Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 237 Underground World


"Who the hell is the pilot?" Yu Yifeng yelled a few words, and suddenly realized that his screams were not on the military channel at all, and the other party might not be able to hear them with headphones.

He quickly cursed at Zhao Yao who was holding it in his hand.

At this time, Zhao Yao finally realized from the huge chaos that he was saved by Yu Yifeng!

Damn...the ground collapsed inexplicably like this, and they were in free fall!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Zhao Yao's forehead.

But the matter is obviously not over yet. If the spacecraft is allowed to fall straight to the ground, everyone will be finished and everyone will fall to death! It's impossible for power armor to protect such a huge impact.

"Xu Pengjie, the pilot is Xu Pengjie!" Zhao Yao reacted very quickly and answered quickly.

Then he reacted again and cursed furiously into the earphones.

"...Xu Pengjie, why don't you spray quickly, reverse the spray, and start the engine! Do you want to kill everyone?!"

"Xu Pengjie, start the engine and reverse the jet flow! Damn... hurry up!"

At this time, it was impossible not to scold. In such a sudden disaster, normal people would be stunned for a few seconds and fall into an unreasonable panic.

Even... they don't even know what happened!

Not everyone can be as calm as Yu Yifeng and can figure out a solution immediately. Zhao Yao's reaction is already considered good.

But these few seconds of being stunned can be fatal. Only by yelling violently will people do that subconsciously. When people are at a loss, they always subconsciously choose to obey the strong.

With a sudden glance, Yu Yifeng seemed to see a large number of dense blue light spots underneath. It should be the luminous fungus discovered originally, it seems to be very deep...

So many, so many... How deep is the second damn layer underneath? !

During the free fall, the spaceship and the blue dots were rapidly approaching, and Yu Yifeng's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

Death has never been so close... He even started to have random thoughts before death, why don't these damn power armors be equipped with jet devices? Why no parachute?

Humans have never thought that this underground cave could be so huge and incredibly huge!

Hugely... covering the entire small base.

Covering tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of square kilometers! big as a country!

This is completely an underground world!

People subconsciously believe that the surface of the earth is safe enough and that it is safe enough to be more than ten kilometers away from the cave.

I didn’t expect there to be a first and second underground floor!

Human mining behavior, coupled with the large amount of ore accumulated in warehouses, actually caused the surface of the earth to collapse!

"Xu Pengjie, you are so fucking squirting!"

"Jet! Damn it!" Zhao Yao roared wildly, becoming more and more anxious. He was speaking incoherently and had no idea what he was talking about. Anyway, it’s about making people “jet”!

According to safety regulations, the engines at the flight base are usually in a semi-open state to ensure the power supply within the base.

There are also pilots on duty in the cab at all times, monitoring the status of the spacecraft in real time to ensure that accidents can be solved in time, and even escape and retreat in time...

At this moment, Yu Yifeng hoped that the cave could be deeper, otherwise if the pilot couldn't react, everything would be over... everyone would fall into a ball of flesh!

So far, in less than eight seconds, it has dropped at least three to four hundred meters!

However, the pilot Xu Pengjie in the cab was in a state of confusion.

I was still on duty in the cab a moment ago, and everyone had spent more than two months safely. The vigilance was slowly decreasing, and suddenly I heard a huge noise.

His entire body was in an inexplicable state of weightlessness, and was shaken several times by huge vibrations, and his muscles and bones seemed to fall apart.


He thought inexplicably, having no idea what was happening.

"Xu Pengjie, you're fucking squirting!" Zhao Yao's curse came from the earphones.

"Jet?! What do you mean? Fart?" He was thinking confusedly in his head. At the same time, his body shook heavily and he almost fell out of the chair. His whole stomach and intestines felt like they were churning, and it took him a long time to hold it back.

"...Engine!" Zhao Yao shouted in the earphones, switching back and forth between several keywords.

In the flash of lightning, Xu Pengjie seemed to have thought of something!

He violently pressed several buttons with his palms. I have practiced this kind of movement thousands of times, and I don’t need to think about it at all.

It is a soldier's bounden duty to obey orders from superiors. He has now fully come to his senses. What the hell... is the spaceship in free fall? !

The ground collapsed? Sinkhole?

But the state of weightlessness was too sudden, and a large number of rocks hit the spacecraft. The shaking was so severe that he reached out several times before finally pressing a few buttons.

After several buttons were pressed, he quickly reported a series of passwords, pulled down his right hand, and pulled the joystick wildly. With a "boom", a stream of blue flames suddenly shot out from the bottom of the spacecraft!

At this time, they were very close to the ground, probably less than a hundred meters away. Yu Yifeng, who had fallen outside, gritted his teeth and his heart had jumped into his throat. If they didn't slow down, all of them would fall to death!

He suddenly saw a flash of blue light from the chassis of the spaceship, and then the hand holding the threshold suddenly tightened, and a huge force came from his arm, driving him to continuously slow down!

It was originally falling rapidly with a gravitational acceleration of 13 meters per square second, but now... it is decelerating crazily with an acceleration of 50 meters per square second!

Everyone in the spacecraft was pinned to the floor, enduring more than 6 times the Earth's gravity. Some of them were even rolling around on the ground, hitting the surrounding walls with a "bang bang" before stopping. (1x more force is used to overcome its own gravity.)

"Did it succeed?!" Yu Yifeng shouted in his heart. He had no way of knowing whether the spacecraft could land safely.

Wearing gravity armor and holding Zhao Yao, Yu Yifeng's right hand could bear more than 300 kilograms of weight. If it had been done before, he would have really risked his life.

With a mass of more than 300 kilograms, coupled with such ultra-high acceleration, it is worth two tons on the earth!

His hand bones must be broken!

However, it is precisely because of the power armor that such movements are not very strenuous, and most of the power is eaten up by the machine. Yu Yifeng even heard the strange sound unique to metal made by the Super Alloy Z all over his body, which was creepy.

"Hold on! Hold on!" The blood vessels on his forehead were exposed one by one.

As the spacecraft's reverse jet engine started, the falling force began to weaken rapidly. But it had been falling for seven or eight seconds, and the speed was already very fast, and it was not too far from the ground. The time and distance to decelerate were completely insufficient!

"Grass! Stop! Stop!"

Pilot Xu Pengjie was already sweating profusely. He frantically pulled the engine lever down as far as it would go, almost to the ground. A series of emergency reports popped up from the screen.

His eyes were red and instantly filled with bloodshot eyes. This was due to the congestion in the brain caused by the huge acceleration.

In fact, by doing this, he has completely exceeded the safety standards, but there is nothing he can do! It is impossible for everyone to be killed alive!

The two people hanging outside were even worse, both suffering from crazy acceleration. Zhao Yao was pulled tightly by Yu Yifeng and kept yelling "ahhh".

Seeing the spacecraft getting closer and closer to the ground, the speed is getting lower and lower...

Suddenly, another loud "bang" was heard, and a huge stone falling from above happened to hit the center of the spacecraft. In one fell swoop, the struggling flight base was smashed to the ground!

The spacecraft was still in the turbulence of the ignition jet, and it was still trying to struggle, but it was suppressed by the boulders above. Most of the people were tossing and turning on the deck.

Just like this, with violent vibrations and booms, the engine finally went out, and the entire flight base sank into the mud several meters deep, and then finally stopped...

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