Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 16 The era of great construction

As more and more people ignited their fighting spirit, Yu Yifeng decisively announced the start of the grain transformation plan.

"I announce that the grain transformation plan is officially launched!"

The machines turned and the motors roared. This is a unique movement belonging to the era of great construction. Many people held their breath, gritted their teeth, held back the grief in their hearts, and threw themselves into the work.

Either break out in silence or perish in silence!

A labor force of 50,000 people, under normal circumstances, is only equivalent to a medium-sized town. But 50,000 high-quality talents, plus a variety of automated machinery, the productivity can be comparable to that of a small country!

Many scientific experiments were forced to stop, not only freeing up manpower, but also electricity. For example, a large hadron collider has a power of about 120,000 kilowatts, which is too big, cut it off! A supercomputer consumes 20,000 degrees of electricity per hour, and there are dozens or hundreds of them. There are too many, just cut them off in half!

There are many similar miscellaneous experiments, such as missile research, chemistry research, and physics research. As long as they are not highly related to agricultural development, they will either be cut off or shelved. Although scientific experiments are also very important, they can only take a back seat compared to the food crisis.

There is a little episode here. The previous officials of the base accidentally did a good thing!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and even the "noble" lunar base is no exception. In fact, every five or six years, there will be a big construction era here, and the core reason is the political needs of the upper-level officials.

Over the years, the base has become larger and larger, and there are more and more things to build. Every year, there are trillions of dollars sent by so many local tyrants, and they can't be spent. What should I do?

If I can't spend it, it means I'm not capable enough, and I will deduct political points! Some facilities that were originally useless will be built because of "political performance needs." These face projects and image projects are still good in quality, and now they happen to be put to use!

The extra factories and nuclear power plants were almost useless before, but now it's different. When Yu Yifeng saw these abandoned equipment for many years, he was so excited that he almost jumped up. Every extra one adds a bit of power. How can you say it's useless?

All people were divided into 18 teams, and each team was divided into several working groups. This construction was not for political achievements, but for the survival of all mankind! According to the plan made at the meeting, everyone had a job suitable for them, and all personnel implemented a food rationing system. The food was not good, but they were full. Because food was so precious, it could not be wasted! With planned economy and equal distribution, everyone ate from the same pot. As for wages, there was no money... The original dollar system had been abandoned long ago. It seemed to be a regression in the system, but from the current situation, it seemed to be the best choice. Sharing joys and sorrows, 50,000 people are not many, and it can be planned to the point. As for work motivation, the threat of death alone can sustain it. If you don't work, everyone will starve to death! To be honest, Yu Yifeng has no experience in management. This made him very busy. When he first started, he rushed around and almost made a mistake in the middle. Fortunately, the physical fitness of superhumans is high, and they can bear it for a long time without rest. In addition, he has a strong learning ability and a little talent in this area. After a few days, he has gradually gotten the hang of it, and the base has begun to run in an orderly manner.

Now, he has to handle dozens of administrative orders every day, hold seven or eight meetings of various sizes, and patrol everywhere to appease people. He is busy and exhausted, and has to work 18 hours a day, but seeing the base getting better day by day, he feels fulfilled.

At this moment, Yu Yifeng is taking a high-speed train to the "Uranium Resource Mining Group".

The "Uranium Resource Mining Group" is one of the most important production teams among the 18 teams. The main work location is in the uranium mine less than 100 kilometers away from the base.

The available mining volume of this uranium mine is about 80,000 tons, which is also a first-class mine on Earth. 70% of the electricity in the base is supplied by nuclear power plants. Therefore, this uranium mine is the lifeblood of the entire base, and it cannot be sloppy!

The environment on the moon is very harsh, with gravity only one-sixth of that on Earth. It is often minus 180 degrees at night, but it reaches 120 degrees above zero during the day. Scientists have designed a special mining technology over the past thirty years.

The temperature difference here is too large. Under the thermal expansion and contraction, some shallow mineral rocks are quite fragile and easily broken when moved, which greatly simplifies the collection of minerals. Therefore, scientists designed a highly automated mining vehicle for mining.

This mining vehicle is a bit like a combination of a drill and an excavator. It is very huge and is 20 meters high, equivalent to the height of five or six floors! When mining, the ore is first crushed with a drill bit, and then shoveled onto the vehicle body with a mechanical shovel. Two people work in a group, which looks very complicated.

These ores not only have uranium resources, but also a large amount of non-ferrous metals and other resources. Anyway, they are transported back together and processed by the factory.

Of course, sometimes when encountering rocks that are too hard, the "blasting" method is used to directly blow out the ore with bombs. The combination of the two methods greatly speeds up the mining efficiency.

Don't think that there is no air on the moon, so you can't hear any sound. Sound is not necessarily transmitted by air. Things like the earth and machinery can become transmission media. Through these media, the sound can still be transmitted to the ears.

Yu Yifeng felt the earth shaking from afar, and there was a strange "dong dong dong" sound like a drum. It sounded a little weak, but it was shocking.

When he arrived at the inspection point, a group of more than a dozen people walked out of the mine and went into the house to rest. They took off their spacesuits and gasped for air. According to regulations, after working for 4 hours, absentees will get 1 hour of rest.

Although it is said that manual mining is not required, the bulky spacesuit and complicated operations also bring a lot of trouble to the operation. It can be said that mining is not only mental work, but also physical work.

When one of the absentees saw Yu Yifeng, he was suddenly startled and ran over in a hurry. He took off his helmet, revealing a young face.

This was a black guy about twenty years old. He looked at Yu Yifeng and said with some confusion: "You...are you...Captain Yu?"

"Yes! Thank you for your hard work." Yu Yifeng smiled and nodded in disbelief.

"Ah! Come on, everyone!" The black boy suddenly shouted, "Yu...Captain Yu is here!" He didn't know Chinese yet, and spoke unskilled English, gesticulating and shouting.

Something like this happened a few days ago. People were curious about superhuman beings, perfect elements, alien spaceships and the like. Some doubted, some did not believe, and some asked him whether a thousand years of life was true, and Yu Yifeng answered them all one by one.

When they got the answer in the affirmative, a light of hope burst out in their eyes. How wonderful it would be if the life span of all human beings could be extended ten times by using the perfect element... Although the current technological level is not up to standard, it at least gives everyone a hope!

But this time there was something different. After hearing this, a large group of senior men immediately gathered around him with reverence in their eyes. He felt something was wrong.

"Captain Yu...Amen...Savior...Son of God..."

Everyone started talking, some were hesitant and not even proficient in the language. But Yu Yifeng could tell that this was not flattery, but a sincere compliment.

It took me a long time to realize that these absentees were so happy because they had eaten vegetables.

Since they came to the moon, they have been eating high-energy compressed food. This kind of food is a bit like jelly, full of fat, sugar and protein. It is actually not bad in nutrition, but the taste is really not good. If you eat too much, you will feel sick. Very, but there is no way, we can’t starve to death.

Just yesterday, because of the unified food supply, everyone was given a cabbage, so I specially expressed my gratitude to Yu Yifeng.

Are you so happy after eating a cabbage...

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