Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 270 Military Training

Yu Yifeng listened to the expert's complaints while observing this large building specially used for training lizards.

More than five hundred lizards are receiving professional military education here...

For them, this is paradise! Here we have the most comfortable living environment, the most abundant food, and all kinds of entertainment equipment we have never seen before!

In a small square not far away, there are several lizards jumping up and down playing basketball, and several others are playing table tennis!

They were screaming and having a great time, and there were all kinds of sports equipment next to them.

Of course, due to different body shapes, these sports equipment have been tailor-made by scientists and have been reduced in size.

For the indigenous lizards who have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing, such spiritual entertainment undoubtedly has a higher appeal, which they have never been exposed to.

Any entertainment is a very luxurious thing for lizards who are still in the food and clothing stage.

This is truly paradise!

It is the kingdom of gods!

However, this is also hell. Enjoyment does not come for free. You have to learn...keep learning!

They must meet various human requirements, otherwise... they will be eliminated!

This also means that they have to constantly use their simple brains, and they have to constantly fight against instincts and habits. It is really... very painful!

There are often lizards lying on the ground rolling because of too much pressure. This is the first time they have experienced the meaning of the word "stress". Thinking about problems with your head is really an extremely painful thing...

At the same time, they also need to undergo a certain degree of physical training and discipline training.

Physical training is nothing. These lizards themselves are a race with higher physical potential than humans.

But the discipline training was unbearable! You can't yell at will, you can't whisper to each other, and you can't look around! You can't do this, you can't do that, just stand there quietly, and you will be punished if you move even a little!

This is the course they hate the most...

Yu Yifeng continued to walk forward for some distance.

He felt like he was in a large military camp. Each facility was loose or tight, but the overall atmosphere was still tight.

On the playground directly opposite, more than a hundred lizards were lining up to run and exercise wearing special clothes.

It's not a running race, but the kind of neat running that requires "one, two, one".

After nearly two months of training, this group of lizards has already taken shape. Although there are still some flaws, they are not as scattered as before, each running his own thing...

The expert pointed to the lizard team with a smile and said: "We divided the five hundred lizards into five companies, with rankings and competition among each other. At the same time, strict military management was implemented..."

"In the beginning, they were scattered and very wild. They couldn't even run well. They each ran their own way. Sometimes, they would even yell while running, as if the wildness broke out... …”

"But after training for such a period of time, it still looks so-so."

Yu Yifeng smiled and nodded.

He looked at this group of slightly disciplined lizards and felt quite satisfied. After all, there is only such a short time.

"Look at it this way...the policy of adding jujube and sticks to the stick has some effect. We don't need to be blindly tolerant to them. After all, they are two races." Yu Yifeng said.

"Yes, they not only need to receive military training, but also learn various simple courses from us. Because their intelligence is still acceptable, their progress is okay. In another month or two, they will be ready to go out."

With that said, the expert handed a course progress report to Yu Yifeng...

Yu Yifeng took a look and saw that these more than 500 lizards will learn the most basic subjects such as English, primary school mathematics, and instrument operation here.

Except for English, other courses are very simple, at the level of primary school students.

Of course, people chose English as the language of education, not over others, purely because it is the simplest, closest to the indigenous language, and easiest for the simple lizard brains to accept.

The learning cycle for English is about two to three months, and for Chinese it takes two to three years. It’s too slow...

In the lizard's subconscious, Chinese has become the "exclusive language" of the gods.

Many lizards will secretly learn a few Chinese sentences and then show off to other lizards... as if learning Chinese is a very awesome thing.

However, there is no one to control this kind of behavior, as long as it does not affect the main study subjects. In their spare time, these lizards are quite free. People never interfere with their spare time life, as long as they don't cause trouble.

All in all, the learning progress of various theoretical courses is still so-so. For the harsh and annoying discipline training, various theoretical studies are considered relatively easy courses.

This also proves that these lizards still have potential.

In order to strengthen the training of these lizards and prevent them from becoming lazy, humans not only use material temptations, but also use various ideological propaganda methods!

In the process of studying indigenous cultures, scientists previously found that their concept of unity is very strong! This is where you can take advantage...

There is a reason for the formation of this worldview. The indigenous lizard race is not a very powerful creature underground, and there are a large number of existences stronger than them. And the place where they live is such a crater, and the competition pressure between species is very high.

In order to resist various powerful natural enemies, they had to unite, and over time, a special indigenous culture was formed.

Disunited villages would have long been extinct!

In other words, these lizards have a strong sense of belonging to the village, and the people inside are also very united!

Although there are various hierarchies and miscellaneous contradictions within them, the village is everything in their lives. Even if they come to the human world to study, they still miss their village.

They are eager to make their village stronger.

After enjoying a few days of good life, many lizards began to miss their relatives, or... want to bring this comfort to their relatives and friends!

For humans, this worldview is very good and is worth using...

"You come here not only to study for yourself, not only to run for yourself, but also for the whole village!"

"You represent your village! If you are eliminated, the whole village behind you will be eliminated!"

"You live a comfortable life here, think about your father and mother who are still starving at home, think about the soldiers who sacrificed to resist the underground bugs... Do you still want to live your original life?!"

An instructor roared loudly in fluent English in the classroom.

There was a large group of lizards below, and no matter whether they could hear or understand, they all stood up and stood at attention.

They were all panicked, fearing that if they did not perform well, the "God's Messenger" would drive them out. In fact, during the training process, many disobedient lizards had been driven back.

Some clever lizards even showed a thoughtful look.

Yes, if you don't work hard now, you will be eliminated, and the whole village behind you will be abandoned by the gods!

This is something that must not happen!

Thinking of this, the fatigue in their hearts suddenly decreased a lot.

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