Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 247 Lizardman Aboriginals

The light emitted by this fungus even slightly illuminates the surrounding environment, making it particularly conspicuous in a place like this.

After Wu Hao carefully inspected it, his doubts became more and more serious. This was definitely not something that happened naturally!

The bottom of this mass of glowing fungi was uprooted, tied with ropes, and neatly arranged... Would ordinary animals do such a thing?

It’s impossible. Even a monkey or an orangutan can’t make a bouquet for himself, right?

Only...intelligent life!

Intelligent creatures smarter than monkeys!

Thinking of this, Wu Hao's heart beat wildly, intelligent life, there is actually intelligent life here? !

The other smart people also understood it with their hearts, and their eyes widened, as if they were in disbelief.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted urgently in a suppressed voice: "1 o'clock direction, everyone, look at the 1 o'clock direction!"

From a low-light perspective, a strange creature less than one meter long was running wildly. It looked a bit like a lizard and walked upright. It was a creature that had never been discovered before!

It is running quickly towards the nearest cave!

A soldier subconsciously wanted to pull the trigger of the machine gun, but Wu Hao immediately stopped him, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

"Don't fucking do anything bad!"

The other soldiers seemed to have thought of something and put down their weapons one after another. They looked nervously at the direction in which the creature left. They felt that the blood in their whole bodies was boiling.

The good discipline they have cultivated for a long time allowed them to still stand back to back in a circle and look around vigilantly.

Everyone wanted to see if there were any similar creatures, but after observing for a long time, they still found nothing.

But there are a lot of footprints on the ground... they look a bit like triangular forks.

Wu Hao is a classic Chinese. He doesn't like to cause trouble on his own initiative, and he doesn't like to kill for no reason. This strange lizard-like creature does not show enough threat capabilities, so there is no need to shoot it directly to kill it.

And...if this lizard man is a truly intelligent life, there must be a species behind it! If you kill one of them, you might provoke a group of them, which will definitely make negotiations more troublesome in the future.

Yes, just negotiation...not fighting!

From various clues, these indigenous lizards should not have high technology.

If a war between civilizations really breaks out, according to the understanding of Wu Hao and others, with human strength, they will definitely be crushed directly, and they can even be easily wiped out from the planet Nix!

Of course they have such confidence. How can this seemingly primitive civilization defeat fully armed humans?

Therefore, these eight people were not afraid at all, and even had a weird mentality of eagerness to try.

Wu Hao thought for a moment and then said: "Let's follow up and take a look. Don't shoot randomly unless you have to! Do you hear me?"

The other seven soldiers were also gearing up, with excited faces on their faces. This could be a fucking intelligent life, a real alien!

Although he looks stupid and even inferior to humans... he is still an alien after all!

"Captain, this may be their weapon!" Another soldier found a strange long wooden fiber pole with a pointed front, a bit like a spear, which was discarded not far away in a panic.

Maybe... this lizard discovered the human in advance and ran away in a hurry.

This further proves that these beings may have produced intelligence!

It may be equivalent to the primitive period of mankind, of course it may also be the feudal period!

One of them curiously asked: "Squadron Captain, if these lizards are really intelligent, can we negotiate with them and let them take us back to the surface? I think, as indigenous residents, they must know the way out of the cave!"

"Oh, by the way, they must have invented language. If they don't even have language, their intelligence will definitely be incomplete... It's probably like monkeys and orangutans, and it will be difficult to negotiate."

Wu Hao said with a serious face: "Okay, don't talk too much, follow the command in all actions. Also, don't shoot indiscriminately unless absolutely necessary..."

"Everyone has studied the new cosmic sociology, and no one knows what the ideology of these alien civilizations is. They may be cowardly, or they may be very strong. If they are like wolves, they have a very vindictive mentality and kill one If you hold a grudge all your life, it will be difficult to communicate!”

"Moreover, we are only soldiers. If we rashly trigger a war between civilizations and cause a massacre... we cannot bear this responsibility. Do you know, don't be the first to shoot!"


The other seven people spoke in unison.

They were all excited, and at the same time, they reminded themselves of their responsibilities from time to time: they must not cause trouble for the new human civilization, even though the other party seemed to be just a primitive civilization...

From the birth of the new human civilization to the present, the moral character must be stronger than that of the Spaniards in the 15th century...

After the Spanish colonists arrived in the Americas, the unequal use of force led to large-scale robbery and massacres.

They robbed gold and people and truly became rich overnight.

But at this stage of the development of new human civilization, there is certainly no need to capture indigenous people as labor force, nor does it look down upon the small amount of resources they may have.

Most of these soldiers have never seen blood. They are very merciful and merciless, and they are not so barbaric as to massacre the natives for fun...

Of course, the premise is that these indigenous lizards don't cause trouble.

Their eyes were shining, and they were obviously in a state of extreme excitement. The emergence of an intelligent civilization will definitely do more good than harm to mankind!

Although these lizard men still seem to be in a relatively primitive stage. But after all, they are the original inhabitants of the planet Nix. They are familiar with the terrain. They may know more mines that will not collapse, and they can also help scientists capture biological specimens...

Anyway, it must be useful!

How to make use of these primitive natives is something that Yu Yifeng and other civilization leaders should consider... What these soldiers have to do is not to cause trouble!

Soldier Leo even asked excitedly: "Squadron, what should we do after we discover their lair? Catch them all?"

"No...maintain a certain degree of deterrence! At the same time, you can't hurt them at will!"

Wu Hao thought for a while and said loudly: "We are space warriors, how can we be afraid of these primitive civilizations? We must fully demonstrate our power and must not lose the majesty of the new human civilization!"

"At the same time, we must have friendly negotiations with them and stay friendly! I will personally perform this part of the work... Also, don't shoot at will. If you kill them, it will be difficult to negotiate. Do you understand?!"

"Got it!" The rest of the people shouted loudly, their morale was astonishing.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

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