Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 181 The Mysterious Superconductivity

After explaining the "Super Alloy" series of materials, a few people took a few steps forward and suddenly saw a white platform and a suspended black stone!

This is the core combination in the center of the entire hall: the stone is gray-black and unremarkable, that is, an ordinary ore.

But, it's completely suspended in the air!

If you are uninformed, you will mistakenly think that this is anti-gravity technology, but in fact it is not...

What holds this huge boulder is just a small ring underneath, and this semi-metal ring is what humans dream of...

Superconducting materials at normal temperature and pressure!

The light of a piece of superconducting material almost covered up the seventeen pieces in the "Super Alloy" series, and even Dr. Rimbaud had a look of fascination and embarrassment on his face.

Superconductivity under normal temperature and pressure, the crystallization of science and technology across the ages!

Dr. Rimbaud is also really convinced. I don’t know how this epoch-making achievement and such ultra-complexity materials were developed...

There is also superconductivity at room temperature and pressure in the materials of the Mars flying saucer, but it is all piecemeal, and the process is extremely complicated, and humans are completely unable to imitate it.

Just like primitive people faced with a modern laptop computer, there is no way to build an original one. This is entirely a deficiency in both theory and craftsmanship.

But now... I did it somehow? !

A large group of scientists gathered around the boulder and discussed it excitedly, even shouting.

These are experts in electromagnetics and materials science. Their faces are flushed, they are making exaggerated gestures, and spitting out a lot of professional terms.

They deeply understand the epoch-making significance brought by superconducting materials!

This is truly superconducting under normal temperature and pressure! To be precise, it needs to work in an environment below 15 degrees Celsius under standard atmospheric pressure.

But this is enough. This superconducting condition is not much different from normal temperature and pressure...

Many scientists who were observing superconducting materials for the first time were beating their chests in front of this boulder, eager to study it immediately.

For them, it is still conceivable that the superalloy series will appear at the exhibition, but...superconducting?

It’s so unexpected!

They felt like they were going crazy.

It can be said that almost any cutting-edge technology in the future will require the support of superconducting materials. For example: controllable nuclear fusion technology, ultra-high-speed electromagnetic guns, high-power laser pulses, quantum computers, etc. Without superconductivity, these technologies would only exist in the imagination.

At room temperature, the best conductive material is metallic silver. The resistivity of silver at 20°C is 1.5. But this resistance is still too large for some ultra-high-power weapons-grade equipment.

As long as there is resistance, the conductor will generate heat. Heat is fatal to high-tech devices!

Weapon-grade laser pulse devices have instantaneous power of hundreds of millions of watts. Just a small amount of resistance can generate a lot of heat, creating the risk of the conductor melting. Such a device is unstable, affecting its final power and accuracy.

Using superconducting wires without resistance can completely avoid these problems.

In addition, in addition to the "zero" resistance characteristics of superconductors, complete diamagnetism is also an important feature. This is also the basic principle of the levitation of this boulder!

Since a superconductor "does not allow" any magnetic field inside it, if an external magnetic field wants to pass through the inside of the superconductor, then the superconductor will inevitably generate an opposite magnetic field to ensure that the internal magnetic field intensity is zero, which forms a repulsive force.

Such repulsive force can be used to fight gravity!

When a magnet is placed directly under a superconductor and the magnetic field lines pass vertically through the superconductor, the superconductor will obtain a vertical upward buoyancy force!

There was once a movie called "Avatar". The movie depicted huge rocks floating in the sky, which were caused by room-temperature superconducting materials...

Superconductivity, the strongest bottleneck for mankind to move towards the era of electricity and magnetism, has been overcome with inexplicable ease, leaving many people with an unreal feeling.

Yu Yifeng and others were listening to the discussion of this group of scientists. Some people lament the ups and downs of this arduous road, while others have longing for a better future... Many people feel that this road will take a long time, and will continue for tens or even hundreds of years, but it suddenly ends, which makes people feel very sad. dream.

Yes, very dreamy...

Everyone thinks so. In fact, the current human beings have not thought about overcoming this problem at all.

But now it happened suddenly and inexplicably...

The origin of superconductivity comes from 1911. Kamerling Onnes of Leiden University in the Netherlands unexpectedly discovered that when mercury is cooled to minus 268.98°C, the resistance of mercury suddenly disappears. This phenomenon is called a superconducting state.

For this discovery, he won the Nobel Prize in 1913 and opened the door to the research of superconducting materials.

Now, more than a hundred years have passed, and people's progress cannot be said to be great. It is really disappointing to see that room-temperature superconductivity was unexpectedly conquered by a newly emerging genius when it was still far away.

Just like a twisting mountain road with no end in sight, scientists just want to run to the end step by step over hundreds of years. Someone suddenly stopped and used a plane to directly cross tens of thousands of kilometers to the end...

Yes, that's it, that's how scientists feel... a sense of dreaminess, and an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

The structure of this superconducting material is extremely complex and has never been seen before. It is a polymer with silver as its core. The molecular formula is ****, a macromolecule composed of millions of atoms!

The most peculiar thing is that a hexagonal "high-speed channel" is formed between molecules, and electrons can pass quickly through the high-speed channel with almost no obstacles... thus forming superconductivity at normal temperature and pressure.

This is indeed the case simply explained, but scientific theory cannot be explained so simply.

This research report on superconducting materials is confusing, and the specific principles are also vague. Therefore, even the inventor himself does not know how this "high-speed channel" between electrons is formed. It is as if he discovered it by accident...

But the report itself describes the manufacturing process of this superconducting material in detail, and after verification, it is indeed feasible.

Yu Yifeng heard the scientists talking and was also very interested in the inventor. Just like a blind cat meets a dead mouse, is it just luck that solves this big problem?

Yes, it is so magical and weird...

However, the probability of this kind of thing happening is not to say that it will never happen. It can only be said that it is very, very low. It can no longer be calculated as one in a billion, but one in ten billion or one trillion! It’s as weird as a monkey tapping the keyboard randomly and typing out a beautiful article!

“Do otakus change the world?”

"Perhaps I was guided by God to get such inspiration..."

Scientists are talking a lot...except, apart from luck, there seems to be no other explanation.

Yu Yifeng frowned and looked at the profile of the inventor. This guy named "Zhang Peng" is a super otaku who usually works as a researcher at the Huguang Supercomputing Center.

Yes, a researcher in information engineering! Not a researcher in materials science? !

Normally, this Xu Peng is unremarkable, but this time, he suddenly had an idea, or rather got it wrong, and researched this superconducting material across industries? !

I don’t know if it’s a genius or a stroke of luck? !

Very weird!

To the disappointment of many scientists, this otaku did not even attend this materials conference, choosing to continue to stay in his own house and maintain a strange sense of mystery...

Yu Yifeng shook his head, feeling very confused.

He really had very little impression of Zhang Peng, not that he didn't know him, but he only knew this person.

Moreover, this guy was brought from the earth to the moon through the "Victory" spacecraft, and was one of the hundreds of survivors who luckily escaped from the earth.

He thought about it carefully, and although he wanted to visit the Frankenstein in person, he resisted.

Everyone has their own secrets. Since Zhang Peng is willing to keep a low profile, let him keep a low profile.

It is impossible for him to rashly investigate a rising scientific star because of some doubts in his heart.

At least the room-temperature superconductor invented by Zhang Peng is indeed very, very beneficial to mankind. Maybe he just patted his head and had a flash of inspiration?

Didn't Newton discover universal gravitation just in a flash of inspiration?

As for scientific matters, who knows, maybe it’s just such a coincidence and luck...

The sage mode is over and a new story begins.

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