Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 272 Personal Troubles

Half a month later...

"...It can be seen from the above-mentioned documents that the Nyx civilization once had a total of 76 countries, large and small, most of which were distributed near the volcanic belt! Therefore, this civilization, like our earth period, has not yet been completely unified."

"The most powerful country is called Bargaria, and its capital is the city of Thor. Its specific location is at 113.8 east longitude and 33.4 degrees north latitude... There is also an extinct volcano below it!"

On the stage was information science expert Nobi. He had just decoded the content of this paragraph and he couldn't wait to hold a press conference. During his speech, his emotions ran high and his tone became increasingly frenetic.

What is displayed on the screen is a translated version of Nicks Civilization's "Children's Geography Book"!

This book contains the most basic geographical knowledge of this planet.

The largest city has been found!

After hearing the news, the scientists and engineers below were also in a state of ecstasy. The small city they have on hand is still too small and cannot satisfy humans at all.

"So, Thor City is our first choice for digging! It once had 20% of the world's population and was the most prosperous city in the Nyx civilization. It is much better than this unknown small city. We will definitely be able to find it..."

“…Find the patent database or paper library!”

"Such an important database must be in a big city! Or in a large institute!"

As Nobi shouted, the mood in the venue reached its climax...

Chaos, so damn chaotic, each of these scientists seemed to have taken drugs. This atmosphere was simply indescribable.

Of course, there must be more things in big cities, there is no doubt about it...

Yu Yifeng walked out of the conference room dizzy. He no longer knew what he had just signed, he just kept signing! signature! signature!

Under various instigations from the surrounding people, the number of people going to Thor City for excavation seems to have exceeded the limit again.

It’s really a bit irritating!

Yu Yifeng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, a small number of people exceeding the standard is not a big deal!

And my own...

The big things in life are the real big things!

He looked at Yuriko passing by and pulled her unconsciously: "Let's have a meal together. I still have many questions to ask you."

Under the current circumstances, the social operation of Noah flying in space is very stable, and surface work on the Nix star has undoubtedly become people's mainstream choice.

But because there were too many families to take care of, and the number of people dispatched could not be too large, this group of singles without families became the main force in land reclamation... has been so many years since the earth exploded, and the government encourages marriage and childbirth, so there are actually not many singles left.

If this continues, it is estimated that these single people will have to look for partners among the next generation.

Well, these are not too big a problem!

Thanks to stem cell reactivation reagents, people are still young. Even if they are more than 20 years apart, it doesn't matter, as long as they can withstand the pressure of public opinion and...the person concerned can accept it.

The problem is... Yu Yifeng himself is a single dog!

And he is already over thirty years old. As a civilized leader, it is impossible for him to take the lead in marrying a girl who is a generation younger than him. The impact will be too bad!

So...his life-long events are also being watched eagerly by the general public.

Yu Yifeng's marital issues often receive cordial greetings from aunts and uncles. It can be said that it is not too much to say that they have been bombarded in turn.

We are human beings and we need to reproduce after all...

In addition to survival, reproduction is a top priority and an important part engraved in human genes.

For example, Dr. Luo Man, Dr. Kelly, Professor Ding Yidong and others are all old acquaintances with Yu Yifeng, even on earth.

Many people have watched Yu Yifeng grow up and are like elders, so they often ask about Yu Yifeng's personal issues...

Professor Ding Yidong once cursed unceremoniously: "How did you become a leader of civilization? No matter how busy you are, you should marry a wife and have children! Even an old man like me found an old woman! The birth rate is now on the decline. , even if you are harmed by people like you, you should at least take the lead in having three or four children! Even five or six are not too many!”

Yu Yifeng was simply embarrassed. He didn't accept it, nor did he refute it. Well, he was indeed holding back!

In today's society, not having simply a heinous crime!

What a heinous crime!

Besides, he doesn't know whether there is any such thing as reproductive isolation between superhumans and ordinary humans... This kind of thing, who knows?

Immediately afterwards, it was Dr. Roman's turn to talk with sincerity a few days ago, which made him even more embarrassed.

"Although Yuriko is my adopted daughter, she is still a daughter. She is already twenty-nine years old now. If she continues like this, she will soon become a thirty-year-old old girl! You must give me a guarantee and you must be responsible to the end!"

Yu Yifeng felt embarrassed again. What is all this?

The two of them don't have much of anything at all, they can only have some good feelings at most... so-so, just okay.

Is it possible to settle down like this just because you have a good impression?

This is impossible!

Yu Yifeng was stunned for a moment...and didn't know how to refute.


But thinking about it carefully, he should really consider the issue of "life events", otherwise it would not be good to be criticized all the time.

Because he is a leader, he has a demonstration effect!

Even Zhao Yao and Xu Yunjin found their partners a few years ago, and he himself... can't delay any longer.

After thinking about it, the best potential partner is of course Yuriko. The two have worked together for nine years and are already familiar with each other. Moreover, many people seem to have tacitly accepted them, and the original lively gossip and scandals have gradually died down.

For Yu Yifeng himself, if Yuriko marries someone else, there is always a strange feeling of discomfort...

Alas, it's really annoying!

In the current situation, he is forced to come to "blind date", or try to "ask for a relationship"!

It's really a very bizarre thing...

Although the elders on Yuriko's side have also been informed, Yu Yifeng is still extremely embarrassed.

He is a virgin in his thirties. He is really depressed. He has no experience in this area and doesn't know what to say.

Should he ask Zhao Yao for advice? Ask Xu Yunjin for advice?

Shit will be laughed out!

According to Yu Yifeng's idea, there is actually no particularly good candidate. The other girls got married one by one, and there was less and less room for selection.

Yuriko was actually not bad overall. She had a nice face and big breasts. She would definitely have plenty of milk after giving birth to a child...

The most important thing was that she was very smart and could understand Yu Yifeng's ideas, which was enough.

Physical attraction was only temporary after all, and spiritual attraction could last...

Both of them were species with very low desire values, in other words, they were both workaholics.

Yu Yifeng could devote his life to civilization, and Yuriko could devote her life to science, and it didn't matter if they didn't get married for the rest of their lives.

In this way, the two people had similar personalities, so they could just make do with each other.

Feelings, as it were, always had to be cultivated slowly, and slowly they would come...

"Love at first sight" and the like were just another way of saying it for the appearance association. A man like Yu Yifeng would never "fall in love at first sight" with a girl.

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