when they find smoother stones or more beautiful shells than usual. What is unfolding in front of human beings is a completely unexplored sea of ​​truth.

At this time, biologist Dr. Roman also said, "The spacecraft is already big enough. If we really build a complete ecosystem and establish a carbon, oxygen, and water cycle, humans can survive in it for a long time."

"However, we have to repair this spacecraft first. Except for our laboratory, other areas are almost in a vacuum. Don't these damn aliens need air?" Roman said.

Yu Yifeng walked around casually and looked at the laboratory curiously. In fact, he was born here and has some vague memories.

This is undoubtedly the best laboratory in the entire scientific world. Various cutting-edge experimental facilities in electronics, chemistry, biology, physics, etc. can be found here.

High-gravity, low-gravity or even no-gravity environments do not exist on the earth, which attracts a large number of researchers. Over the past 30 years, this place has become the most cutting-edge technology base.

Yu Yifeng put on his spacesuit and walked out of the laboratory. The outside was a vacuum environment, dark, no light, and no atmosphere. If the inside of the laboratory is a finely decorated house, then the outside is a rough house, empty, with a hint of purple metal on the ground. It is cold and silent, with a rough and crazy aesthetic.

This metal-like thing is very strong and cannot be destroyed even by tens of millions of temperatures. However, compared to the outer shell of a spacecraft, its technological content is lower. After all, it has friction and is an atomic-level substance.

The interior of the spacecraft is a bit like a honeycomb structure, with regular hexagonal "rooms". Each of these "rooms" is terrifyingly large, with a length and width of more than several kilometers. It can be said that one "room" can accommodate a mountain!

People once searched the entire spacecraft, but found nothing except perfection in the middle room...

This spacecraft has no cockpit, no power room, or even an engine! This has triggered many human reveries. How did the spacecraft start? Why is there nothing inside? Did the aliens evacuate collectively? What do they look like?

Yu Yifeng even had some doubts that this was not a spaceship at all, but a container containing perfect elements... But why was it on the moon? Why so huge? Is there any hidden secret?

Perhaps no one will ever know these secrets. Maybe the previous coalition government knew some, but as the earth exploded, all the secrets were buried in history. He only knew that this spaceship was about to become the home of mankind...

Certain planning is essential. Residential areas, industrial areas, agricultural areas, entertainment venues, laboratories, etc. all need to be planned in advance. According to assumptions, the low-gravity area above and the medium-gravity area in the middle are places where humans can survive normally. The high-gravity area at the bottom of the spacecraft is of no great use. Human beings' fragile bodies cannot withstand too much gravity.

In short, the specific design has to be left to engineers.

What I have to do now is mobilization work! Mobilize all the decadent people.

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