Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 234 Lack of Energy

Looking at the bright lights in the distance, Yu Yifeng was slightly excited.

This immersive feeling cannot be matched by looking at many photos.

"It's so dark!" This was his first impression of the Knicks, and it was also the first impression of almost every pioneer.

But it's much better now. The lights in the distant industrial area slightly dissipated this darkness, emitting a weak but strong light, making everyone feel a little more at ease.

He is actually a bit of a saintly person. He wants to take care of any difficulties by himself. This was true when he was a soldier, and it is still true when he becomes a civilized leader... This kind of personality may be innate and cannot be changed no matter what.

It is precisely because of this that he is very easy to talk to his own people and has won the heartfelt love of his subordinates. After all, everyone likes leaders who are easy to talk to and tolerant...

In particular, the group of big scientists often "bully" him, talk to him rudely, and exploit him in various ways... Yu Yifeng always accepts it and looks cheerful.

Of course, this kind of "Madonna" is limited to one's own people, and it needs to be distinguished from the "Madonna" in a broader sense. He was merciless when dealing with his enemies, and he would kill those who deserved to be killed.

With Yu Yifeng's temper, he always felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he watched the people under him struggle hard in the Knicks.

If he had to stay in the Noah, he would definitely not be able to stay.

In fact, his heart was as anxious as those scientists, eager to go and check it out with his own eyes...

This urgency, of course, also has a man's unique desire to explore and curiosity.

It's just that after so many years, he has been able to keep his expression on his face and does not show this urgency on his face.

Now that the rear area is stable, people's morale is high, and Security Minister Xu Yunjin is in charge, he can't wait to come to the front line.

Even if someone objected, he forcibly pushed back, calling it "inspecting the progress of the project"... because the first phase of the construction project was almost completed!

Around him were more than 30 soldiers and more than 60 scientists and engineers. After they got off the spacecraft, they immediately said goodbye to Yu Yifeng and took the high-speed train to their respective work areas.

"It's very good!" Yu Yifeng sighed while looking at the industrial factories in front of him, and took some photos at the same time.

The equipment he wears is a customized version carefully modified by Yuriko. Many parts are hand-made and made of a variety of cutting-edge materials. It has higher nerve reflex speed and stronger movement ability.

At the same time, the fuselage uses a large amount of expensive Super Alloy Z, which can be said to be the one with the strongest overall performance...

The person responsible for receiving Yu Yifeng was a main person in charge of the mining base named William.

Yu Yifeng recognized him from afar and greeted each other.

Although the power armor adopts a fully enclosed structure, the helmet is still transparent and made of polymer plexiglass material. Each other can see each other's faces under the light, and can also hear each other's conversations through sound.

Yu Yifeng and several soldiers around him followed William. They wandered around the area, and when they saw various buildings along the way, William would give a brief introduction.

"That's a water purification plant... At present, part of the ice ore we collected has been transported back to the Noah by airship, which can temporarily alleviate the shortage of water resources inside."

"However, all industrial resources, such as steel, copper, aluminum, etc., are still in the process of production and reuse and cannot feed back to Noah for the time being. Our industrial production capacity is doubling in two months. It is expected that In another 2-3 months, a large amount of mineral resources will be freed up to be transported back to Noah..."

William is a well-known engineer who has been responsible for managing the mining team during the Mars era and has very rich team leadership experience.

He is also responsible for the construction of the entire Knicks base and knows every building well.

Yu Yifeng nodded, please don't be anxious about resources for now, you can still afford to wait for a few months. Humans may stay here for a long time, maybe even several or dozens of generations, until they break through to interstellar civilization!

"Captain, look, this huge cement square is a major transportation center, covering an area of ​​10.3 square kilometers. Various airships from the Noah will dock in this square. We will transport the airships down through high-speed trains. The machinery is then transported to various mining areas.”

Yu Yifeng nodded again. He did see many airships unloading cargo, and countless robots were busy in the square. They were numerous but orderly.

Then a group of people stepped onto a high-speed train.

Because the various areas are relatively far apart, you can only visit them at a glance by taking a train.

"This is the Central Command, 12 kilometers away from the transportation center. The Central Command is currently the most core area and has the best experimental equipment. Most of our staff are concentrated here..."

"...This stainless steel track processing plant has a daily output of one thousand tons. The Knicks star has oxygen and some corrosive gases. Our train tracks must be resistant to oxidation..."

"This small glacial lake is being developed to provide us with water."

Yu Yifeng sat on the high-speed train and spent three hours traveling 400 kilometers back and forth, finally taking a quick look at the entire industrial system.

Because of the distribution of mineral resources, 11 small bases are distributed in different areas, but the high-speed train tracks have completely connected them together. Many bases are even unmanned and use fully automatic intelligent operation. If there is any problem, the central command center only needs to remotely command.

As the main person in charge of the land reclamation work, William knows these projects very well.

After visiting each project, Yu Yifeng nodded and nodded, like a woodpecker.

There is no way... He really can't find any faults!

"Is there anything you need support for?" Yu Yifeng thought for a while and asked: "Mr. William, do you feel the shortcomings of the entire industrial system? If you have any questions, just speak up, don't be polite to me."

As an outsider, Yu Yifeng really can't see any shortcomings in it, and he is already very satisfied.

William thought about it carefully and nodded: "There is no problem at present, and the progress is relatively smooth. But if our industrial system expands several times, the energy brought from the Noah will not be enough." "At present, our main power generation mode is still nuclear energy, but it is strange that the exploration robot did not find uranium mines in this area. Even if the search area is expanded, we still have not found large uranium mines." "Nuclear energy is a precious resource. Many of our spacecraft engines use it, and neutral excavators also use it. It would be a waste to use it to produce steel and cement. So if we expand further, energy issues may become a constraint. We'd better switch to a cheaper energy source."

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