Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 188 Super Hadron Collider

Zhang Peng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was still at the police station and had inadvertently uttered a foul language.

He apologized quickly, and then told a group of doctors and police officers the details of the matter, including aliens, "blackness", body control and other strange things.

Enough was enough, he really had enough, he had nothing to say.

He had no intention of helping "Hei" hide it. The two of them were not good friends!

This is a real alien!

With this anger, Zhang Peng complained a lot, and finally felt a lot more comfortable and less stressed.

The government should have come forward to resolve this matter, rather than letting little people like him bear it alone... Even at the risk of being sliced ​​and studied, I had to say it first. He can't control so much anymore.

However, Zhang Peng was also smart and kept the superconducting matter a secret. Anyway, he felt that Zhang Peng was the one who invented superconductivity, not "Hei". If the matter is revealed, his reputation will be ruined!

The psychiatrists who came in behind were stunned for a moment. Their first impression was that this guy was crazy... Yes, crazy!

"……mental illness?"

"Split personality?!"

The victim, Jin Meilin, had already made a record. After hearing what Zhang Peng said, he was speechless. Zhang Peng, who was usually so good, had gone crazy?

Thinking about it carefully, Zhang Peng's mental state did seem to have some problems at that time.

A normal person wouldn't shave his head or take off his pants in broad daylight, right?

"Ms. Jin Meilin, according to this situation, sexual assault cannot be considered, at most it can only be regarded as sexual harassment..." a uniformed police officer said, "According to the Public Security Punishment Regulations, you can be detained for not less than 15 days but not more than 30 days."

Jin Meilin was stunned. She had no intention of punishing Zhang Peng in particular.

Moreover, Zhang Peng's mental state does not seem to be fake... There is indeed something wrong with his brain.

She ultimately chose to give up on holding Zhang Peng specifically accountable. After all, she was just mentally shocked and not really hurt. Thinking about it, there was no need to have trouble with a mental patient...

If Zhang Peng is indeed a mental patient...

Immediately afterwards, several psychology experts began to conduct various psychological tests on Zhang Peng...

"Do you want to inform the captain?" Zhao Yao leaned next to Xu Yunjin and said quietly.

Xu Yunjin also frowned and kept thinking in his mind.

After all, Zhang Peng's identity is a bit special. He is a great scientist who invented superconducting materials that spanned the ages!

It's so weird that this great scientist turned out to be a serious mental patient. How can this be? Did you receive any stimulation? Are all geniuses mad? Or... is everything he said true? !

Is he possessed by an alien? It's not scientific, it's not a fantasy novel...

Xu Yunjin couldn't help but become confused.

If Zhang Peng was not a mental patient, then the matter would be more serious. Even his status as a great scientist cannot exempt him from criminal behavior. Those who should be detained will still be detained, and those who should be punished will still be punished! Even great scientists cannot become outside the law.

Vandalism and sexual harassment, combined, would be enough to detain him for a month without any problem.

The state has national laws, and families have family rules. Now it is not a feudal dynasty, everyone is equal, and there is no privileged class.

And from a legal sense, merits and demerits cannot be offset. Although great scientists have made many contributions to mankind, they still have to be punished if they break the law. Otherwise, doctors are saving people every day, how can they still kill people at will?

The law must pursue fairness and justice, which means that it cannot create a privileged class. This is basically the consensus of everyone. Without fairness and justice, how can we create a more harmonious society? How to unite people's hearts?

The last thing the top leaders of the new government want to see is chaos in order. Especially now that we are in a critical period of social transformation and technological advancement, there is no room for chaos! If the entire social order is in chaos, the entire civilization will never get back on its feet.

It is easy for people's hearts to disperse, but it is extremely difficult to unite them. Everyone knows this truth.

Therefore, whether it is the government, the military, or the private sector, they are all trying their best to prevent this from happening: the privileged class is not allowed to appear in the new human civilization, not even great scientists...

But, having said that, if this Zhang Peng does have some brain problems, and the victim, Ms. Jin Meilin, doesn’t want to pursue the case, she can completely make the big thing a trivial matter, make it a trivial matter...

After all, mentally ill patients cannot be treated as ordinary people. They have no way to control their behavior and can do anything...

The new government office building is located at the connection between the residential area and the industrial area. This is also an important transportation location.

On this day, many office workers were working nervously.

Yu Yifeng looked serious and was discussing a very important issue in Yuriko's office.

On the computer screen is a project application report: "Manufacturing Plan for the Super Large Hadron Collider", signed by Dr. Felix, Professor Ding Yidong and other top physicists!

Of course, this plan is not a pretense. Its weight is beyond Yuriko's ability to refuse. It can only be decided by Yi Feng himself.

The manufacture of this machine requires not only a large amount of superconducting materials, but also a large amount of manpower and material resources!

Yu Yifeng first glanced at the amount of work and the massive amount of materials out of habit. He was stunned and wanted to curse. But in the blink of an eye, I thought about these very important joint signatures and the importance of the LHC, and I resisted.

The Large Hadron Collider, also known as the LHC, is a high-energy physics equipment that accelerates protons or electrons into collisions. It is an artifact for studying particle physics!

The Large Hadron Collider, the largest on Earth, is located beneath the Jura Mountains near Geneva. In addition to being the "largest particle collider", it also has "the largest machine in the world" and "the fastest runway in the world." , "the most vacuum space in the solar system" and other honors.

Its biggest discovery was the approximate discovery in 2012 of signs of the existence of the "Higgs boson" predicted in the "Standard Model" of physics.

Yes, the Higgs boson, known as the "God particle", has been discovered by LCH...

This result puts the last brick on the roof of mankind's "Standard Model" physics building, so it is called a great achievement comparable to the moon landing.

And now, due to the rapid development of superconducting technology and electromagnetics, scientists are ambitious to build a super instrument that is ten thousand times more powerful than the Earth's LHC!

In this report, the Super Large Hadron Collider is located in the low gravity area above Noah. The circular tunnel is 270 kilometers long and has a total mass of up to three million tons. It can generate energy of at least 5 billion electron volts. Crush electrons and positrons together!

Its ability is ten thousand times more powerful than that of Earth!

Kavin is very serious. Particle physics has developed to the Higgs boson, which is close to its current peak... The rest can only be based on pure fantasy.

The nature of the universe may be beyond our imagination.

Recent LHC experiments have found no signs of supersymmetric particles and extra dimensions. Not only are scientists disappointed, but I am also disappointed, as if the way forward for supersymmetric theory has been cut off.

The road to unification is still very long.

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