Beneath Deep Space

Ending remarks

Finally, I finished writing the second volume. I encountered many difficulties in the process, such as glitches, poor subscriptions, being poisoned by snakes, etc. I also felt a lot of shortcomings, but fortunately I gritted my teeth and persevered and stumbled along.

In the blink of an eye, there are more than 400,000 words.

Due to lack of experience, the plot of the second volume is a bit tight. Human beings hardly relax and are struggling for life and death all the time. This is a shortcoming of my personal level, and the plot arrangement is not in place, but overall I am quite satisfied. The second volume filled in some holes and dug some holes.

People are still in a difficult situation, and the situation is still not optimistic...just like my current results.

The journey is long and there will always be difficulties of one kind or another. This article is not a white text in the traditional sense. There is no pretentiousness or slap in the face. The development of human beings is not smooth sailing. We will encounter setbacks and failures. It is not very enjoyable to read. Therefore, there are not many readers. The website editor is not optimistic and has not recommended it. .

However, it doesn’t matter. There is always a group of friends who are silently supporting me. Your subscriptions, recommendation votes and rewards are all the motivation for my writing. Thank you very much!

Some friends disliked it because it was not good enough and left. Some people watched it halfway and switched to pirated copies. Of course, there were also new friends who joined our team halfway and encouraged me all the time.

These situations are normal. My level is limited and it is impossible to satisfy everyone. But overall, the number of readers of this book is still increasing.

I don’t think this book is a failure, nor does it have too many logical flaws. It will always get better.

I also hope that friends who watch pirated copies can spend a few dollars to subscribe to the genuine version.

The current average subscription is only more than 300, and the subscription fee alone is only 600 to 700 a month... which is not enough to eat instant noodles every day.

I also know that one genuine reader means at least ten pirated readers. After all, everyone likes free things.

I hope pirated readers can support the genuine version. (i.e. Chinese website)

As for the rich people who give rewards, everyone should be happy. (Actually, even if I give a reward, the code is too slow and it will be difficult for me to post updates. I’m so sorry T^T)

The performance of my book is still too poor. The only way to measure the performance of a book is to subscribe. If the subscription is not good, the website will never give recommendations. If the website does not give recommendations, the subscription will be even worse. This is a vicious circle. I hope that friends who can watch it for free can spend the price of a bottle of drink to select the chapters they like and subscribe.


Volume 3, departure tomorrow.

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