Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 18 Trial

Two weeks passed quickly, and with each passing day, the appearance of the base changed.

Six 500,000-kilowatt nuclear power units were moved out of the dusty warehouses and glowed with light and heat again; factories that had been abandoned for many years also restarted their assembly lines.

The peak power consumption of the entire base even reached 10 million kilowatts, equivalent to one-half of Shanghai! You know, Shanghai has a population of 20 million, but here there are only 50,000!

The vast majority of electrical energy is used for industrial production, and the railways extending in all directions are operating at full capacity almost all the time. High-speed trains continuously transport tens of thousands of tons of titanium ore, uranium ore, iron, combustible ice, silicon and other minerals.

Within a few hours, these minerals are turned into a variety of raw materials and then used in new production.

Seeing the work in his hands gradually becoming formal, Yu Yifeng's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Managing a base is not just about production, the most important thing is “people”.

People are a very complex body of contradictions. Among the 50,000 people in the base, some are selfless, some are selfish, some are smart, some are stupid, some are positive, and some are negative. For these various people, Yu Yifeng tried every means to mobilize the hope deep in their hearts, so that everyone could work together and join in production.

In order to achieve this effect, Yu Yifeng wrote down almost everyone's name and prescribed the right medicine according to each person's personality. He is a super human. Although he has a strong memory, he is exhausted when facing such huge data, but there is no other way. Only by working together can people overcome this difficulty.

One special type of people are the criminals in the base. The most vicious ones were shot to death on the day of the riot. Although the rest were all guilty, they were not guilty enough to die.

These people are very troublesome. There are less than a thousand people in total. How to deal with them is a big problem. Everyone in the base is valuable wealth. The total population is only a little over 50,000. We can't kill them all, right?

On this day, Yu Yifeng hosted a special meeting, the theme of which was to discuss how to deal with these criminals.

"Now, there are two main types of criminals in our base. The first type is the original death row prisoners. The other part is people who took advantage of the explosion of the earth to commit crimes." Yu Yifeng stood at the front of the meeting, "We There is not much time to formulate laws, but a simple strategy should be discussed."

"In Chinese terms, merit must be rewarded so that capable people can be encouraged to work hard; guilty must be punished so that sinful people can be punished and dare not act rashly. Rewarding good and punishing evil are two sides of the same problem. Only by combining them without bias can we achieve the stability of the base and achieve the best social results.”

The death row prisoners in the base have always been an unpopular group of people and are also a problem left over from history. On the one hand, some dangerous jobs are inseparable from them; on the other hand, they are criminals and can easily cause social unrest, so the number has always been small, staying at one thousand.

After the rebellion ended, more than 400 death row prisoners were killed. Most of them participated in the riot, but more than 200 people remained peaceful.

"For these death row prisoners who have been law-abiding, they have experienced the test of human nature and should be rewarded." A mechanical engineer said at the meeting: "An old friend of mine accidentally killed a person when he was on Earth, so he was sentenced to death. He was in I have lived in the base for ten years and have been conscientious and safe. It is not too much to say that I have reformed. "

"They have contributed so much to the base, and they have worked hard without any credit. I think these good people should be pardoned."

This proposal was quickly passed after discussion.

The second category is for crimes with relatively light punishments, such as taking advantage of opportunities to commit petty theft. Although these people have committed crimes, they are only trivial, so they have relatively few restrictions on personal freedom.

The disciplinary measure for them is "reform through labor", and they need additional labor to offset their crimes.

The last category is those who committed serious crimes during riots. Felons must not only be imprisoned, but also do heavy work.

They couldn't be killed. There was a shortage of labor in the base. How could they be killed? As for human rights, in the face of life and death crises, who cares about this...

No one will sympathize with them, not even the most Madonna-minded people can say anything.

A simple meeting ended neatly like this.

The legal improvement work can only be done in the future, because the workload in this area is too heavy and there is really no manpower.

"Captain, there is a trial about the rebel leader Calvin at two o'clock this afternoon. Please be sure to attend!" When the meeting was completed, such a message appeared on Yu Yifeng's mobile phone, which was sent by his assistant Miss Yuriko. .

He is really too busy. He has just finished one meeting and has to attend the next one. This has almost become his daily routine now.

"It turns out it's Calvin. I have to participate now." Yu Yifeng murmured to himself and replied to Yuriko with another message.

Yuriko is the adopted daughter of Dr. Roman. She is Asian. Although she is only twenty years old, she is a top physicist. Now that a large number of physical experiments have been suspended, she has nothing to do, so she became Yu Yifeng's administrative assistant.

From Lilyzi, Yu Yifeng finally saw what it means to be a workaholic... In addition to eating and sleeping, he spent all his time working, without a joke or other entertainment. In Lilyzi's words, "Those are all nonsense." Pointless activity.”

Therefore, between two people, besides work, there is still work. Of course, he himself is also becoming a workaholic...

When he walked into the court, he found that more than thirty jurors were already there, all leading figures from all walks of life. After saying hello, he found a seat and sat down casually.

The laws in the base have not yet been enacted, so a jury system has been adopted. A total of forty jurors from all walks of life will jointly judge Calvin's crime, and Yu Yifeng is also one of them.

After everyone arrived, the trial began quickly, and Calvin was also brought up. His face was swollen, and he may have suffered some pain, but his eyesight was still clear and his consciousness was intact.

Everyone looked at Calvin with complicated expressions. Some even recently joined the "Moon Society", and their evaluations of him were highly polarized. Some people think he is the prophet of all mankind, while others think he is a complete liar.

"The suspect has been brought in, and the trial has begun!" The judge standing at the front tapped his gavel. Wearing military-style clothing, he read out Calvin's basic situation with a serious expression.

"Defendant, what do you have to say?"

Calvin stood in the dock, smoothed his hair with his hands, and said calmly: "I know what you want to ask me... Yes, I admit that I killed the person.

"After the Earth exploded, I took advantage of the chaos and killed David Sen, David Ball, and Cashwell. In addition, I also killed some middle-level officials."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the audience was shocked. They didn't expect Calvin to admit it so directly.

The people in the jury pointed at Calvin and started discussing among themselves. David Sen, David Ball and Cashwell are the three senior leaders of the base, responsible for the administration, military and economy of the base respectively.

These three people died at the hands of Calvin after the earth exploded, so the entire base was out of control during that period.

In this way, Calvin's crime is huge!

Popular science: The moon has methane.

In the Americans' lunar impact experiment, ground researchers found through data analysis that carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and some carbides were also detected after the impact. That is, the moon has methane in the form of flammable ice.

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