Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 211 Spaceship

The prosperity of a civilization is not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of spirit, culture, system... almost in all aspects. As a former high-spiritual species, "Hei" is deeply proud of the former mother civilization.

But the great mother civilization was destroyed, and everything is no longer the same. In the end, only a single individual survived the civilization.

It can only take one step at a time.

In the conversation with Zhang Peng, it still has a lot of things that it has not revealed. Low-level civilization individuals like Zhang Peng have not experienced relevant things, and they will not understand them even if they are told.

For example, the specific algorithm of the spiritual level, the standards and weights of each score, etc. If Zhang Peng does not ask, it will not answer.

It thinks it is unnecessary, after all, the new human civilization is still a low-level civilization. Even if the specific algorithm is told to them, it is useless. Can they still judge other civilizations?

Especially the "thinking mode", once mature, it is quite difficult to change, and it is also the one with the heaviest scoring weight...

Zhang Peng was silent for a long time. After hearing so much information, he was already quite satisfied.

These things are just curiosity at best, and they are not of much help to the current human beings, but they are enough for him to get his job done... Of course, he has to enjoy this wonderful holiday first, then write relevant reports, and then study hard, fighting... He secretly swore, although he has sworn this many times... Six years have passed since the Earth catastrophe, and the entire Noah has undergone earth-shaking changes in these six years. First of all, people's mental state. Six years are enough to wipe out the grief brought by the disaster day, and many people have established new families. On New Year's Day, everyone is full of smiles, leading toddlers or babbling babies, greeting each other, and the whole society looks happy. The use of a large number of functional robots has liberated people from complicated physical labor. Cooking, washing clothes, massage, etc., are all handed over to robots, and people have more time to work, rest, and entertain, etc. Although material resources are not abundant, spiritual enjoyment has increased. Then... the number of people in the hospital has increased significantly! Of course, it's not sick or anything, but to make an appointment to use stem cell reactivation reagents to extend your life! This livelihood project is all free. Because there are so many people who sign up, it doesn't matter if you sign up a day earlier or later. Everyone just makes an appointment and then they can start their own work. The seventh year after leaving the earth has begun... Yu Yifeng is discussing the manufacturing plan of a new spacecraft with everyone in the office. Humans have spacecraft, that is, the "Victory" spacecraft. It was the most advanced spacecraft in the past, but it was already a model ten years ago. Today, with the emergence of a large number of new materials and the blowout of technology, this old-fashioned spacecraft is a bit behind the times. However... the research on new spacecraft is not too important, because humans already have Noah. Current technology can't build a more powerful spacecraft than Noah. It's not important, but it's a little important. Noah has no engine at all. After all, humans still have to develop real aerospace technology. But there is a key problem. The manufactured spacecraft cannot be tested! Although the space inside Noah is large, it is not enough for the ultra-high-speed movement of the spacecraft, and it will hit the edge in an instant. Therefore, the research on new spacecraft has always been in a rather awkward position, with insufficient manpower and few resources.

Fortunately, after so many years of stumbling development, thanks to the huge computing capacity of quantum computers, there has finally been a good progress in this regard.

All the design models have been completed, and the only thing left is the test flight!

This was discovered by Yu Yifeng from the year-end summary given by Yuriko with great difficulty, otherwise he would have simply ignored this matter.

At the beginning of the new year, he couldn't wait to convene relevant researchers and held a small meeting.

"The first type is a combat-type small space shuttle, with a rated number of two drivers, a total weight of 20.7 tons, and a fuselage material made of superalloy b series light metal..."

The biggest contribution to this part of the research is a weapons scientist named Roman, who was originally a Russian fighter research expert.

That is, their research team is mainly responsible for the design work in this area.

From the computer screen, you can see the specific model of this space shuttle, which is about 13 meters long, about 5 meters wide and high, not very large, with a total of twelve ion engines at the bottom and around.

Because there is no atmosphere in the universe, it does not need to be hawk-shaped like a fighter jet. It looks box-shaped and is more solid and stable.

Zhao Yao, Shen Jie and other soldiers are eager to fight, and they are excited. This is a space shuttle for combat. They have been looking forward to it for a long time, and it is finally fresh!

The surroundings are loaded with small nuclear bombs! Conventional missiles have long been eliminated in space warfare.

Xu Yunjin observed the parameters of the spacecraft and nodded continuously: "The maximum speed reaches 360,000 kilometers per hour. Is it true? Equivalent to 100 kilometers per second?"

He felt very satisfied. At 100 kilometers per second, it would take about 140 seconds to fly from China to the United States, a little more than two minutes. Isn't this fast?

Yu Yifeng still shook his head and said: "It's not too fast, is it? 100 kilometers per second, which is certainly fast compared to previous aircraft. But for space battles, it is ridiculously slow. You have forgotten the electromagnetic shells of the Green Lantern Man , the speed of 10,000 kilometers per second is one hundred times that!

Chief designer Professor Luo Meng reminded from the side: "Captain, our manned spacecraft needs to consider the acceleration that people can withstand. In fact, this kind of spacecraft has exceeded the standard."

"The maximum acceleration a well-trained soldier can withstand is 9 times the earth's gravity. If you accelerate to 100 kilometers per second according to this standard, it will take 18.5 minutes! 9 times the gravity, if it is your physical fitness , maybe there’s nothing wrong with it, but ordinary humans can’t bear it and can only hold on for a few seconds at most!”

"100 kilometers per second is the highest speed. The physical fitness and neurological response capabilities of ordinary soldiers are completely unable to control it. A speed of 10 kilometers per second is a better choice."

Yu Yifeng still frowned. At a speed of 10 kilometers per second, it was good to bully the people on earth... The speed of many missiles could not reach this number. But when fighting real aliens and facing energy weapons approaching the speed of light, isn't it just like a snail?

Isn't such a combat vehicle just cannon fodder?

But the human body does have limits, and there is no way to overcome this! The acceleration is too great, which is equivalent to a lot of heavy objects pressing down on the body, which can easily cause blood vessels and internal organs to rupture, and the driver will die before the fight begins.

He couldn't help but ask: "The human body is still too fragile. It seems that drones are more reliable... But even drones have to be controlled by people behind the scenes. Is one hundred kilometers per second faster than normal people?" reaction speed?”

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