Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 228 A-001 Test Flight

The "circular orbit" is a large spacecraft runway installed outside Noah. According to the careful selection of the engineers, it is located slightly above the entire outer hull.

Because it can only be implemented after Noah leaves the sub-light speed state, it is also the last large-scale project left.

According to the plan, it has a total length of about 40 kilometers, a width and height of about 1.3 kilometers, and is in the shape of a complete ring with a large number of three-dimensional parking facilities. The total area is 19.47 square kilometers!

In order to build this truly behemoth, nearly 90 million tons of steel and cement were used, and various large spacecrafts will also be assembled in the circular orbit.

This is not only a spaceship runway, but also a small factory!

It is precisely because of the transport of so much material that the speed of Noah decreased so quickly...

It can effectively solve the problem of too small entrance and exit of Noah. From now on, various large spacecrafts over 30 meters tall will dock at the three-dimensional docking facilities attached to this track.

Because the universe is a gravity-free environment, the entire circular orbit uses electromagnetic force adsorption technology and superconducting magnetic levitation technology. Each spacecraft also has corresponding supporting facilities during design and production.

Today is the time for the military A001 spacecraft to conduct a test flight...

Yu Yifeng looked at the report from the military and felt slightly nervous.

"Old Xu, such a test flight is very dangerous. Especially since Noah is still moving at high speed... the speed of 24km/s is not low."

Xu Yunjin shook his head: "Theoretically, all the techniques are mature, and the daily training is sufficient. As a soldier, there will always be some dangers. If you retreat when you encounter danger, then what is the point of being a soldier?"

"We can't always protect them too well, we still have to take risks!"

Yu Yifeng opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything to refute. He looked at the report in his hand.

A pilot named Matt Beach will drive an A001 spacecraft to complete this "fully manual driving" test flight.

He has the best overall performance among all soldiers. Whether it is neurological reaction speed or daily training, he is top-notch.

Although Xu Yunjin said this, he was still very nervous in his heart. For high-speed vehicles such as spacecraft, the pilot's technology, ability and psychological quality are very important.

In fact, its ultra-high speed has somewhat exceeded human nervous reaction capabilities.

Is the car fast enough? The speed can reach three to four hundred kilometers per hour, but it is nothing compared to a spaceship!

The lowest speed of the A001 spacecraft is almost one thousand kilometers per hour, or 300 meters per second, which is three to four times that of a racing car.

This is just the minimum speed!

The top speed can reach 300 kilometers per second, and the distance traveled in one second is comparable to that of a racing car in one hour!

In particular, the landing process is particularly difficult, even more difficult than air refueling. Even though the width of the circular orbit is 1.3 kilometers, compared to the ultra-high speed of the spacecraft, it is nothing at all. As long as you are distracted for a second or two, the aircraft will be destroyed and everyone will be killed!

In the event of a collision, the probability of death is 99.99%, and there is basically no survival situation such as parachuting. You didn't even react at the moment of death!

In order to reduce the occurrence of such accidents, spacecraft usually use unmanned means and automatically land under computer control.

This kind of automatic flight has achieved satisfactory results in dozens or hundreds of previous unmanned tests, and its procedures have been quite perfected.

But computers are not omnipotent. No one can guarantee whether the computer will make mistakes. No one knows whether there will be a day of manual driving. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a completely manual driving control test, as if the driverless system is completely broken and humans need to take over.

"The action begins!"

Pilot Matt Beach took a deep breath, with a slightly complicated mood, and stepped onto the spacecraft.

The A001 spacecraft is rated to carry more than 500 passengers, but now he is the only one in the cab, and everything needs to be manually controlled by him.

Everything related to it has been simulated countless times over the years, and each step is so familiar that he can even do it in his sleep... He was a little nervous, but not panicked.

What he is wearing is a pair of power armor, which will not affect the flexibility of his fingers and the vision of his eyes. This is also the last resort to save life. There are various life-support equipment on it. If something happens, it can increase the chance of survival just a little bit.

Of course, he definitely didn't want this thing to be used.

Press the switch button and enter the voice password, and the spacecraft sprays out light blue ion flames and begins to accelerate forward. The unique electromagnetic force acceleration system of the circular runway was activated instantly, which also exerted a certain thrust on the spacecraft...

All this is carried out under the monitoring system of the entire Noah, and some drone equipment is also tracking and shooting in the starry sky at any time.

Today's technology is no longer in its primary stage in the 21st century. At this moment, relying on the monitoring system, the image of the entire spacecraft is enlarged and displayed on various screens of Noah. In order to inspire people and boost morale, this test flight will be broadcast live to the masses.

This is also a true high-speed spacecraft independently developed by mankind!

Not only official reporters, but also many private people also ran to the astronomical observatory to carefully watch the entire test flight process, which was also broadcast live on civilian networks.

"Everyone, as you can see, the speed of our Noah is about 25 kilometers per second. This A001 spacecraft will take off and land on this large, high-speed moving platform. It is very difficult.

Okay, it's already flying. The particle engine ejects light blue flames, and the speed is accelerating. The visual acceleration is about 3 g. According to the formula s=(1/2)at^2...about 31 seconds. ...Ah, it has left the circular orbit and is heading into space! "

"This is an ace pilot in the military. He currently ranks first in overall performance. He was also a senior pilot in the Earth period... Yes, his name is Matt Beach. Let us remember this name forever!"

The narrator is a senior middle-aged male reporter. He speaks extremely fast and can spit out a large number of words in a short time. He is also full of passion and can mobilize people's morale. Of course, that's assuming the flight is truly successful.

"Okay! It has successfully entered space. Driven by the ion engine, the flight speed is still accelerating. The current speed is about 25.6km/s. According to the plan, it will turn back when the speed reaches about 50 kilometers/s. After all, We just want to test the safety of manual driving, rather than challenge the limits of the spacecraft..."

"Okay, the whole process will take about one to two hours. This smooth driving should not be too risky. Don't go away, Captain Zhao Yao from the Security Department will reveal to you: the specific performance of the new spacecraft A001... …”

At this moment, in the captain's room, Yu Yifeng and others were staring at the screen. Many scientists are analyzing the data. They can see whether there were any errors during takeoff, whether there are potential risks, etc.

If uncontrollable factors occur, the pilot must be alerted immediately, or even ordered to abandon ship and escape. After all, the power armor on the body has a certain life-sustaining function and can survive people's rescue...

"How is it?" Yu Yifeng asked immediately.

"Everything is normal!" the team leader said slightly relaxedly.

If everything is normal, it is the expected result!

Seeing Zhao Yao on the TV with a shy face and reciting the manuscript with a forced smile, Yu Yifeng looked up in surprise. He asked: "How could it be him? How could Zhao Yao be interviewed by a TV station?"

But Xu Yunjin said without raising his head: "I asked him to go. His written test scores are even worse than those of his soldiers, and he keeps complaining to me... He might as well be a commentator on a TV station!"

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