Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 205 Life Sciences

There are at least thousands of large and small research groups and research institutes on board Noah. It is impossible for Yu Yifeng to attend all such year-end meetings, so he can only try to select some important ones.

Even so, he was still unable to do anything else.

And in this year, basically all research groups have produced scientific research results... longevity medicine and materials science are just a few of the more important ones, and there are many other miscellaneous results, almost all-round!

Yu Yifeng had to sigh, what a great explosion of technology!

He could only send Yuriko as a representative to listen in on his behalf.

Anyway, she is almost the Queen's representative, and the group of scientists probably won't have much objection. After everything is over, the two of them can summarize it again.

Of course, Yu Yifeng also had some thoughts of his own: let Yuriko attend some scientific conferences that were too difficult and too brain-consuming. Leave the simpler ones to yourself.

I'm really sorry. He has been really tired these past few days and has overused his brain.

"There are many theories about human aging, and our stem cell reactivation reagent has only conquered some of them. We collectively believe that there are more ways to significantly increase human lifespan..."

"We are committed to making human beings live longer, smarter, and healthier." Dr. Constantine, a great scientist, was the first to speak at the conference.

This is a year-end summary meeting on longevity virus research. There are more than 200 biologists in this group. Stem cell medicine is the crystallization of the wisdom of more than two hundred people.

Because of the original research on perfect hormones, there were many famous biologists on board the Noah, and their skills were also very high, including Roman, Constantine, Nakatamura and many other great scientists.

The mechanism of action of perfectin is unknown, research is difficult, and the process is slow. Perhaps it is simply not something that humans can study at present.

But in the past year, people's research on the Martian longevity virus has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the research on the human body itself has also opened up a new way of thinking...

Therefore, Yu Yifeng also listened with interest. Of course he hopes that human lifespan can be as high as possible!

The new medicine not only brings about an increase in life span, but also restores physical vitality and mental vitality. This kind of recovery is almost all-encompassing.

For example, a group of great scientists such as Roman were already in their sixties, and their minds and bodies began to decline. Many older scientists have grown gray hair on their temples due to their busyness and pressure over the past few years...

However, after using the stem cell reactivation reagent, their wrinkles began to diminish one by one, and their white hair was replaced with black hair again.

Be it your appearance or your thinking, start to regain your vitality!

This is of course a good thing. These scientists are the backbone of scientific and technological development!

Without them, there would be no future for a new human civilization.

A scientist's most creative period should belong to his youth. Young people are always less superstitious about authority and will not be constrained by inherent thinking, and their thinking is more active, as if they are unconstrained.

Many scientists' important achievements were made when they were young.

Einstein published the "Special Theory of Relativity" at the age of 26; Heisenberg proposed the uncertainty principle and matrix theory at the age of 24; Pauli proposed the Pauli Exclusion Principle at the age of 25; Dirac proposed the Dirac equation at the age of 26 …

Young minds always have stronger innovation capabilities and are better at making breakthroughs in fields.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to do it as you get older. As you get older, with the accumulation of experience and knowledge, there are still many people who can make scientific research achievements. For example, Professor Yuan Ping, who is over 80 years old on earth, is still working on hybrid rice, etc...

The peak of human intelligence does not decline after the age of thirty like the physical body, but can be maintained for a long time.

And with the accumulation of time, a person's knowledge level will become richer and he will become more experienced in using various scientific research tools, which is good for scientific research.

In this day and age, how easy is it to become famous at a young age?

With the current information explosion and the increasing number of scientific theories, if you are in your twenties and cannot even learn all the existing theories, why should you innovate and make breakthroughs? Unless it is a peerless genius that is rare to see in a hundred years!

Therefore, as science and technology become more and more difficult to break through, fewer and fewer people become famous at a young age, and they can only rely on the continuous accumulation of knowledge.

Older scientists can always move forward steadily in their own fields and discover more unknowns step by step. But as you get older, due to limitations in your thinking activity, it becomes more difficult to make breakthrough progress...

But now, this medicine has reactivated the activity of their thinking, as if they have become younger.

This is amazing!

Young thinking coupled with rich knowledge... Yu Yifeng is also looking forward to it.

"...In short, thanks to the research on long-lived viruses, human life science has made great progress this year."

"But we will not be satisfied with this. In the future, we will focus on studying somatic cell breakthroughs, free radicals, natural cross-linking of biomolecules, aging immunology, telomere science, mitochondrial theory and other aspects."

"These will be our future research directions. Breakthroughs in every aspect will help us fight aging. In the near future, we will be able to easily eliminate cancer and realize 3D printing of human organs..."

A biologist was speaking passionately above.

Of course this is still daydream, but now, at least they can see the road ahead.

When Yu Yifeng came out of the conference room with an excited face, he also held a lot of materials in his hand. Of course he also took a lot of notes.

Listening to the passionate speeches of these scientists, it seems as if human beings have defeated death and achieved eternal life...

"It seems that people are very energetic! Well, they are also very confident!" Yu Yifeng also patted his chest.

This is already the last meeting. My brain has been working continuously for so long, and I am exhausted. Now we can't just make jokes in class and sleep away like we did in our school days.

If he wanted to cope with it, as a civilized leader, he would not need to attend such a meeting at all. He sincerely wants to understand various sciences and know the future development path, so he must listen carefully.

It's now past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's time to meet Yuriko before attending the New Year's party.

Thinking of this, Yu Yifeng felt a little hungry.

He returned to the captain's room, put away the documents, and found Yuriko already waiting at the door, so he said casually: "Let's go get something to eat. If you need anything, we'll talk to you on the way."

Bai Hezi also nodded, walked behind Yu Yifeng, and put a lot of information in his hand on the table.

These were all meeting materials she had attended.

After a while, she took out her notebook and said: "I took physics, aerospace engineering... some are more important. There are still twenty minutes before the party starts. Do you need to go on stage to speak? If necessary, I only have so much time to speak. Unclear.”

Yu Yifeng said as he walked: "No, no, the speech has been delivered in the morning, and I will not have a role in the party. Regarding the scientific conference, please... wait until you are full to talk... Speaking of which, you have worked hard, so eat first Well, let’s give our brain a good rest.”

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