Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 165 Crazy Science Feast

Yu Yifeng was extremely nervous at this time, with sweat on his forehead and clenched fists with his hands. His fingernails were turning blue and tight due to exerting too much force, but he didn't know it and just stared at the screen all the time.

Everyone did the same thing, staring at the screen motionless. Although the four-hydrogen nuclear bomb successfully exploded, people have no idea whether this attack will be effective...

Yu Yifeng didn't feel very good.

Although this super-large nuclear fireball glowing with blue light swallowed the entire green-light spacecraft, its power... may be very limited!

Because it didn't explode close to the green light spacecraft at all, it was still a hundred kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

One hundred kilometers is too long.

The universe is almost a vacuum. Nuclear bomb explosions will not produce shock waves and can only attack with optical radiation and electromagnetic radiation. The whole process usually only takes a few seconds, and then the nuclear fireball will quickly shrink and extinguish.

Although its core temperature can reach billions of degrees, the power of a nuclear explosion will rapidly decay with distance. A few tens of kilometers away, it might only be tens of millions of degrees, and a hundred kilometers away, it might only be a million degrees...

Although the entire light ball is so big, at the outermost edge six hundred kilometers away, it is probably only tens of thousands or even thousands of degrees...

People simply don't know whether such a temperature can destroy the engine of the green light spacecraft, and it can only last for a few seconds.

It’s difficult, it’s too difficult… But before the results come out, people still have expectations.

Even though the headquarters' computers had processed relevant images from the battlefield, people's eyes were still stimulated to tears by the bright light. But everyone is unblinking, waiting for the final result.

People felt a little uneasy.

The huge explosion swallowed up all the surrounding materials, including the remains of thousands of rockets and a large number of missiles, nuclear bombs, foams, aerogels, etc. These vaporized metals or other substances formed a red metal cloud. Like a gloomy giant face that appears and disappears in the dark night of the universe.

This metal cloud grew larger and larger, spreading to a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

After dozens of seconds, the nuclear fireball of the four-hydrogen nuclear bomb was completely extinguished, and the space slowly became silent. Everything in the metal cloud lost its light in the coldness of the universe and disappeared into darkness.

At this time, the radio telescope on the ground saw everything clearly.

The green light spacecraft is still moving...

Humanity has failed. In fact, it cannot be said to be a complete failure. The speed of the green light spacecraft was reduced by one-third... It can only be said that at least some things were destroyed by humans.

If two more tetrahydrogen nuclear bombs come, maybe it will stop moving, but in war, there are no ifs.

At this rate, it will reach the position of the sun in three days.

Everyone was filled with a sense of frustration, even Yu Yifeng was no exception. There was a burst of sighs and even some faint crying in the headquarters.

Witnessing such a super war, humans have tried their best and tried their best, but they still failed... This brought an inexplicable emptiness and helplessness to everyone present.

This is the gap, the gap between human beings and true interstellar civilization.

People still have a long way to go.

Yu Yifeng held the table with both hands, took a deep breath, shook his head violently, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, activate the backup plan!"

The backup plan is to welcome the arrival of the supernova! It is no longer possible for humans to launch a second attack on the green light spacecraft.

Yu Yifeng's shout brought many people back to reality. In this case, there is still a lot of work to be done, and people must pick themselves up as soon as possible and start the next step.

"Now I issue work tasks!"

Yu Yifeng did not give them a chance to think wildly, and promulgated the urgent work tasks one by one according to the plan.

He believed in the endurance and... ability of these elite humans to save themselves.

In three days, people will recall all excavators and other machinery. If the sun really explodes and humans survive, there will be no resource replenishment for a long time to come. Although these machines are mass-produced, they contain a large amount of metal, and of course they must be recycled if they can be recycled.

Moreover, people still need to complete the final disassembly work and the final part of the radiation protection wall, and then start Noah and move it to the back of Mars.

The amount of work left is not that big, just a day or two, but someone still has to do it.

The sighs gradually disappeared. For the new human civilization, every injury will make them stronger, as long as... they don't die!

A group of mad scientists were the first to get excited. They started talking loudly, excitedly wanting to observe how the sun exploded!

For a mad scientist, this is a scientific feast!

The explosion of a star is a great teacher of nature. It will reveal the mystery of nuclear reactions in an instant, and people can easily observe the rapid fusion between light nuclei and the production process of heavy elements after iron elements.

These will be very precious data. Artificial detonation of stars is extremely rare in the Milky Way galaxy... Such data is most likely unique to humans and is the last legacy left by the sun to humans.

"Okay, friends, cheer up!" Professor Ding Yidong said with a flushed face, a little fanatically, and he even couldn't wait.

The sun will become mankind's best teacher, teaching mankind the mysteries of the atomic nucleus. Not to mention, a large group of young people followed him happily.

People have launched a large number of detectors to Venus and Mercury in advance, just to welcome this possible scientific feast. At that time, people can observe the changes of the sun at the closest distance.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. This is the true portrayal of these crazy scientists...

The most precious thing for people is life, and life belongs to people only once. Why do people live and what is the meaning of existence? This is a philosophical question that every wise man needs to think about.

A person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor be ashamed of being inactive; so that when he is dying, he can say: I have spent my entire life. And all the energy is devoted to the most magnificent cause in the world.

What is the most magnificent cause in the world? It's different for everyone. Now, this group of mad scientists has found something: the pursuit of truth in the universe!

The ocean of truth is endless. Human beings are no longer satisfied with picking up shells on the beach, but want to explore it personally, even if they may lose their lives.

Now, the rough sea water is really coming up, and they may die at any time. But they are not afraid, and even want to peek at the beautiful scenery under the sea at the moment before they die.

Just take a look...

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. This is the mentality of these scientists.

If they were on the previous Earth, this group of people might be described as lunatics. More than 90% of people would have difficulty understanding this strange behavior, and would even feel that they were putting on a show and that they were insane.

But now is a new human civilization, and both culture and thinking are different from before. Most people feel that these scientists have very normal thinking and are worthy of respect.

(For readers’ questions, please read the author’s words, which cannot be found in pirated copies.)

There are always questions: Why use nuclear bombs to attack the Green Light Civilization? How to deal with the fleet behind it if it is shot down?

To solve this question, can you please search "supernova explosion" on Baidu? !

As long as they truly know the infinite power of a supernova, normal people will feel that the probability that Noah can survive it is very low, even if it is made by its super civilization!

A supernova explosion is not a nuclear bomb or a string of firecrackers. If you want to know its power, go to Baidu yourself! I won't explain anymore!

Humans have no idea what the upper limit of Noah is, so they blindly believe that it can withstand a supernova? This is completely abnormal, right? !

Do you really believe in other people’s technology? And when you don’t know anything about it?

For humans, it is better to rely on others than to rely on oneself. They only believe in themselves!

Therefore, preventing supernovae is a better option.

Although the final outcome is the same, mankind's efforts are in vain and the sun still explodes. But I have always believed that trying hard and then failing is completely different from not working hard and relying directly on others.

What do you think?

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