Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 276 The Magic of Money

Excavation continues...

It has been too long since the decline of the Knicks civilization, and all paper books have long since become rotten.

In this case, it is not bad if one book out of 10,000 is preserved as a fossil. But even in this book, there is a high probability that the handwriting will be blurred, and the information obtained is very limited.

This has brought certain difficulties to human history research work. People can only hope for electronic books or some particularly beautifully made collection books.

Plastic, metal, or certain silicon-based chips, disks, and storage devices are relatively resistant to decay and may be preserved relatively well in sealed spaces.

Moreover, more than 10 million years ago, the oxygen content in the atmosphere was not high, and the oxidation reaction between air and substances was not very violent. Perhaps the sealed things could survive until now...

Of course, because the time is too long, the data storage device may cause data loss due to the movement of atoms, which also brings certain difficulties to the restoration work of technicians...

All in all, these are not big problems and there will always be solutions.

With such a large base of ruins and so many things, there will always be more to discover!

Everyone is already quite familiar with picking up trash.

Time is too tight, and it is too slow to develop technology on your own. The only way to survive is by picking up trash.

The Tor Volcanic Belt was also the largest geothermal area on the planet Nix. Fortunately, this volcano has not erupted for a long time, and the geothermal heat has slowly subsided, and there are no large numbers of black insects living here.

Humanity may be able to obtain a complete civilization relic!

Tor City is also the largest city in Bargaria, covering an area of ​​109.7 square kilometers. It is also divided into a multi-layered three-dimensional structure, most of which are buried deep underneath.

20% of the population of Nyx civilization once lived in this huge city!

Wearing thick radiation-proof suits, indigenous lizards are busy at the excavation site. They will carry out excavation work together with human engineers.

Moreover, as the training of the Lizard Aboriginals is gradually completed, the Aboriginal population working here will become larger and larger.

"According to the current situation, the entire Nix civilization did have a nuclear war. Even after so many years, the nuclear radiation in some areas is still high... You can even see traces of missile attacks! Damn it, they give priority to wars Are you attacking a nuclear power plant? Don’t you know that blowing up a nuclear power plant will cause long-term pollution?” Several engineers at the excavation site were complaining to each other.

This nuclear power plant appeared on the edge of Thor City, and it turned out to be a "forbidden place" in the mouth of the lizard natives, because the nuclear radiation has not dissipated yet.

The radiation from ordinary nuclear bombs usually dissipates within hundreds of thousands of years, but the pollutants from nuclear power plants are so persistent. Because the radioactive elements contained in ordinary atomic bombs are usually measured in kilograms, but in nuclear power plants, it is not uncommon to have hundreds of tons or even thousands of tons. The difference is several orders of magnitude.

In addition, this land rarely experiences precipitation, wind, and is not diluted, so these nuclear wastes have never disappeared and have gradually become stronger until now.

"This civilization actually had a nuclear war... Could it be that they became more warlike and then destroyed the world?" Another engineer shrugged his nose and tested the mud below. There was indeed a small amount of radioactive elements present... Its intensity Can cause illness.

Humans, such a warlike race, have begun to restrain each other since the invention of nuclear bombs, for fear of blowing up their own families.

This seemingly more powerful civilization actually started fighting. Is there some deep hatred between each other that necessitated the use of nuclear bombs? !

This is simply unimaginable... A mature civilization would never be like this, right?

Or... did they provoke some violent interstellar civilization and be wiped out by nuclear bombs?

These nuclear radiations leave a lot of room for people's's really weird.

Although there is still some radiation in some corners, the intensity is not a big problem after wearing radiation protection clothing.

After all, more than 10 million years have passed, and the half-lives of highly radioactive elements have already passed hundreds or thousands, and can be ignored. Only less radioactive elements can survive for so many years... These radiations can be completely isolated by just using radiation-proof clothing and gloves.

It has to be said that the potential of these lizard natives is pretty good, and they work very hard. Their hands are also relatively flexible and fully capable of simple digging work.

They were scared to death of this forbidden place at first. But since they put on the radiation protection suits and found that there was nothing to ask for, they gradually became bolder, and at the same time they became more respectful to humans...

This forbidden land was conquered just by putting on a piece of clothing. They couldn't understand it at all... It was as if the demon had really retreated.

They adore this piece of clothing and perform some rituals every time they put it on or take it off.

Moreover, this piece of clothing is quite warm and has a heated power bank inside, which is simply an artifact!

At present, the aboriginal lizards are doing a pretty good job in fine-grained excavation, and they can also pick out things that look valuable... Their eyes are actually more suitable for working in this kind of low-light environment than humans.

Many engineers are quite satisfied with the work they do. If the lizard population increases, human engineers will only have to do some relatively significant excavation work.

For example, the excavation of high-tech factories and scientific research institutes, etc., can save a lot of human resources and time.

Of course, people are not stingy enough to let the lizards work for free, and they will also give appropriate material rewards.

Otherwise, relying solely on the majesty of the "messenger of the gods" can frighten them for a while, but in the long run, their enthusiasm for work will definitely decrease.

They are not yet at the level of fanatics. If you want a horse to run fast, you have to eat more grass. In a similar way, material incentives must be put on the agenda.

Judging from the current productivity, even feeding the world's lizards is not a big deal for humans, let alone the hundreds and thousands of them now.

Compared with humans, this indigenous civilization is too primitive and has not even solved the problem of food and clothing. They have not understood many conceptual things, and all educational work can only be done step by step.

It's very easy to deal with them, just a little heat or food is enough to make them grateful.

Giving them some necessary living supplies can stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

Moreover, people have stipulated that they can also bring daily necessities back to their villages to improve the living standards of the villages.

According to the survey, the thing they crave most is...fuel!

This kind of thing burns very vigorously and lasts for a long time. It is the heat source that these geothermal energy creatures are very eager for.

It's too wet underground, there aren't many things that can burn, and flammable ice rarely appears in such places.

The emergence of fuel is a more beautiful treasure than food. After all, these lizard natives can also use thermal difference energy to synthesize organic substances.

I have to say that the starting difficulty of this group of indigenous lizards is much easier than that of the Knicks. At least there is oxygen in the atmosphere and something to burn... They are even very lucky to encounter humans!

At the suggestion of some experts, a new policy emerged.

In order to encourage these lizards to work hard and study hard, people have specially designed a special economic system and a work performance evaluation system for them.

According to regulations, every lizard native will be paid after working for a month!

Now, for the first time, the lizards felt...

The magic of money!


They can buy what they want in a specialized supermarket!

The premise is... there is enough money.

As long as you have money, you can buy whatever you want!

This large supermarket is located near the ruins of Thor City and next to mankind's main archaeological base. There is a dazzling array of products inside, specially prepared for lizards.

After a group of lizards were told the rules, they walked in curiously and dazedly, and they immediately jumped up with excitement.

"Metal spear: 138 yuan/piece."

"One barrel of fuel: 15 yuan/liter. Purchase limit is 5 liters per person per month."

"Metal hunting clip: 39 yuan/piece."

"Telescope: 198/piece."

"Walkie-talkie: 445 yuan/couple."

"Mobile phone: 1866 yuan/piece."

"Music box: 110/piece."

Yes, you read that right! Not just food and metal products, but also a small amount of electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, music boxes, etc.!

Many lizardmen looked at the large number of goods on display with confusion and excitement, and their emotions became more and more enthusiastic. They all wanted to grab it with their hands, but with a "bang", they were directly blocked by the thick glass.

You have to use "money" to buy it!

This is the highest rule set by mankind!

Whether you understand it or not, that’s it!

This is the first time that the Lizard natives have heard about the concept of "money" and have experienced the benefits of money. They are starting to become a little clearer...

This is simply a naked temptation. How can they withstand it?

Yes, these natives are starting to riot like crazy!

Several lizards couldn't control themselves at all and frantically wanted to smash the glass and grab things. The whole supermarket immediately became noisy, and all the lizards started smashing the glass.

As a result, several security robots quickly came out of the room, grabbed the leading ones, and put them in a cage. The lizards screamed and didn't put them down.

Others were also knocked to the ground by electric shock, leaving a mess wherever the electric baton passed.

Now, after receiving the stimulation of the electric current, all the lizards suddenly became extremely honest, staring at the cabinet one by one, but they did not dare to move their bodies.

They remembered the rules of the "Messenger of the Spirits", and they really could not violate them, and they did not dare to violate them.

They began to hold their hands and wait for the day when their wages would be paid...

Only money can buy it!

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