Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 177 Sociology of the Universe

But don’t forget that Green Light people are essentially plants and producers. Their lifestyle and living environment from ancient times to the present are completely different from humans.

Different living environments create different thinking. The thinking of ancient times will extend to the interstellar era. This kind of mark of the times is not necessarily good, and it takes the efforts of one generation after another to gradually erase it.

The various "desires" of human beings are the imprint of primitive times. Some desires actually hinder the progress of society. But it is really too difficult to eliminate them. After all, most people are just ordinary people, not saints.

It is not unreasonable to say that unruly people come out of poor mountains and poor waters, and it is the same in the interstellar era.

The fewer survival resources there are, the more selfish the species is, the smaller the group it can maintain, and the more unscrupulous the means among groups to compete with each other.

The richer the resources, the more selfless the species, the larger the group that can be maintained, and the more diverse and peaceful the means of competing between groups.

Green-light people evolved from plants, and can be said to be generous-hearted and fat-bodied beings. They do not attach much importance to survival resources because they can produce resources themselves.

Therefore, the "private ownership" of Green Light people can be easily eliminated.

Human beings have not seen the social system of Green Light Civilization and can only speculate based on some species on the earth.

Plants, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores... Because of their different living environments, after evolving wisdom, their ideologies are also different.

Carnivores are the most territorial and have a strong sense of hierarchy.

After a group of wolves kills prey, the leader eats the food first, then the eldest wolf in the pack or the previous wolf king, etc., and so on. The wolves with the lowest status often don't have enough to eat... Such creatures , attaches great importance to food and territory.

People speculate from this that intelligent creatures that evolved from carnivorous animals are least likely to accept the "public ownership system."

Herbivores have a slightly weaker sense of territory, and changes in pastures often cause them to move their territories.

Herbivores tend to eat their own food and have relatively gentle personalities. There is no problem of who eats first and who eats last.

According to this principle, intelligent creatures that evolved from herbivores are relatively easy to accept the "public ownership system".

This kind of sociology of the universe, proposed by Hegel and other cosmologists, is a new discipline. It includes not only carbon-based organisms, but also other types of ideological discussions such as silicon-based organisms.

This subject is still in its infancy. Only when the new human civilization has seen enough cosmic civilizations and specific theories have been verified one by one can it be gradually improved.

According to the sociology of the universe, humans are omnivorous animals that mainly eat vegetarian food and can theoretically accept the "shared system".

However, it is not possible to achieve complete "public ownership" for the time being. The entire civilization currently retains part of the private system. New coins and houses in the hands of individuals are personal property, and this will not change.

What currently troubles Yifeng is the issue of “distribution on demand”. The overall quality of ordinary people is actually good, but he must teach people to "distribute according to need" rather than distribute equally.

If it were distributed equally, it would be no different from the rationing system...

"Professor Sean, there is still a lot of publicity and education work to be done here."

"Wang Yufan, you are responsible for the specific selection of political propagandists."

Sean, Wang Yufan and others from the Propaganda Department are also prepared for a protracted war. This kind of ideological change cannot be formed in a day or two, but requires years of accumulation.

There were not so many empty slogans or high-level political declarations. The Propaganda Department used the slogan "One Big Family". They wanted to use a gentle way to prevent everyone from rejecting the public ownership system.

Fifty thousand people should be like a warm family, everyone gets what they need and performs their duties... there is no need to be so taboo about using shared life resources, just like that doomsday dinner.

To use a simple analogy, the couple cooked a pot of rice, but the portion was slightly less. The wife loaded the rice first, but when she saw that the portion was not cooked enough, she deliberately packed less and left the rest for her husband. Although not very full, everyone was quite satisfied.

Now, there is one more person, three. The couple adds a son and cooks another pot of rice. The son was in the growing period, so they specially decorated it for him. Then the couple shared the remaining food so that no one was hungry. This distribution method is not bad, and no one will mind it.

Then one more person, four people, cook another pot of rice. In order to reduce conflicts, the total amount of rice will increase.

With only 4 people, this family can always find a good way to distribute...

By analogy, as long as the portion of this pot of "rice" is enough, even a large family of 50,000 people can find a reasonable distribution method, and people will not feel too much awkwardness.

But this is very difficult and requires a change in people's way of thinking and a long period of tacit cooperation...

Striking while the iron is hot, in the process of social experiment, kindergartens and other related educational institutions have also begun to deploy in sequence. The preparation work for this stage has lasted for more than half a year, and the preparation of teaching materials, selection of teachers and related training work are also nearing completion.

For the oldest child, it’s time to go to kindergarten…

Children are the continuation of civilization, and education plays a very important role in the growth process.

Human knowledge and talents are not innate, and walking upright and speaking are not innate instincts. All of these are the product of acquired social practice and education.

The age from birth to before entering elementary school is extremely important for a person's physical and mental development. During this period, a certain world view and values ​​will be formed. Once formed, it is difficult to change.

In 1920, in the city of Midnapore in India, people often saw a "mysterious creature" haunting the nearby forest. Often at night, there would be two "human-like monsters" walking on all fours following them. Behind three big wolves.

Later, people killed the big wolf, and finally found these two "monsters" in the wolf den. They turned out to be two naked girls...

This is a "wolf child". Babies who have lived with wolves for a long time will subconsciously think that they are a wolf, and their lifestyle is no different from that of wolves. Even if you return to human society and receive psychological counseling, it will be difficult to return to normal.

This also confirms the plasticity of human infants. If a human baby is raised by an animal, it becomes an animal.

If given to a Green Light person to raise, his ideology and lifestyle will be closer to the Green Light civilization. When this baby grows up, he will also use "propriety" as his code of conduct, just like the green light people, and he will think that this is very natural, without any ideological awkwardness.

Similarly, if a baby has lived in a communist society since childhood and lived in a harmonious atmosphere, then he will take it for granted that this society should be like this, that people should be equal and free, and that everyone should be equal and free. You should also look for your own ideals and pursue your own goals...

Although human beings' own genes carry selfishness, laziness and other bad things, these desires will be transformed by society and reduced to a minimum.

This is what Yu Yifeng and the others really think. If the transformation of this generation fails, they will transform the next generation. If the transformation continues from generation to generation, the quality will always become higher and higher.

That’s it for this part of the reform of the human social system.

There is a reason why I write this. Without a more orderly social system, it is difficult to compare with other stronger civilizations, even if it is cheated.

So I can only write this aspect in an idealistic way.

Regarding the sociology of the universe, we will discuss it after we encounter more civilizations in the future.

Liu's "Three-Body" and cosmic sociology are like the dark forest, but my book is different.

Every civilization has different living environments and different ideologies. This is certain.

You can construct the type of civilization you want to see in the book review area, including social systems, ideologies, advantages and disadvantages, etc. If it makes sense I will adopt it.

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