Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 274 Heavy Culture

More than 10 million years ago, the first Nyx man accidentally climbed out of an underground cave and looked at the starry sky in the distance...

It happened to be a good day, with hail just falling in the sky, no thick volcanic ash, and no various clouds and fog.

The shy Milky Way finally shows its true side, like a waterfall hanging upside down in the sky. The two main stars in the sky are twinkling, charming and colorful.

This ignorant and ignorant primitive lizard from ancient times was deeply attracted by the brilliance of the starry sky for the first time... It stood up to the cold wind of minus 60 to 70 degrees, shivering from the cold, but seemed to be scared to death, just like that Standing blankly.

It witnessed the vast starry sky and tried to decipher the endless universe.

Perhaps all intelligent civilizations have one thing in common: they always feel their own insignificance when facing the starry sky.

Even the reptiles in the gutter have the right to look at the stars. Even if the entire race is silent and degenerate, there will always be some unique reptiles who crawl out of the gutter and look into the distance...

The Knick native returned to the cave and immediately painted a mural of the stars.

This mural was a supreme treasure for the later Nyx civilization and has been passed down to future generations! It is widely included in children's educational books and has become a classic story.

It reveals: Knicks people should not be satisfied with small crypts, but should move towards the vast surface. Even...toward the endless starry sky!

The written history of Nyx civilization begins with this mural.

Since then, a special title has appeared in their culture: "Great Sage", which means the most wise person in the contemporary era.

The title of "Great Sage" is not hereditary. It must have the most outstanding scientific achievements and must be recognized by most people in the world. It must be the greatest title in an era.

In many dynasties, this title was almost generational because no one was qualified to inherit it.

The Nix civilization has experienced primitive society, slave society, feudal society, and then finally the capitalist society...

This series of processes is very similar to human history.

But one thing is that even if the underground is in turmoil and the dynasty changes, whenever the ruler faces the great sage, he will be respectful and not dare to show the slightest impatience.

There are always rulers, but there is only one great sage in each era, and sometimes there is not even one...

"The reason is that the Knicks are just too bad... They need constant technological breakthroughs, and they need stronger industrial capabilities all the time." At the dinner table, Yu Yifeng kept sighing.

"Since discovering that wisdom brings greater power, they have begun to pursue supreme wisdom..."

Different living environments bring about huge differences in thinking patterns.

Life on earth is so comfortable and the environment is pretty good. As long as agriculture or animal husbandry is developed, human beings can at least ensure the survival of the species. Even if there are natural and man-made disasters, mass extinction is unlikely to occur. It is impossible for all individuals to die.

Therefore, for people on earth, agriculture or animal husbandry is the most important thing. This is the most natural way of thinking.

For example, in ancient China, rulers usually implemented a policy of "emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce". The ruling class regarded agriculture as extremely important, and regarded trade, science, and crafts as "exotic skills."

The theory promoted by the governments of various dynasties is that businessmen make a living by buying and selling without engaging in production, engaging in and participating in production activities. Businessmen make money by "speculation". Therefore, the ancient feudal government ranked merchants at the lowest status.

This is understandable according to the thinking at the time.

On this basis, the status of craftsmen was even lower than that of farmers. Mainly because people eat food, and people can’t live without food! Without industry, people can still live.

Although agriculture has a strong earthy flavor, it is revered because of its vitality to the country and society.

Whether a high-ranking official in a prominent position or a small-scale landowner who has retired to his hometown, if a scholar considers agricultural issues, it shows that the scholar is morally flawless and has a high sense of responsibility for the country and society.

But the elite often shunned the work of the craftsmen, so their status was lower than that of the peasants.

But the Knicks are different from the people on Earth. Their environment is really terrible.

They have to fight against nature all the time. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or cave collapses, any disaster will cause a large number of them to die, and even annihilation may not be necessary!

Yuriko dug out a report on the history of civilization and a research report on the fossils of the Nyx man from her bag.

"And, the most important point: the Nyx people have very little demand for food, or they rarely eat! So they have no occupation as farmers at all, and almost no agriculture. They only need hunting and gathering to meet their food needs!"

“What they value is industry and technology!

"This is the biggest difference in thinking caused by the environment and living conditions. Therefore, they appeared in science very early, unlike humans."

"Through various analyzes of fossils and knowledge from certain books, we can find that their digestive organs are very small. Ingesting food is not the main source of energy..."

"Their bodies can use the geothermal heat to directly synthesize organic matter!"

Yu Yifeng kept nodding. In fact, he had already broken away from the level of a scumbag... and he had heard this knowledge at the report meeting just now. However, it feels quite good to have a dedicated top student explain it to me again.

Yuriko's voice is soft and pleasant, and her Chinese pronunciation is very standard. From all aspects, there is nothing to be picky about such a girl.

It's strange that when the two of them talked about work, they no longer felt awkward, as if everything happened naturally.

"From this aspect, the body structure of the Nyx is really different from that of humans. There is an organ in their bodies called the 'thermocore', which is located approximately in the chest. It is their nutrient production organ..."

"...They can synthesize organic matter directly from the air through "thermal cores" and geothermal heat."

Scientists believe that the Knicks' normal body temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius. When you are in an environment above 40 degrees Celsius or 50 degrees Celsius, the "thermonuclear" organs in the body will start to work due to the temperature difference.

It synthesizes organic substances from raw materials such as carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, and water in the body. At the same time, the temperature of the entire body will slowly increase until it is the same as the environment.

In this way, there is little need to consume food, which is equivalent to sleeping in a hot area to replenish physical strength. Food intake is just another way of replenishing energy.

From this seems to be more advanced than human beings!

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