Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 186 Caught

The shackles of the physical body have a huge impact on the spirit. It directly determines the upper limit of the spiritual will. No matter how high the original spiritual level is.

If "black" parasitizes a monkey, it will also become a monkey and behave like a monkey without any wisdom. Because the neurons in the cerebral cortex of monkeys are only one percent of those of humans, they are not enough to carry higher intelligent life.

Similarly, if unfortunately it is parasitized on a caterpillar, it will only become a caterpillar. Even worse than a monkey at this time, how can we expect the brain of a caterpillar to be able to think? impossible!

Now, it has parasitized Zhang Peng, and the ending is not too bad, but not too good either... This brain was very stupid to him before, but at least he can think and be logical.

The human race is simply too inferior to the original "black" race, and every move seems very strange. And Zhang Peng is an individual with a relatively low "spiritual level" among the human race, with very limited potential. Hei simply laments his ill-fated fate.

Fortunately, this race is at least capable of thinking and intelligent... It can only comfort itself in this way.

Besides, it was defeated during the devouring process and lost a lot of memory, so it's not bad to survive.

At this point, Hei had no other choice but to accept the not-so-good reality.

Now, it and Zhang Peng can only say that they will both prosper, suffer, and die.

After "Hei" was tired from running on the road, he gasped for breath. It felt its abnormal mental excitement because of the feedback from its physical body.

But then again, I only ran less than 500 meters before I looked like this from exhaustion. This body is too weak.

"Why are you still communicating through sound waves? This method of communication is too outdated. Is the information transmission speed 2 bit/s?"

"Hei" kept vomiting and making all kinds of strange sounds in his throat.

It is very curious about human society. After all, "curiosity" is the instinct of the human body, and it can only be infected with this habit involuntarily.

Whether it is hiding, lurking, or ruling...or being ruled in the future, it will have to deal with human society.

The more you know, the more comprehensive your understanding will be, and the greater your confidence in the future will be.

This road was originally a commercial street, but now there are very few pedestrians. It was working time during the day, everyone was busy, and he was the only one running around like a madman on the road.

Hei randomly picked a store and walked in. He found that there were only a few special robots and a large screen. You can choose various hairstyles from the screen, and you can also perm, dye, etc.

"Oh? A robot that specializes in hair repair? It seems that the service industry has been completely replaced by machinery. This is a good thing!"

Hei studied it carefully again and was slightly disappointed.

Just a few binary robots based on "0" and "1". The operation of each robot relies entirely on the backend database and does not have any intelligence at all.

Hei looked disgusted, suddenly lost interest, and wanted to leave, but suddenly saw himself in the mirror.

Zhang Peng is tall and thin, with a so-so appearance. His hair is actually normal, but in "black" eyes, it is as ugly as a pile of weeds.

Their race has no hair on its body, its tentacles are delicate and long, and its beauty is smooth and soft.

But now, these hairs are simply an eyesore and a symbol of backwardness and outdatedness... Their race only had hair in primitive times, and now they look like primitive people.

"Since I have 20% control of my body, theoretically, 20% of the hair is mine. So I can shave them off? Yes, that's it!"

Hei thought to himself, and then immediately took action. It first took a holographic image with the camera next to it, then used its fingers to scribble and make changes on the screen, and finally accurately removed 20% of the hair...

The robot stepped forward and faithfully performed the hair-cutting procedure.

Then, Zhang Peng became bald and had 20% of his hair cut off.

It seemed ridiculous, but "Hei" didn't think it was ridiculous. Instead, he felt much more comfortable instantly.

It thinks that after cutting off its own part of the hair, the rest belongs to Zhang Peng.

Zhang Peng’s hair is none of his own business!

"Eh, Zhang Peng? Are you here to cut your hair? Your hair...??"

Suddenly a clear female voice came to his ears, and "Hei" turned around to look.

He knows this female creature! She is Zhang Peng’s dream partner!

From a "black" perspective, all human females look similar. But according to Zhang Peng's eyes, she should be considered a beautiful woman. She would have wild thoughts or do obscene things every night...

This is the first time "Black" has come into contact with humans. He grunts in his throat and doesn't know what to say... It feels very awkward for the first time.

Zhang Peng would buy breakfast for her and send it to her secretly every day. "Black" was simply incomprehensible. If you wanted to ask for a mate, you could just go to her, so why bother?

The beauty's name was Jin Meilin. She felt a little funny when she saw Zhang Peng's silly look. In particular, he had a bald spot on the top of his head for some unknown reason... Jin Meilin subconsciously thought that this was the work of a barber robot.

Could it be...are these machines broken? This needs some maintenance.

Although she is a girl, she is an operation and maintenance engineer who specializes in maintaining robots. When she saw Zhang Peng's bald head, she actually wanted to burst into laughter, but she suddenly held it back.

...Zhang Peng is already a great scientist, no matter what, he must be more serious and respectful.

Even Jin Meilin became a little restrained involuntarily. After all, great scientists are all serious people like Ding Yidong, Roman, Felix, and Thomson...

Zhang Peng doesn't look like that, but he still has to be respectful.

If you calculate it carefully, Zhang Peng's baldness is still her fault. It was because of an error in the robot she was responsible for maintaining. Jin Meilin subconsciously thought that the robot had made a mistake, because it was impossible for normal people to make their hair like this.

I wonder if Zhang Peng would blame himself? ! Jin Meilin stuck out his tongue unconsciously. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to laugh again, but looked at Zhang Peng with an embarrassed look.

"Black" felt it was magical. This female creature was squirming and sticking out its tongue. What was it doing? It’s so hard to understand!

are you crazy? !

Their race has developed to a relatively advanced level, and they have always communicated directly through brain waves, without using sound waves or other methods at all. Seeing Jin Meilin's various performances, "Hei" had to understand for a long time before he could change his mind.

"Yes, the speed of communication using language alone is too slow. Actions and expressions must be matched to increase the amount of information transmitted." It found an explanation for itself.

But what does this information mean? What does sticking out tongue mean?

I don’t know what the problem is, or it may be Zhang Peng’s subconscious influence. “Hei” suddenly thought of some videos he watched a few days ago:

That was an issue of "Animal World".

A kind of creature called dog always licks each other's butts when showing affection to each other. And not only dogs, but many other creatures also behave this way, so are humans the same?

"Black" has not learned this knowledge on the Internet, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. Who knows the habits of lower creatures?

Could this be what this female creature meant? Could it be that she wanted to show favor to Zhang Peng?

Of course, this is also something Zhang Peng often does, and "Black" thought of this inexplicably.

Instead, it felt like it didn't know what to do, and felt a little regretful about running out and wandering around.

Logically speaking, Zhang Peng's good deeds should not be ruined, otherwise this loser would have to curse or even hang himself?

But what if it contributed to this good thing? Maybe you can get more time to control your body?

"...Reproduction?" "Black" squeezed out a word from his throat.

"What? House?!" Jin Meilin felt confused and repeated it again. She felt that Zhang Peng was very strange, yes, very strange.

That's it. After getting a positive answer, "Black" nodded.

It took off its pants righteously and prepared to receive the advances of this female creature...


Noah, Department of Security.

A group of police officers broke out in a cold sweat and immediately arrested Zhang Peng. Then they chose to keep it secret and reported the case layer by layer.

This is the first sexual assault case in the new human civilization, and it was committed by a great scientist. It is very serious and harmful.

However, so far, Zhang Peng is only a criminal suspect and has not been tried by the court, so the specific privacy needs to be kept confidential.

At the same time, they asked Jin Meilin to return to the Security Department to make notes.

"Master Drafting!" Zhang Peng woke up long ago after being arrested in a daze. He cursed in his heart, and now he only had the urge to die...

"Hei, master drafter!"

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