Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 259: Exploring the Underground Again

After dealing with these folk affairs, Yu Yifeng finally returned to business...

The dead are gone, and the living have to continue living. Human beings will not stop their development because of sadness.

Scientific and industrial affairs should continue, and mining is still the top priority.

In a month, the flying base docked above Noah kept falling. According to the plan made at the meeting, people will build a new mining base in the Arctic region of Nix Star.

Of course, everyone has learned their lesson this time. The engineers must first spend a lot of effort to check whether there are underground cavities in the land below.

Human beings don't want to work in vain again.

After a month of hard work, the final answer was finally obtained: people used a drill similar to oil drilling to drill more than 10,000 meters deep and found no signs of underground cavities. In other words, this piece of land is genuine and solid, and there is no possibility of landslides!

Theoretically, the geological activity in the Arctic region is weak, there are no volcanoes, and there is no geothermal heat, so those black worms cannot reproduce underground, and there will be no underground caves.

Now, humans can finally mine in the Arctic with peace of mind...

Although the temperature in this hellhole is too low, with a year-round temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero. In such a low-temperature environment, the rate of mechanical failures has greatly increased, and people have to add some maintenance factories...

But, more mines, safer!

The original dead volcano base was basically abandoned, and the excavators no longer mined. The factories only transported the final processed metal products to the Arctic by airships.

Immediately afterwards, a series of packed flying bases took off again, carrying a large number of surface workers to the Arctic region to work.

These are all good news...

The busy work, coupled with the fast pace of life, gradually dispersed the sadness in people's hearts, and the whole society returned to peace and started a new life.

Humans themselves are a fickle species, and time can dilute everything. Especially when the human lifespan is only more than a hundred years, any sadness can be soothed by time.

Then, a month later, the news of the native lizards of Nix Star was finally reported, which triggered a wave of discussion.

Everyone seemed to have encountered the most novel and interesting things, and discussed the natives and various underground ecosystems with enthusiasm!

This is the first time that humans have come into close contact with alien intelligent creatures!

The new human civilization will send a diplomatic team to conduct "peaceful and friendly" diplomatic communication with the indigenous lizards.

The time for the exploration team to set off... is today!

"Is everyone ready?" Yu Yifeng asked loudly on the surface of Nix Star. Looking at the fully armed people, he felt a little excited.


Everyone's voices were excited, nervous, uneasy, and longing, all mixed together, merging into a strong desire for exploration!

"Then... let's go!"

Yu Yifeng, wearing a modified power armor, waved his right hand and jumped into the cave first.

There are more than 40 people in this group. In addition to the original eight soldiers, there are also a large number of biologists, sociologists, geographers, doctors, reporters, etc.

They will also conduct a comprehensive investigation of the underground.

Of course, the rest are all soldiers with live ammunition!

After all, there are dangerous creatures underground, and there may be an unknown civilization...

People also brought a variety of daily necessities and trading materials.

The load capacity of the power armor is very strong, and there is no need to worry about the weight. The load-bearing materials of more than 40 people can allow people to live underground for a long time.

The original plexiglass helmet was also replaced with another nano-synthetic material.

Although the physical properties of this material such as impact resistance are not as good as the original plexiglass, the acid and corrosion resistance are greatly improved, and there is no need to worry about being easily corroded by black insects.

In addition, the special medicine synthesized by humans based on indigenous herbs greatly reduces the possibility of harassment by black insects.

Along the way, nothing special happened, and the team moved forward in an orderly manner. Except for a few scientists who had never been down the cave and were amazed, everyone else was relatively indifferent.

Compared with the indigenous wisdom civilization and the hidden unknown civilization, these underground creatures are much less attractive.

Finally, after three days of long journey, people found the approximate location of the indigenous village...

"Captain! Signal, signal appears! Mobile phone signal..." An electronic communication expert suddenly shouted in surprise.

These caves are winding, and the eight soldiers have long forgotten the specific roads, only a vague memory. Therefore, it is very difficult to find the indigenous village. People can only find a general direction to walk.

However, when the soldiers left, they gave the indigenous lizards a mobile phone, which can send location signals. Now the communication devices carried by the large army can be connected to the mobile phone, which means that people are very close to the indigenous village!

"Can you find the source of the signal?" Yu Yifeng's heart moved slightly, but he still asked calmly.

"It's here, at this location." The expert pointed to the direction of a cave.

After walking forward for another hour, the underground temperature began to rise rapidly, and it has now reached 28 to nearly 30 degrees Celsius. People suddenly felt a burst of red fire and a black swarm of insects, which was the magma of the underground crater!

"We found the place, this is the crater area! It should be here, in the direction of the indigenous village." One of the soldiers shouted excitedly.

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, their heartbeats began to accelerate, and everyone became eager to fight.

At this moment, even the most indifferent people can no longer be indifferent. People are a little nervous, anxious, curious...all kinds of emotions.

Yu Yifeng squatted down and suddenly saw the triangular forked footprints of a lizard man.

"Wu Hao, Leo, you guys come to the front, they may know you. And... no one is allowed to shoot or shout at will without my permission, do you understand!"


The discipline of this team is quite strong. For such a dangerous and important task, it is impossible for a loose person to be selected.

Everyone walked lightly, turned two more corners, and suddenly saw a vine-like rope on the ground, mostly buried in the soil, and the ground here seemed to have been dug.

"Be careful, this is their trap. There will be traps at every intersection leading to the village!" Wu Hao said quickly.

He carefully walked around the trap, squatted down and pulled the rope hard, and the entire ground suddenly collapsed.


Several lizards popped up with their heads poking around.

When they heard the noise, they thought they had caught some prey, and quickly ran in from the opposite hole. When they saw the tall human power armor, they were stunned.

The group of lizards were so frightened that it took a few seconds to realize that the people had not fallen into the trap. They ran back crazily and shouted: "Ahamathah!"

"It's time for Ahamath!"

"It's alive!"

“There really is a language!”

Many biologists saw a real lizard man for the first time and were extremely excited and restless. Their eyes collectively glowed with wolf-like light, as if they had seen meat and bones after three days of hunger...

However, without Yu Yifeng's order, no one acted rashly, they just stayed where they were.

"Wu Hao, they don't seem to recognize you anymore!" Someone was also discussing in a low voice.

"...Maybe it's not the same group of lizards. There should be more than one leader, right?"

According to the simple human translation version, "Ahamathach!" means "there are enemies and danger." When these lizards saw the humans, they actually ran back to inform them.

At this time, the strongest group of lizards will come out to fight and guard their villages.

Sure enough, in less than three minutes, a large group of lizards appeared in front of people...

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