Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 167 The Last Supper

It is June 17, Year 0003 of the New Human Calendar, an ordinary yet extraordinary day.

On this night, all the ordinary people on the Noah gathered on the green space of Central Park.

Countless dishes spread across dozens or hundreds of tables: assorted canapés, homemade meatballs, cheese platters and grilled shrimp skewers, flanked by pastries, aspic, olives, salmon with dill and stuffed eggplant. Feta cheese and more. Of course, there are also a large number of Chinese dishes: fried gluten, braised pork trotters, stir-fried lobster, tomato fish, meat buns and so on.

The dishes were cooked together and were one of the biggest gatherings in recent years. Even the past few Chinese New Years have never been so rich.

Usually the meals are cooked automatically by robots, but this time, many men and women took it upon themselves to cook, which is also a pleasure at this moment.

The "sunset" was gradually setting, the champagne was flowing, people were eating and drinking, and the days became so leisurely and comfortable for the first time.

This kind of buffet gives people a feeling like a big family, full of warmth and harmony. Sometimes a small population is a good thing. Everyone knows each other, if not, at least they are familiar with each other.

At this time, the economic system is no longer important, it’s free, everything is free!

Fifty thousand people is really too few and can be accommodated in a large stadium. The current area of ​​Central Park is more than enough.

Fifty thousand people, more than fifty-seven thousand people to be exact... but they are all of humanity.

People enjoy delicious food and appreciate all kinds of ups and downs in their hearts.

There have only been more than three years since the Earth exploded. It seems like a lifetime has passed, and everyone has lived such a wonderful and fulfilling life. In the past few years, there has been joy, pain, panic, and anxiety...

But no matter what, everything has passed. At least, this moment is peaceful.

After experiencing so many things, people's spiritual will has become different. If it were in the past, they would definitely panic and even give up on themselves. But now, people can enjoy this time peacefully.

Perhaps, this is also the last period of time...

In the last period of time, should we enjoy it peacefully, or should we panic and spend it in despair?

Everyone gathers together to communicate: there are complaints, confessions, admiration, and talk... Things that I didn't dare to say before are now dared to say. If you don't say it now, you may never have another chance in the future... Some people leave the ranks of singles at this moment, and some people gain others' understanding at this moment.

People talked about the small things they encountered personally and the big things they encountered as a civilization, laughing and sighing at each other from time to time.

Humanity has never been so harmonious. We lament the majesty of the universe, the weakness of civilization, the vastness of the Milky Way, and the ignorance of mankind...

I wonder what the meaning of the internal struggle of a race is in front of the entire universe? The most powerful president on earth is just a handful of dust in the end...

But in this big family, people really feel the warmth, and death is no longer scary. In short, if death really comes, it will only happen in a second.

Many children were playing in the middle of the grass, laughing like children from time to time. They were the most carefree group of people.

How simple happiness is. When everyone is together, it is a kind of happiness; how simple happiness is, when everyone is full and full, it is a kind of happiness...

Yu Yifeng walked to the edge of the park, touched the thick radiation-proof wall, and suddenly let out a sigh. He didn't know how to describe his feelings. The green light spacecraft will crash into the sun in a few hours. He doesn't know what the fate of people will be.

If you are too weak, you will not be able to control your destiny after all. Being too weak is the original sin in the universe.

Yu Yifeng looked into the distance, quietly in a daze.

In the dark universe and dim starry sky, we have lost Mother Earth and will lose Father Sun.

We are the sorrows in other people's stories, like the fallen leaves and rootless duckweeds, drifting with the waves.

The road to the stars contains our footprints, and the vast universe contains our tears.

This is not heaven.

Infinite galaxies, billions of stars, there will never be another sun.

Just the red remnants of nuclear bombs tell the weakness and sadness of human beings.

Detonating stars, exceeding the speed of light, planet-level spaceships, controlling endless energy...that is the glory of others.

Efforts and failures, struggles and searches, where is our future?

Yu Yifeng was lost for a long time when he suddenly saw a group of scientists hurriedly passing by. Their faces were all flushed, and their expressions were very strange. They were excited, excited, and a little scared.

He did remember that after enjoying the sumptuous dinner, this group of scientists had to enjoy a scientific feast again.

Yu Yifeng also followed subconsciously. He smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and he was the only one feeling sentimental.

It's time to brace yourself and watch the last rays of the setting sun.

Perhaps, it is also the last moment in life.

Because it was hiding on the back side of Mars, the line of sight was blocked, and the radio telescope was no longer usable, so it was all dismantled. But Noah also specially retained relevant radio receiving devices outside.

After receiving satellite signals outside, they will penetrate 17 walls through optical fibers and transmit the signals to the interior of Noah. These images and related precious data will be witnessed by human eyes.

Hundreds of detectors are ready at locations such as Venus and Mercury. Although they are likely to be swallowed up by the sun in an instant, there is only as much data as they can transmit.

At this moment, all the cameras are focused on the green light spacecraft.

The curvature bubble on its surface finally disappeared, and its true side was finally revealed.

People finally saw the surface of the green light spacecraft completely. The places that were attacked by human tetrahydrogen nuclear bombs showed a structure in which a large amount of metal melted and then solidified. This shows that human nuclear bombs are still somewhat useful.

The curvature engine of the green light spacecraft has been completely shut down, but due to the strong gravitational pull of the sun, it is accelerating towards the sun!

Half a quarter of an hour later, it touched the sun's outermost layer, the corona. The temperature of the sun's surface is about 6,000 degrees Celsius, but the temperature of the entire corona is about 1 million degrees Celsius.

When the green light spacecraft rushed here, the metal on its surface began to quickly melt into a liquid state, and then merged into the sun.

A large spacecraft with a diameter of 150 kilometers is still a bit small when facing the entire sun. When it fell into the entire sun, it can be said that it only caused a small wave.

This spray quickly turned into a violent solar wind, affecting the nearest observing instruments.

The screen in the Noah control room began to shake, and some detectors malfunctioned.

But the problem is not big. The speed of the solar wind is only a few hundred kilometers per second, which is far slower than the speed of light. Detectors farther away are not affected by the solar wind for the time being, and observations can continue.

Under the influence of strong gravity, the green light spacecraft headed towards the core of the sun while rapidly melting and tearing apart. In less than ten minutes, only one bracket was left.

It has to be said that the power of the sun is still much more powerful than human super-large tetrahydrogen nuclear bombs. The sun can output stably for a long time, while a tetrahydrogen nuclear bomb can only last for a few seconds.

just this? Where are the neutron star fragments?

Everyone stared blankly at the screen, trying to find some clues. The Green Light People will never be so stupid. Their purpose is to destroy the enemy, and they cannot throw their spaceship into the sun to die in vain.

Soon, the scientists discovered an area of ​​abnormal fluctuations. The large amount of data beating on the instruments showed that this area was not calm.

"Can I enlarge the picture?" Yu Yifeng asked.

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