Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 161 Nuclear Bomb Attack

Time flies so fast, three months go by in the blink of an eye...

The pressure of death is very great. Sometimes it can break people down, but sometimes it can make people become extremely united, especially when there is still a glimmer of hope.

People are building frantically day and night. Tall walls tightly surround the living area and industrial area, leaving only a small number of insignificant buildings outside.

To be exact, seventeen blocks!

Because of the internal honeycomb structure of Noah, the distribution of the entire fence can be said to be very complex, with almost all directions from top to bottom, left, and right. From now on, people will live within tall city walls...

Between each city wall, there is a buffer zone of one kilometer to ten kilometers, which is filled with miscellaneous things, such as slag, sand and gravel, industrial waste gas, etc. People also know how powerful supernovae are. Even if Mars and the shell of Noah can absorb most of the damage, the remaining drop in the bucket is enough for humans to suffer.

People have made the best of what they have. Theoretically, the purple metal of Noah can withstand a certain dose of gamma rays, and the seventeen thick radiation-proof walls can withstand part of it, but no one knows whether it can survive... It depends on the person, Everything depends on God.

However, a supernova explosion is the worst situation with the lowest chance of survival. People have another option: use nuclear bombs to blow down the green light spacecraft!

In the conference room, Yu Yifeng was discussing related issues with Xu Yunjin, Ding Yidong and others. Under the long-term pressure of survival, this group of people seemed to be numb to the issue of life and death, and everyone was excited and a little excited.

There is only one super large four-hydrogen nuclear bomb, and it was produced at a high cost. There are many other large and small nuclear bombs or ordinary missiles.

"...I don't know if a four-hydrogen nuclear bomb can be successfully detonated." Professor Ding Yidong said hesitantly.

He has a carefree personality and rarely shows such hesitant expressions, but this time, he really didn't know whether he could succeed. Large-scale laser systems have been tested several times, and the success rate is only 70%. And this kind of super-large-yield tetrahydrogen nuclear bomb has never been tested.

A trillion-ton nuclear bomb is a thousand times more powerful than the previous most powerful helium-3 nuclear bomb. This span is really too big, so he is not sure whether there will be any mistakes by then...

Time waits for no one, and in a few days, people will have the best opportunity to attack. Some people are a little nervous or excited in their hearts?

It is so crazy that people can contact or attack a powerful interstellar civilization unscrupulously. This kind of opportunity will never be seen again.

In the rocket silo near Noah, thousands of rockets were launched one after another, including nuclear bombs, ordinary missiles, reconnaissance instruments and a large number of large and low-mass bunkers.

These rockets all use the technical method of "one arrow, multiple stars". After reaching the established target position, they will split one after another. A total of 6,400 large and small nuclear bombs and more than 20,000 ordinary missiles are already the limit of human industrial production capacity.

The new human civilization does its best to improve the success rate of combat.

No matter what, this is the first confrontation between humans and interstellar civilization, and no one knows whether it will succeed...

"Our main opponent is the ship's automatic defense system."

"Although the universe is very empty, we sometimes encounter asteroids and the like. Although we don't know how the curvature engine operates, I think the Green Lanterns will not let asteroids hit the spacecraft rashly."

"In this case, the spacecraft will definitely activate the automatic defense system at all times. Energy shields, lasers, or weapons such as electromagnetic guns can directly break meteorites into powder..."

"So our nuclear bombs are likely to be exploded as meteorites. Nuclear bombs are just conventional weapons in space. If they fail to hit the target, they will not be very destructive."

"At this time, we need to rely on...missile sea tactics!"

The so-called missile sea tactic is to use a large number of missiles to attack at the same time. The extremely large missile swarm will overwhelm the opponent's automatic defense system in an instant, allowing it to successfully attack the ship's hull.

While listening, Yu Yifeng couldn't help but scratch his head, feeling a little nervous in his heart. People are simply not sure whether such an attack will be successful.

"The opponent's ship is too big, with a diameter of 150 kilometers. A nuclear bomb with a small yield is simply useless, right?" a congressman asked.

Xu Yunjin said: "Yes, although small nuclear bombs have limited destructive power, they will create a high-temperature radiation zone. Strong light and large amounts of electromagnetic radiation can shield the opponent's detection capabilities to a certain extent. This will create opportunities for large-scale nuclear power."

If the Green Light Man's spaceship is compared to an aircraft carrier. Then, ordinary missiles are equivalent to rocks, that is, they serve as a cover. While ordinary nuclear bombs are equivalent to pistols, helium-3 nuclear bombs with a yield of one billion tons are small anti-aircraft guns that are somewhat threatening.

The only hope for mankind is actually that one tetrahydrogen nuclear bomb with a yield of one trillion tons!

If this tetrahydrogen nuclear bomb is intercepted or fails to detonate successfully, then... welcome the arrival of the supernova as soon as possible!

In order to improve the success rate of combat, countless smart minds have designed countless methods, and finally selected the one with the highest success rate...

"Come on!" Yu Yifeng shouted in his heart...

As time passed, clear images and photos of the green light spacecraft came out. Because the distance was getting closer and closer, the photos became clearer and clearer. As expected, it is a giant spacecraft with a diameter of 150 kilometers, with a large number of instruments and various instrument structures on it.

Its surface seems to be wrapped by a layer of inexplicable things. When light passes through this film, some strange deflection phenomena will occur. Even at this distance, the telescope still cannot capture the specific structure inside clearly.

Because of the deflection of light, some parts of the spacecraft appear to be elongated, and some parts have been shrunk...

This is the reason for the curvature of space!

When humans launch an attack, the detection instruments mixed in can obtain first-hand information about space distortion. Such information is extremely valuable to mankind!

"It looks magnificent."

"Yes, even if you can't see clearly on the surface, you can't deny its power."

Everyone was talking a lot, and the atmosphere was warm and serious.

Whether this glimmer of hope can be won or not will be revealed immediately, and people cannot help but be nervous.

After seeing the image of the spacecraft, Ding Yidong fell silent. He did not speak during the meeting, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Professor Ding, what's wrong?" Yu Yifeng asked.

"I feel bad." Ding Yidong whispered, while clicking on the image with the pen in his hand, frowning.

"Why, is our plan wrong?"

"The diameter of this curvature foam is larger than we imagined." Ding Yidong shook his gray hair: "Our plan did not consider the distortion of space by the curvature engine. No one knows what the distortion of space will do to matter. Condition."

"Such a powerful space distortion may evolve into a pulling force like gravity, or it may directly break the material, or something else. I don't know if our missiles will be effective by then..."

Ding Yidong said dejectedly: "Even if we think of it in advance, without specific information, we don't know how to deal with it..."

"But!" Yu Yifeng was shocked. He was about to say something but it was already too late.

The first detector has touched the curvature film of the green light spacecraft. At this moment, a white-hot beam hits the detector, and the battle begins!

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