Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 217 Persuasion

At nine o'clock in the morning, a small group of soldiers arrived at the door of the conference room and took over the defense of the conference room. Several reporters also hurriedly arrived.

At this moment, Yu Yifeng and Xu Yunjin also walked over from a distance at the same time.

Yu Yifeng looked at the several scientists waiting at the door, frowned slightly, and said directly: "Go in first, and we will start the meeting immediately. The preparations for planetary landing are of great importance, and I cannot decide it alone. If you have any questions, let’s go in.”

Several leaders of the scientific team were slightly startled and looked at each other. Of course there was a reason why they came here to stop Yu Yifeng...

They were all firm supporters of the Super Hadron Collider. They originally wanted to persuade Yu Yifeng in their own name, but they were rejected directly.

One of the scientists followed Yu Yifeng anxiously and whispered: "Captain, we cannot delay the work of the Super Hadron Collider... Without it, it will be difficult for particle physics to develop, and we cannot delay it any longer. !”

"Basic physics has stagnated for too long..."

In fact, Yu Yifeng had already guessed what he wanted to say and had heard a little bit about it in the past few days.

Logically speaking, there is actually no room for negotiation on this kind of matter. The Super Hadron Collider occupies too many people. There are 6,000 designers alone! Plus miscellaneous people, there are a total of 15,000 people.

It’s not that it’s not important, but now that people have more important jobs, it’s impossible to allocate a large number of people to it.

But what troubles Yu Yifeng is that this project has been finalized and a large meeting has been held. If it is rejected directly, it will definitely affect the credibility of the new government.

Moreover, he had a hunch that these crazy physicists were the real spiritual leaders among the scientists. They do not rely on alien creations at all, and challenge the boundless universe with the small wisdom possessed by human beings.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Yu Yifeng did not want to hurt their spirit...

As time goes by, the current new human civilization has become more and more simple. All people have to do is keep climbing the technology ladder and light up the technology tree! Everyone enjoyed it and couldn't help themselves.

There are no conflicts of interests of this kind, people are friendly to each other, and the way they speak becomes more straightforward.

Although these scientists are smart, sometimes they behave like children.

The "Super Hadron Collider" is what they have been waiting for for a long time. It is the "big toy" in the minds of all physicists!

Such toys cost a lot of money and would have been impossible to build in previous civilizations. Only now is the new human civilization possible...

It’s hard to explain their current mood clearly. Let’s give a specific analogy: The parent of New Human Civilization has agreed to buy this expensive toy after being forced to do so by his children.

However, at this time, the whole family suddenly encountered an unexpected incident and a serious financial crisis, so they had to give up the purchase plan.

One can imagine the disappointment of the child...

Many scientists worry about gains and losses like this.

They know clearly in their hearts that there are more important things to do now, but they are always very unwilling to simply give up the "Super Hadron Collider".

Yu Yifeng also thought about this problem. Although these scientists are smart, they are also normal human beings with emotions and desires, but they are not yet absolutely rational.

Especially for those high-energy physics and particle physicists, the hadron collider should involve their vertical research fields. Now the plan may be put on hold, as if their most precious thing is being taken away, which is always a very unpleasant thing.

This matter may be big or small...

At a small scale, it is just a group of people complaining; at a big scale, it may even cause the division of scientists within the civilization.

After all, there are more than just one or two physicists. There are also top scientists such as Ding Yidong and Felix. They must also have regrets in their hearts.

Yu Yifeng was walking inside the conference venue at this time. After the science team leader said these words, he immediately paused and then said what he had been preparing for a long time.

"Mr. Nick, I can't promise anything else, but I'm sure that the two thousand core designers will still be reserved for the Super Hadron Collider... This plan will not be cut off directly!"

"Moreover, should the previous engineering plan be revised? What I mean is...if we have almost unlimited resources in the future, should we overturn the previous plan and make the hadron collider stronger and bigger? ?”

"Anyway, you can do whatever you want when the time comes... You don't have to be too anxious. The advancement of science and technology will always be given top priority."

The scientist was slightly stunned.

Although only 2,000 core designers have been secured, it can be ensured that the Super Hadron Collider project will continue to be implemented and will not be shelved directly. It's not the best result in my mind, so I can only make do with it.

Of course he himself knows that planet landing cannot be done carelessly, as it is related to the future of mankind.

But when he heard the next sentence, he immediately felt happy.

He understood what Yu Yifeng meant. As long as people reach that planet and obtain a large amount of resources, the government will spare no effort to support any scientific research work!

What are resources used for?

Resources, of course, are used for scientific research!

The total human population is less than 60,000. No matter how extravagant it is, how much can it spend? Besides doing scientific research, what else can it be used for?

Although this sentence is still a blank check so far, the scientist named Nick still accepted it happily.

When I think about it this way, my mentality seems to be different...

"We want to make a bigger and stronger collider..."

Nick returned to his seat and immediately announced Yu Yifeng's verbal commitment. He also had a heated discussion with his companions behind him about how the Super Hadron Collider should be modified...

They are immersed in a world of unlimited resources...

After resolving this small conflict, Yu Yifeng went directly to the podium, while Xu Yunjin sat in a seat below the podium.

He solemnly said: "Gentlemen and ladies, I believe you have also learned this good news. An Earth-like planet eight times the size of the Earth is about 14 light years away from our position. If we follow the current trajectory of Noah, , the nearest distance is 120 million kilometers..."

"It is estimated that we will reach the closest point in two years and seven months. If we use nuclear bombs or ion engines to change the trajectory, we should be able to reach it within three years. However, due to limited observation methods, we are currently unable to conduct a comprehensive survey of this planet. Observation.”

"We don't know what's on it, we don't know whether this planet has an atmosphere, and we don't know if alien life exists... We know almost nothing except the size and mass of the planet! But there is no doubt that we must Land on this planet and get the resources we desperately need!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, please use your brains and your wisdom. We will be fully prepared in more than two years, probably three years!"

He paused briefly before continuing: "Here, I announce that we plan to use 70%-80% of the spacecraft's reserve resources to complete this preparation!"

"We must take this planet!"

"...Whether it is a living bill, an inanimate bill, an atmospheric bill, or an inanimate bill... in short, the more detailed the better. I hope to get as complete an answer as possible from everyone!"

After Yu Yifeng said this, he sat down and waited quietly.

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