Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 20 Crisis

All evil comes from greed for life. Who doesn’t want to have a better physique, a smarter mind, and a longer lifespan? Especially the emergence of Yu Yifeng's successful example has inspired everyone's greed...

However, the number of perfect hormones is limited after all, and can only be used by less than one thousandth of the world's people. Once the secret is made public, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the entire society. More seriously, World War III is not impossible!

Therefore, there is some truth in saying that the coalition government strictly guards the secrets of perfection, and it is not entirely wrong. Governments of various countries have secretly fought over the perfect element. Many inexplicable geopolitical conflicts now have a good explanation, and that is the issue of the distribution of perfect elements.

In the end, the five most powerful countries reached a consensus, "Set aside disputes and develop together!" Therefore, people established a coalition government, sealed most of the perfect elements in the moon base, and guarded them with nuclear bombs. Any experiment required the approval of the coalition government. approve.

No one could have imagined that the earth would explode like this... All the conspiracies and conspiracies would disappear with the destruction of the earth. There seems to be little point in pursuing the faults of the previous government, because most of the responsible persons are dead, and the few living people are just accomplices, just following instructions...

An anticlimactic trial ended hastily. Calvin's verdict was not even handed down, so the court chose to adjourn the trial and "send judgment another day."

People all choose to forget intermittently about such morale-damaging things. Let’s leave everything to be discussed later...

Work at the base is still going on in an orderly manner. One approval is only a small matter for the entire base.

Thomson, male, 33 years old, is a former Swiss physicist. He has published more than 60 articles in sci, 7 of which were included in the most authoritative "Nature" magazine.

At the same time, he is also a famous astronomer and has his own laboratory on the moon base. Thomson's usual job is to monitor the entire starry sky.

After the explosion of the Earth, a large number of rock fragments were ejected. When these rock fragments are close to the moon, they may be captured by the moon's gravity and turn into meteorites and attack the moon.

In astronomy, the point at which the gravitational pull of two planets balances is called a Lagrangian point. At the Lagrangian boundary, the gravitational pull between the moon and the earth exactly cancels out, and the meteorite can maintain a balanced state. Meteorites exceeding this limit may hit the moon and bring disaster to mankind.

On the first day the Earth exploded, more than 3,000 meteorites from the Earth even hit the moon! These meteorites are not big in size. For humans far away in the south pole of the moon, they can only feel some small earthquakes, nothing more.

But for astronomers, it was a terrifying and desperate day. They monitored the sky all the time. When a meteorite hit them, it was as if it had hit them, and their heartbeats skipped a beat, fearing that they would suddenly suffer a disaster.

Asteroid impact is a huge threat to life! 65 million years ago, a meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers hit the earth, producing overwhelming dust. Polar snow melted, plants were destroyed, and volcanic ash filled the sky. All this led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Thanks to this, mammals were able to rise. .

If a meteorite of the same magnitude falls on the moon, an earthquake of magnitude 13 or above will occur in the entire earth's crust! If this meteorite landed in Bailey Crater, there is no doubt that the energy released by the simultaneous explosion of 100 trillion tons of TNT explosives could wipe out the entire Antarctic.

There are eight such threats in total, and the largest one is even more than 20 kilometers in diameter... Now Thomson can only pray to God to protect these giant meteorites from hitting the moon.

The nuclear weapons in the base pose no threat to these meteorites and can only slightly change their direction... This feeling of powerlessness in praying to God is very uncomfortable for scientists. But there was nothing to do but pray.

However, as time passed, Thomson felt relieved a little bit. The possibility of such a disaster has become smaller and smaller, because there is a thick atmosphere covering the earth. During the movement of meteorites, they will continue to rub against the atmosphere and their kinetic energy will continue to decrease.

When the kinetic energy of these asteroids decreases, they will be attracted back by the earth's own gravity. Then, the moon will become safer and safer.

The base is located at the south pole of the moon, which is a pretty good location. Few asteroids can get here through many obstacles, so humans have enjoyed a period of peaceful development.

"Tutor, this is the latest satellite image." His student Thomas sent an email.

"Okay, got it." Thomson clicked on it and saw a satellite image of the Earth.

Judging from the image, the original blue planet no longer exists, replaced by a gray nebula-like envelope composed of sand, atmosphere and water vapor, and the structure inside is completely unclear.

These nebula materials are constantly moving and colliding, and turbulent vortices will appear in the future, causing rotation. However, this process is extremely slow. Perhaps tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years later, under the influence of gravity, a new Earth will be formed here.

Maybe, new life will be born again.

"Perhaps, only some microorganisms can survive... From spectral analysis, the temperature inside is around 2,000 degrees Celsius, and all animals and plants are extinct." Thomson sighed.

The original super large mushroom cloud also dissipated. Two weeks later, this mushroom cloud gradually spread behind the earth and spread to a distance of five to six million kilometers. Under the sunlight, it formed a magnificent white light curtain. .

In fact, this light curtain is very thin, not even one hundred thousandth of the original earth's atmosphere, but it is huge in size. Under the sunlight, it will have different colors, which is magnificent and gorgeous.

Now, as the moon orbits the earth, it is about to enter this curtain of light.

Thomson had a bad feeling for no reason. This premonition was mysterious and mysterious, and he couldn't grasp what it was. Thomson thought hard for a long time, but he didn't understand where this uneasy feeling came from.

"Maybe it's because of too much work pressure."

He comforted himself by saying that this light curtain was actually composed of sand, gravel, atmosphere and water vapor. It had no special ingredients and could not cause harm to humans. Humans can't even perceive it because it's so thin.

He clicked on the video of the super explosion and watched it again and again. The super explosion that destroyed the human home planet was a nightmare for all mankind. Many scientists have studied it and wanted to figure out why it happened.

The same is true for Thomson. What kind of weapon can cause such an effect? Antimatter bomb? Neutron star? Black hole? Or something else?

Within two weeks, he watched the video countless times and calculated it countless times, and finally came to a strange conclusion: it was a kinetic weapon!

An aircraft with a mass of one hundred tons and close to the speed of light can cause such an explosion! It's incredible. He repeated the calculations and simulated it many times on the supercomputer and came to the exact same conclusion.

Could it be that an alien spacecraft accidentally crashed to Earth?

This calculation result has been reported to the Academy of Sciences, and has been put together with many other results. There is no conclusion yet.

If it is really a light speed aircraft, what kind of technology should it be...

The speed of light, anyone who understands its meaning knows that it is a speed that is both desperate and desirable. Only at this speed can human beings rush out of the solar system and find a new "Earth" within their limited life span.

The fastest spacecraft currently operated by mankind is only 20 kilometers per second, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second.

With the current technological progress of mankind, when can we approach the speed of light? Humanity to this day is still struggling with food crisis...the gap is too big!

The more he understood, the more he realized his insignificance, and a heavy feeling of despair appeared in Thomson's heart. The vastness of the ocean of truth may be far beyond human imagination.

"Sigh", Thomson shook his head and got rid of some bad emotions. Although he was only 33 years old, he felt that he was already old.

"Tutor, look, I collected ice!" his student Thomas shouted outside the laboratory. A few days ago, he designed a simple water storage device using plastic film. When water molecules encounter the film, they will condense and turn into ice.

You know, there is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon, it is almost a vacuum. Normally, this kind of experiment would basically not succeed.

Thomas said happily: "Our moon has begun to pass through the light curtain, and there is also a thin atmosphere near the ground. Although it is not enough to provide breathing, we can get water from it!"

"It's good to be young!" Thomson thought. His genius student Thomas was only 16 years old, but he was already a Ph.D., but sometimes his childish side emerged. After all, he was still a child who had not grown up.

Suddenly, Thomson seemed to think of something, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He finally caught that uneasy feeling!

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