Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 141 The end of a civilization

When Noah faces the sun, Mars blocks the two spacecraft's view of each other. Taking advantage of the good sunshine, people immediately implemented the relevant plans.

The purpose-built satellite will look like a large rock and will be disguised as a falling meteorite to reduce the risk of being detected by the Green Lanterns. However, there is a signal transmitter inserted inside, which will transmit a series of signals in a fixed direction.

Because there are too many gas residues in the launch vehicle, it is easy to be discovered by the green light civilization. Human beings can only use a special artillery to launch the satellite like a cannonball.

Noah just floats at an altitude of 3,000 kilometers in the Martian atmosphere and can be launched directly at high altitudes. The calculation of the ballistic trajectory is very complex, which puts forward relatively high requirements on the specific driving force and direction.

However, it shouldn’t be too difficult for Noah’s many calculation experts.

The satellite's life was short, but its mission was extremely important - to issue commands to self-destruct trucks.

"Prepare for launch."

"10, 9, 8...4, 3, 2, 1, satellite launch!"

Yu Yifeng stood at the observation platform, squinting his eyes and feeling slightly nervous. He only heard a loud "boom" and the satellite was launched fiercely.

Its initial speed is very fast, reaching 2km/s, and there is a small power unit inside. According to the plan, it will crash a thousand kilometers away from the flying saucer and send out a signal command...

About an hour later, a truck at the North Pole of Mars suddenly moved. Its trunk contained a nuclear bomb, and a large number of intelligent machines in the cab suddenly self-destructed, leaving only the truck's power unit.

Its engine started instantly, and its direction of movement was firmly fixed and could not be changed, so... it just rushed towards the direction of the flying saucer!

People know that the electromagnetic waves of meat balls have the ability to interfere with intelligent machines, but they can never interfere with simple mechanical operations. There is no intelligent machine in this truck, only a simple metering device. As long as it travels about a hundred kilometers, a helium-3 nuclear bomb with a yield of one billion tons will explode!

Another hour later, the scientific instruments on board Noah detected that a super-large nuclear explosion with an equivalent of one billion tons had occurred in the remote Arctic region! The force of this explosion was so great that a large amount of reddish-brown dust enveloped the north pole of Mars.

Because of the distance, people could not see the specific situation, but the instruments showed that the yield of this nuclear bomb was exactly one billion tons. People clearly knew that the Martian saucer had been completely destroyed, and they high-fived each other in celebration.

Yu Yifeng's brows were furrowed tightly, and he felt a sense of loss.

It's strange... everything seems too simple. There is no back-and-forth strategy, no meat ball's death counterattack, and no chain explosions. The Martian flying saucer was just wiped out by humans? In their imagination, humans even consider that Meatball will find out in advance, what countermeasures will be taken, and what accidents will happen...

However, there was nothing. The observation instrument accurately calculated the location and explosion yield of the explosion, and it was indeed where the flying saucer was.

It just... died?

Yu Yifeng suddenly felt an unreal feeling, so he succeeded?

Everything seems a bit incredible, and everything is taken for granted. Does Meatball still have the ability to make a comeback? Of course not, it has long been exhausted. Even a second before it dies, it doesn't necessarily know that a nuclear bomb will suddenly explode nearby...

A Gauss rifle can damage it, so it will definitely not be able to withstand a nuclear bomb with a yield of one billion tons...

Perhaps, it was already the last member of this civilization, and was just... blown up to death by weak humans.

This civilization has come to an end.

The all-powerful power of the past has become a thing of the past, and the power of the past has become a handful of loess... gone, just gone. In the vast universe, the disappearance of a civilization has not caused any waves.

Yu Yifeng suddenly felt a little emotional. Human beings had destroyed an intelligent civilization with their own hands, which made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable. This is not sympathy or a heart attack, but a feeling of emotion from the same intelligent creature.

This is the universe, the cold universe! Perhaps in the "eyes" of the entire universe, all intelligent life, whether strong or weak, is no different from ants.

What does survival and destruction have to do with me?

The universe is so big that no one knows what will happen next moment. Any civilization must be cautious. Even if it reaches the level of interstellar civilization, there is still a risk of extinction.

Strength and weakness are only temporary, and no one knows when they will suddenly reverse. Human beings must be careful, careful, more careful...

Yu Yifeng sighed. Now, please resolve the matter of the Mars UFO. The loopholes in the camouflage plan have been filled, and people can face the green light civilization more focused.

Time flies by...

At this moment, Noah is really loose inside and tight outside, and there is nothing major going on among ordinary people. After a series of popularization of common sense about the universe, everyone knows the danger of alien civilization and understands what the government is doing. reason.

After the initial panic, many people have become accustomed to this atmosphere. Of course, most people only know about the "camouflage" operation and do not know the specific details and the confrontation between the two civilizations.

Many people will gather together to discuss in their spare time. When it comes to this matter, they actually can't think of a better way than the disguise plan. Except, hide...or compromise and surrender to alien civilization.

But no one with any sense of integrity would do this. Who knows whether aliens are good or evil, and whether they regard humans as pigs or dogs? Putting your destiny in the hands of others is not what a wise man does. The new human civilization is still too weak, countless times weaker than the real interstellar civilization.

It is essential to be on guard against others, so...disguising yourself as a powerful civilization is a very good choice!

Many people agreed that this was almost the best way, and their trust in Yi Feng became deeper and deeper.

It is basically impossible to have any rumors at present, after all, Yu Yifeng himself is still in the spacecraft. This leader is the one everyone supports. As long as he is still in power and leading mankind, the people in the Noah will have an inexplicable sense of security...

However, what they don't know is that their leader is under tremendous pressure!

Yu Yifeng has been staying at the astronomical observatory these days, staying there at least twenty hours a day. His eyes were red, and he obviously didn't sleep well. He didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong, good or bad...

No one knows if detonating the flying saucer will reveal any flaws. It stands to reason that nuclear bombs should be commonly used weapons among civilizations, and their flaws will not be seen.

Green light people will not know the real cause of human detonation. But then again, who knows what they think? In just a few days, they will know that humans blew up the flying saucer.

The last 50,000 humans alive on the Noah were the last 50,000 humans, and he really didn't want to die in his own hands. He wants to survive and lead them to survive...

But nowadays, for such a simple matter as "surviving", it is no longer useful to rely on wisdom alone, but also to rely on a little luck. He hated this kind of luck-based behavior, which meant being uncontrollable and unreliable.

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