Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 244 Liquid Nitrogen Freezing

Thinking of this, Yu Yifeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and jumped up suddenly.

He shouted loudly into the contact: "Liquid nitrogen! Let's look for any liquid nitrogen! Or ice cubes... as long as they are the kind that can lower the temperature. These bugs are afraid of low temperatures!"

"Yes, yes!" A few people who responded quickly immediately pulled out several liquid nitrogen tanks from a corner and shouted anxiously.

Also, there is a lot of ice cubes in the food freezer!

Voices from other vehicles also sounded in the headphones: "Can a dry ice fire extinguisher be used?"

"Yes, as long as it is a low-temperature object!" Yu Yifeng replied immediately.

Liquid nitrogen and dry ice are commonly used materials in laboratories. They are also used to quickly freeze food and make fire extinguishers, so there are some reserves in the car.

After two minutes, Yu Yifeng made a rough calculation and felt slightly disappointed.

"Is that all?"

But the matter has come to this, and we can no longer force it. When we left the flight base, we had no idea what to bring. These things were all brought here haphazardly in a hurry, so the quantity was certainly not very large.

In less than a second or two, Yu Yifeng accepted this reality and said loudly: "Okay... everyone will turn on the energy consumption of the power armor to the minimum, then spray some water on the body, and then spray some liquid nitrogen or... Dry ice, lowers surface temperature.”

"Everyone bring what you need and get ready to go! We can't waste it here any longer!"

"Captain, let me go out and try first!" Zhao Yao gritted his teeth and said first.

You can't let Yu Yifeng take the lead in everything.

To be honest, in Zhao Yao's mind, Yu Yifeng's life is more important than all of them combined!

Yu Yifeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly. He first sprayed some water on Zhao Yao, and then sprayed some liquid nitrogen. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is -196°C. In just an instant, it mixes with liquid water to produce a white mist, freezing the water into ice beads.

"Be careful. If anything goes wrong, come back immediately!"


Zhao Yao bravely opened the door and jumped out first...

Facing the endless army of black insects, Zhao Yao's heart beat wildly and he felt like the blood in his body was about to boil! There was even a dense mass under his feet, and these black insects flew up quickly before he could step on them.

Facing the direct threat of death, he was of course afraid, especially after witnessing the death of several comrades...

Their entire faces looked like they had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and even their skulls were corroded. How could he not be afraid?

But there are some things more important than death. As a soldier, you must face what you have to face. When you encounter danger, you have to bite the bullet. Otherwise, what kind of soldier would you be?

Now that I have stood up, I will never back down!

Zhao Yao's heart skipped a beat and he stepped forward...

However, the development of the matter has obviously improved. These black insects felt the low temperature and seemed to be very disgusted. They didn't even have the intention to stop, and they all stayed away from the ice man.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yifeng was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Have you seen it? They are afraid of low temperatures! Everyone brings their own things, and then uses water and liquid nitrogen to lower the temperature on the surface of the power armor!"

"Let's leave immediately!"

"Also... bring all the incendiary bombs and fuel!"

The unknown is always the scariest thing, and fear often comes from human imagination. Human beings always fantasize about weird things to scare themselves.

However, when everything has a reasonable explanation, this fear completely disappears.

This large group of black insects is the product of natural evolution. It is not an unreasonable alien form, nor is it the legendary Zerg...

When people saw Zhao Yao intact among the insects, the panic in their hearts slowly calmed down.

They tried to step out of the door and were relieved when they found that no insects were biting them.

Yu Yifeng frowned and estimated in his mind that even if he saves more, the frozen gas in people's hands will only be enough to last everyone for about four to six hours, which is shorter than the time of a nuclear explosion.

In other words, people must find an exit and escape from this hole, preferably within four hours!

"Follow up, keep up!"

Before setting off, they turned the engines of the three crawler vehicles to maximum, but all of a sudden, a large number of bugs began to surge crazily.

Then another incendiary bomb was dropped, and the three dead slept here forever...

There is no way, the current human team cannot bring them to the ground.

While the swarm of insects was rolling crazily, hundreds of people covered in ice took the opportunity to escape. Yu Yifeng walked at the front of the team, while Zhao Yao and several other superior soldiers walked at the back to maintain order in the team.

There were soldiers carrying stretchers in the middle of the team. Several patients with broken legs and injections of broad-spectrum immune reagents had lost the ability to move and had to be carried.

Because of the power armor, this is not a heavy job.

As for how to go, which direction to go...

First, rely on the compass to find the general direction. Second, geologists will draw maps as they go. They carry professional work computers and can use their personal professionalism to completely draw the path they take! Third...of course it relies on Yi Feng's intuition.

In fact, even though they managed to escape the disaster for the time being, people's morale was still relatively low. After three brothers died, they were still the same kind of people who usually worked together and didn't look up or down. No one could be happy.

But now that the crisis has not passed, people have no time to think about anything else. In addition, the underground caves are full of strange landscapes, which has dispersed people's sad mentality to a certain extent.

The diversity of underground creatures on the planet Nix is ​​beyond people’s imagination!

Not to mention all kinds of weird insects, there are also animals of all sizes. The smallest ones are only the size of people’s fists, and the largest ones are as big as monkeys!

Most of these creatures appear in groups and generally have scales on their bodies to resist acid. From a human aesthetic point of view, they look really ugly. They are all ferocious and abnormal, just like underground aliens.

Affected by the insect tide, they emerged from their caves one after another and hunted wildly.

It’s incredible that this kind of bug that can easily corrode human helmets is at the bottom of the cave food chain!

There was even a group of small, rat-like predators that faced off against the human team for a while!

But when people threw a few ice cubes to let them feel the cold breath, they left immediately.

Heat energy is the most precious thing in the crypt!

No creature is willing to fight against these strange-looking, cold steel bodies.

"The surface temperature has reached 11 degrees Celsius, and it may be even higher further down. It is completely able to support large-scale life. What a miracle! A miracle created by geothermal heat." A biologist had to sigh.

But at this time, no one had time to capture biological specimens, because after two hours of delay, people were speeding up, trying to find the exit of the cave as soon as possible.

Yu Yifeng also explicitly prohibited people from shooting at will and killing the creatures here.

Because shooting will inevitably generate heat, which may trigger attacks from other creatures.

More is worse than less. Capturing biological specimens can only be discussed later. The most important thing now is to escape from the hole and escape before the nuclear bomb explodes!

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