Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 146 Quantum Computer

Hearing this question, Yu Yifeng felt a little headache. How could an astronomical problem involve supercomputers? He deeply felt the intricate connections between various disciplines and the insufficiency of human beings in depth. Such shortcomings are almost all-encompassing.

The development path of science has never been a straight road, but a complicated path, with many intersections between the paths.

Mathematics is the most basic subject, and then it is divided into physics, chemistry, biology, etc., and then there are more different branches.

Because of the small population, many seemingly unimportant branches of science and technology are not studied at all, which is also a very regrettable point. A large number of papers are stored in the Noah database, quietly waiting for discovery by those who are destined to do so.

Countless branches of science will actually promote or restrict each other. For example, a breakthrough in chemistry will have an impact on materials science, and materials science will affect engineering and so on.

This is actually a problem of a small population and insufficient development time. Yu Yifeng believes that in just a few years, under this model of technological explosion, the entire human technology will change drastically.

Computer science should be regarded as a relatively basic subject.

Many tasks today are inseparable from the support of computers. For example, the automation of the Kinov factory, the control of unmanned excavators, etc., all require supercomputers for background control. And almost all science and technology require modeling analysis and large-scale calculations. This means that whether you are solving equations, fitting, or finding approximate solutions, you need faster and more powerful computers.

Therefore, there are always people applying for use of Noah's most powerful central computer.

This situation is actually not very good, because the central computer must retain a part of the calculation capacity and monitor a large number of instruments and facilities to ensure the safety of Noah.

In response to these problems, Yu Yifeng has long wanted to replace his computer with a faster and more powerful one.

But the current computer technology has reached a bottleneck period, and Noah is almost entirely supported by the old foundation. The existing supercomputers have not been updated for many years, and their computing speed can hardly keep up with the times...

Regarding the next generation of computers, people also have many research directions, such as biological computers, quantum computers, etc.

Biological computers sound too fantastical, but the most reliable one is quantum computers, because they are the most practical and most likely to be realized.

In the past, some countries on the earth have achieved the entanglement manipulation of 10 light quanta, and accumulated a lot of research experience. According to Yu Yifeng's understanding, after so many years, there should be a breakthrough in this aspect.

For this kind of scientific progress, Yu Yifeng usually does not convene a parliament to avoid wasting everyone's time. He chose to go directly to Yuriko's research institute. Yuriko had always been very clear about the research details of major research institutes, and she didn't know how she did it.

Yu Yifeng walked all the way, meditating on the details of quantum computers in his mind, so as not to be ignorant and ridiculed by some people for no reason.

The upper limit and potential of quantum computers are much higher than those of classical computers currently used, because its computing power increases exponentially.

The entanglement manipulation of 10 light quanta means that this quantum computer can perform 2 to the 10th power of operations in each step, which is 1024 operations.

1024 times, this amount of calculation sounds like garbage, and it’s not a big deal. Even an ordinary person’s mobile phone can perform hundreds of millions of calculations per second.

However, as more light quanta can be manipulated, its calculation speed will increase exponentially!

When it reaches 50 light quanta, the quantum computer can perform calculations of 2 to the 50th power in one step, which is equal to 1125899906842000, or one quadrillion calculations. This has reached the level of Noah's fifth-ranked "Tianhe K" supercomputer computing power.

When it reaches 60 light quanta, its computing power can crush all classical computers!

When 100 light quanta are reached, the calculation speed of each step is as high as 2 to the 100th power! At this time, the entire Noah's classical computer combined was a scumbag, less than a fraction of the quantum computer.

So what about 200, 300, or even 1,000... 10,000 light quanta?

Two to the power of ten thousand? This is an unimaginable astronomical figure!

"You think too simply. In theory, the computational capacity of a quantum computer can indeed be increased infinitely, but in practice it is more difficult." Yuriko glanced at him indifferently, interrupting Yu Yifeng's daydream.

"The quanta in a quantum computer must be entangled with each other to work. The greater the number of light quanta, the worse the stability of the entangled state. Our technology cannot entangle thousands of photons at the same time..."

"If you want to entangle light quanta, it's best to do it in a vacuum and superconducting environment, which involves quantum dots, nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum optical circuits, superconducting rings, etc..."

Bai Hezi spit out a bunch of proper nouns, which made Yu Yifeng feel confused.

He has always had a headache with the profound quantum theory.

He asked directly: "Just tell me, can we make a quantum computer with a higher computational capacity?"

This attitude of not asking for a thorough explanation made Yuriko very contemptuous. She rolled her eyes at Yu Yifeng: "...Yes, with our technology, up to 30-50 light quanta can be entangled at the same time and controlled appropriately."

Yu Yifeng felt a little dissatisfied. 50 light quanta was too few. Such a quantum computer was no better than a central computer!

I heard Yuriko continue: "...However, we once removed a damaged computer from a flying saucer. Do you remember it? That was a quantum computer."

"We can try to repair it, but we will need to use a small amount of flying saucer materials..."

Having said this, Yuriko quickly pulled a lot of things from the computer, "The Huguang Supercomputing Center once wanted to repair this broken computer. They made this report, you can take a look..."

"The gravitational wave telescope is made from a flying saucer. Does the computer also have to be made from a flying saucer?"

Yu Yifeng sounded a little unhappy. He took the report and just glanced at it, and his face suddenly turned blue.

What the hell, most of the requirements are extremely high-performance superconducting materials and electromagnetic materials, and they are all things found in flying saucers! Isn't this fatal? They are tightly controlled by major laboratories and are important research specimens.

If they rashly demand handover, those scientists will go crazy!

"Do we need these materials?" Yu Yifeng asked with a frown, as if he saw himself being scolded bloody. Scientists are getting fierce, but no matter what your status is, you will still be scolded when you deserve it.

"Of course we humans can also use our own materials, but the performance is not that good." Yuriko said lightly: "You should also know the barrel theory. As long as there is a shortcoming, the overall speed will be slowed down."

"Okay, I understand." Yu Yifeng said somewhat unhappily.

The gravitational wave telescope was created by a flying saucer, and even the supercomputer was created by a flying saucer... Compared to human technology, it was scum, which made him feel quite dissatisfied.

The use of flying saucers to create things makes everyone feel insecure because people do not understand the specific operation methods. For scientists, it is always uncomfortable to use things that are unclear.

A civilization’s security issues cannot rely on other people’s things... For example, Indians’ defense computers cannot always be made in the United States, and Chinese engines cannot always be provided by Russia. The same is true for Noah. For scientists, they are very reluctant to use something that they do not fully understand.

Using these flying saucer creations means instability and unreliability. Even if an error occurs, people will not know it and it will be difficult to correct it.

Well, in fact, it was Yu Yifeng who was too impatient. Human beings did not even have one year to explore, and it was impossible to reach the level of flying saucers.

But this time the situation is different. Even if they are dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do. Survival is the most important issue for a civilization. Without supercomputers, it is impossible to use gravitational wave telescopes. Without gravitational wave telescopes, it is difficult to monitor alien spacecraft...

Now, people can only blindly believe in the creation of flying saucers once, because with human technology alone, the detection of green light spacecraft is still at a loss.

This is a matter of survival, and the survival of civilization is primary. It was imperative for him to build a supercomputer.

That’s it for today’s update, good night my friends. If you have recommendations, please vote for them, thank you!

This volume on Mars will end in two weeks. If you have any suggestions, you can mention them and I will see them.

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